Pets Peowerpoint

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What Is a Pet?

A pet is an animal or creature which we are responsible for looking after.

That means we need to:

feed it keep it healthy make sure it is safe

give it somewhere clean their living area

suitable to live
Types of Pet
There are many different types of pet. Do you have any of these pets?

horse cat dog fish

bearded dragon rabbit guinea pigs corn snake

Looking after Pets
Different pets have different needs.
Before you have a pet, you need to know how to look after it properly.

information do
you need to find

Lets find
out some
Many cats like to be able to go in and out when they choose to. Some
cats are indoor cats, which means they never go outside.

They need food in the morning and at teatime. Fresh

water needs to be available every day.

They should only eat food especially made for cats. They should
not be given too many treats because if they get too fat they can
become very poorly.

Cats like different places to sleep, such as chairs, window ledges and
the end of a bed. Sometimes they like to lie on your lap.

Some cats like to be picked up but some cats don’t. They are scared of
water so they should never be put in the bath or a paddling pool.

Cats often like to play. They need to practise their chasing skills. They also need
Did you to be able to scratch as this strengthens their backs and claws. They purr when
know…? they are happy, but beware if they flick their tails!
All dogs need a daily walk. Some need long walks twice a day, others
need only short ones.

They need food in the morning and at teatime. Fresh water needs to be
available all the time.
They should really only eat food made just for dogs. They should not
have too many treats because if they get fat they can become very
poorly and they won’t be able to exercise.

Dogs are often very playful and like to have balls or sticks thrown for
them to fetch. They are often friendly and like company. They should
not be left on their own for too long or else they might get into

Dogs need their own place to sleep. It is a good idea to give them
their own dog mat or bed, in a space where they can feel

Did you Dogs come in all different shapes and sizes so they have different needs. Some
know…? need a lot of grooming to stop their fur getting tangled up.
Some rabbits live indoors and some live outdoors.

Rabbits need food and water to be available all day. They eat special
pellets and raw green vegetables.

Rabbits like to have company so it is a good idea to have two rabbits,

as long as they get along!

Rabbits need a dry place to live with enough space to be able to

exercise. If they do not have enough space, they can become very
miserable. If they are playing outside, make sure they are safe, can’t
escape and have places to hide. Their hutches need cleaning out

Rabbits need clean, fresh hay or straw to sleep on and a separate

area to go to the toilet.

Rabbits need to be picked up and stroked very carefully.

Did you
Their teeth carry on growing so they need to be able to chew straw and
hay to keep their teeth the right length.
Different types of fish have very different needs.

Aquarium fish need to live in large tanks. The water needs to be

filtered and the right temperature so that the fish stay healthy.

Some fish do not get along with each other and can fight. If you
have some fish you need to watch them carefully and notice if
there are any injuries.

Fish need special food. Some fish need the food to sink to the bottom
and others need the food to float on the top of the water.

Did you Fish need plants in their tank. They use them to hide in and for shelter.
Guinea Pigs
Guinea pigs originally come from the grasslands of South America.

Guinea pigs like to have company so it is a good idea to have two or more.
Sometimes, guinea pigs can bully each other so make sure they get along

Guinea pigs live in hutches. They are active animals who need space to
exercise. They can run in the garden as long as they are kept safe. They also
like to explore.

Guinea pigs need to eat a lot of grass and hay. They cannot store vitamin C so
they have to eat a lot of it. It is found in many vegetables.

Did you Guinea pigs ‘talk’ to each other using a lot of different sounds.
Horses need a lot of care and attention.

Horses need to live in a stable. The stable should be covered with dust-free
straw on the ground and cleaned out regularly. Horses also need to be able to
go out into a paddock for daily exercise.

Horses need to have fresh water and special feed available all day. They
need to be able to graze on grass as often as possible too.

Horses like to be given rewards and to hear nice words. They should not be
shouted at or punished. They can get bored and unhappy so make sure you
spend time with them.

Did you
Bearded Dragon
Bearded dragons are reptiles and originally come from the scrublands of
Australia, where it is hot and dry.

Bearded dragons live in a vivarium which is a large glass tank with

special lighting and controlled temperatures. There needs to be a
warm place and a slightly cooler place for the dragon to lie in. The
vivarium must be cleaned regularly.

Bearded dragons eat live insects like crickets and locusts. The
also like green plants. They should not eat spinach.
Bearded dragons shed their skin as they grow bigger.
Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons can be picked up and taken out of the vivarium for about 15
minutes. You must never grab or surprise a bearded dragon as they can bite
when they are frightened.

Did you
Corn Snake
Corn snakes are reptiles and have this name because they have often been
found around corn barns beside fields.

Corn snakes live in a large, glass vivarium. The vivarium needs to be

long enough for the snake to stretch out in. It needs to have a ‘basking
zone’, which is the warmest part, for the snake to lie and get some

Corn snakes eat mice. They like to eat in the dark so the feeding
tub needs to be covered. Feeding time has to be done in a very
careful way.
Corn Snake

Corn snakes shed their skin as they grow. They will rub on the
sides of the vivarium to help the old skin come away. You must
never pull the skin off though as this can damage the new skin

Did you Corn snakes can be handled but always very carefully and they are to go back
know…? in the vivarium again after a few minutes.
Caring for Animals
Animals need a lot of care. Once we have a pet to look after, we are
responsible for it being healthy and happy.
Remember to:

• Always wash your hands when you have handled a pet. They
have germs on their bodies which can make people very

• Always use special cleaning products when you clean out an

animal’s habitat.

• If your pet starts behaving in a different way or stops

eating or drinking, take your pet to the vet as soon as you

• Enjoy looking after your pet!

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