MODULE 1 Introduction of Z - Transforms

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Course Code: ACE 658
Course Title:
Academic Years:2020/2021
MODULE 1: Introduction of Z - Transforms

• Introduction of Z- Transforms
Introduction of Z - Transforms
• have learnt many transforms like the Fourier transforms, the Laplace transforms etc.

• Why all these transforms? To

get the frequency domain of the signals if you want to do any analysis on LTI then
you require transforms.

• Example: if you are dealing with continuous time LTI system analysis you can go for
Laplace transform. If you are going to analysis LTI system as discrete LTI system , that
is the system you are going to analyse is a discrete LTI system then you go for the
discrete time Fourier transform or Z – Transform.
 Using Z –Transforms we can analyse discrete time LTI systems.

• So we get frequency domain of the discrete time signal by using Z – Transform also.

Before getting to Z – Transform, lets x-ray the fundamental difference between

Basic fundamental difference between
Continuous time and Discrete time
Continuous Discrete
1. Time is continuous. 1. Time is discrete. Samples of signal @ 1,2,3.
2. Continuous signals can be defined for all 2. Discrete signals are defined only at discrete
values of time. intervals of time.
3. Here the independent variable is time (t) 3. Here the independent variable is time but
denoted as “t”. denoted by “n”.
4. Graphical representation.
4. Graphical representation . x(n)

All amplitude of signals @ only discrete time.

All amplitudes @ all values of t.
Z – Transform is used to analyse Discrete time
LT1 Systems.
Z – Transform
• The Z-Transform of a discrete time signal Z(n)
is represented by
x(n) x(Z)
where Z=
x(Z)= (a)
• Here we know that the DFT, of x(n) is =
x(n)= (b)
we compare (a) and (b)
x(z)=DFT [x(n)] - This is the relationship
between Z-Transform &Fourier Transform.
Inverse Z-Transform
• For inverse Z-transform we need to derive the
time domain of the signal
• We deal with transform to get the frequency
domain of the signal.
• And we deal with Inverse transform to get the
time domain of the signal.
• To derive the equation for inverse Z-transform
we consider
FT = x(z)
If we have
FT = x(z)
• So in place of z, we write (z=)
• FT[] = x()
• Sending FT to the right, to get the time
domain which is x(n)
• x(n)= [x()]
Discrete fourier transform eqn is given as
Sending to the R.H.S
= dw
• Re-arranging
=(dw ………….c
• Letting = z and differentiating both sides

• now replacing by z
jzdw= dz
• Making dw subject
dw= dz
• Substituting back into equ
x(n) = dz
x(n) = dz Inverse Z-Transform Equation
• Example
1. A finite sequence x(n) is defined as x(n)=[5,3,-
3,0,4,-2] Find x(z)
Here the finite sequence x(n) =[5,3,-3,0,4,-2]
has six samples.
• Note if there is any arrow mark on any of the
samples we consider it as x(0) but if not
indicated as in the example, then we treat the
1st sample as x(0) origin.
• So for the given sequence
x(n)= [x(0)=5, x(1)=3, x(2)=-3, x(3)=0, x(4)=4,
x(5)=-2] Fully right sided sequence
We know that
ZT[x(n)]= X(z)=
Taking the region which is from 0 to 5 and limiting the
summation to
Substituting and expanding the summation
= x(0)+ x(1)+ x(2)+ x(3)+ x(4)+ x(5)
So substituting the values for the given sequence
So this is the Z-Transform of the sequence.
Properties of Z-Transform
• Time Shifting Properties
• If we have any discrete time sequence x(n)
If x(n)x(z)
• The time shifting property states that
x(n-m)x(z) right shifting of signal to m side
x(n+m)x(z) shifting of signal to m side
• Proof, we know that
ZT[x(n)]= x(z)=……..1
• Substituting x(n-m)=x(n) into equ 1
• We have,
ZT[x(n-m)]= …………2
• If we let
n-m=P, then
Substituting these in equ (2)
• Changing the limit too, to relate the
summation to P
= …………..3
• Substituting
• Into eqn 3 gives
= x(z)
ZT((n-m)) = x(z) Proved
• This is the time shifting property of Z-
Scaling Properties Of Z-Transform
• Very useful when we are dealing with
problems related to scaling.
• If x(n) is a discrete time sequence
then x(n) x[z]
• The scaling properties states that
• Proof
Considering the general equation of Z-Transform
ZT[x(n)]= x(z)=
ZT[()] and replacing with its scaling version we have
= x() Proved
• Find the Z-Transform of
Applying the scaling property in this example
then using scaling property to find the Z-Transform of

x(n) x(z)
replacing the subject value by
Linearity Properties Of Z-Transform
• Linearity
If (n) (z)
(n) (z)
• The linearity property states that
(n)+(n)(z)+ (z) …..1
• So if we combine signal in time domain and
transform using Z transform then you will get
same individual transforms as in eqn1
• Proof:
We know that
ZT[x(n)]= x(z)=
• Then to proof eqn 1
ZT[(n)+ (n)]
• Calculating the Z-Transform for this combined
signal by replacing it with x(n)
ZT [(n)+ (n)]=
= +
• We can then relate this as
= (z)+ (z)
(n)+ (n) (z)+ (z) Proved
• So Linearity Property states that:
Combined Transform is equal to sum of
individual transforms.

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