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Terracotta Air Conditioner

Terracotta Air Conditioner

The cooling mechanism is based on the evaporation of water
How Pottery Work?
through the clay-based ceramic earthenware: the drinking water
exudes through the porous of the ceramic material (spaces with
dead-air with low thermal conductivity) and, in contact with the
dry ambient air, it evaporates

Evaporative cooling is based on the thermodynamics of

evaporation of water, i.e., the change of the liquid phase of
water into water vapor. This phase change requires energy. This
energy comes from the internal energy of water, which is the
latent heat of the evaporation of water. Water cools
adiabatically. The evaporative cooling is approximated as an
adiabatic process. From the first law of thermodynamics,
H = Q + W, since in an adiabatic process Q = 0 therefore, H = W.
Terracotta Air Conditioner
Terracotta Air Conditioner

Munish Siripurabu
Indian Engineer
Terracotta Air Conditioner
1. Frist design

2-Second design: Beehive form

Terracotta Air Conditioner
3.Third design: Desert AC

4.forth design: Radiator AC

Types of evaporative cooling
1. `Direct Evaporative Cooling (swamp cooler)
Types of evaporative cooling
2. Indirect Evaporative Cooling
Types of evaporative cooling
3. indirect Direct
Evaporative Cooling
Types of evaporative cooling
Process of Indirect Direct Evaporative Cooling
Types of evaporative cooling
Comparison of DEC &ID-D-EC
Types of evaporative cooling

Advantages of An indirect-direct evaporative cooling system

- Water savings (can use approximately 50 percent less water.)

- Energy efficient. (It can save up to 65% of energy)
Direct Evaporative cooler

 Direct Evaporative cooler construction

1) Sheet metal box (housing)

2) Fan (to blow air into the space)
3) Water reservoir
4) Water pump
5) Tubing from the pump (to spray heads above
media pads)
6) Pads (on the air intake sides of the cooler)
7) Float valve and float (to maintain water in the
8) Over flow drain (for excess water drainage)
Direct Evaporative cooler
How evaporative cooler work
• The pump that is setting in the water reservoir pulls water in and then sprays it over the
media pads located on the side panels of the cooler.
• while the fan draws in hot dry air ovet the wet pades the pump keeps the pads wet as
the warm air travels through then,causing water to evaporative.
• When water evaporates and turn into gas it cools the dry air entring the cooler.
• As water evaporates and the water level in the pan being to drop , it will active the float
valve, which will allow water into the pan untilz the float valve shuts off the makeup
• The controller can be used to increase the fan speed on hot days from low to high,and
or on mild days fan only.
• A thermostat can be used to automatically turn the cooler on when a certain temperature
is reached within the space or manually operated controller could be used.
• The thermostat can also start the pump before the fan to ensure the pads are wet before
the hot dry air is brought in over them.
Design & Dimension
Terracotta Air Conditioner

Monish Siripurapu The material he chose was terracotta

because it is robust and malleable, and he was keen to avoid
plastic. He has investigated indirect evaporative cooler using
clay pipe.
this idea not only helps in getting rid
of excessive heating effect but, as well
as it helps in protecting the nature
from harmful gases by providing an
eco-friendly alternative for cooling
Terracotta Air Conditioner
Terracotta Air Conditioner
A dehumidifier is an electrical appliance specifically
designed to remove excess moisture from the air. It works
by drawing in the humid air, cooling it to condense the
moisture, and then collecting the water in a reservoir.
Dehumidifiers are available in various sizes and capacities
to suit different room sizes.
it is a good technique in dry air area, but in humidity area
we need to dehumidify the air to reach the comfort zone dbt
24 c & RH 50% . the ideal indoor humidity level should be
between 30% and 50%. Extremely low humidity can also
be uncomfortable, so it's essential to strike a balance.
So we want to consider installing a separate
dehumidification unit. These units are specifically designed
to remove moisture from the air and can work in conjunction
with the terracotta air conditioning system.
Terracotta Air Conditioner
The maximum evaporative cooling effectiveness is
45% and 53% in aligned and staggered position at 1
m/s air velocity
• Pipes Number =7*7=49 pipe
• tube is designed in a conical shape which create a
smooth motion of air along the length
• decreasing area provides laminar flow as well as
decrease in temperature
• the roof top will be set up with exhaust fan which
will suck the air present inside the room and leave it
outside of the roof
• All the tubes will be arranged in such a manner
that the larger diameter of the clay tubes will be at
the outer portion of the wall and the smaller
diameter of the nozzle will at the inner section of
the wall (i.e. towards room)
• From the top of the wall (above the first tube layer) a pipe%D
VLF3of water
ULQFLSOHis setup which will continuously dropping water in
such a manner that all the tubes should be wet all the time.
• Thickness of the terracotta tube is 15 mm

• Diameter 100 mm

• Length 1000 mm

• The air flow across each tubed 4 m/s

• Air temperature 37 C

• Out temperature could be ( 30- 20 ) depents on air velocity

• Hot air from the genset is passed through a series of terracotta cones

• Recycled water from the factory is run on top of this pots to achieve evaporative cooling

• Sand is filled in between the pots to hold the water in it

• This reduces the usage of excessive water and electricity

• The conic shape of the tubes provides for a larger surface area to maximise the cooling effect.
• use concentric circles, so two surfaces—
the inner and outer surfaces—are cooling as
the air passes through

• They used to use chlorine to remove the

moss that grew on the terracotta cones.

• then they realized that the moss could

actually clean the air by extracting carbon
• A cold water humidifier evaporating 100kg of water per hour and it will do this while
running on less than 0.3kW of electricity.

• Cooling an atmosphere by using the adiabatic effect of evaporating water from a

humidifier is far more energy efficient

• therefore cost effective, than using compressor driven mechanical cooling. In fact the
running costs can be up to 80% less

• That is not to say evaporative cooling can replace compressor driven cooling,
as the effectiveness is dependent on the temperature and humidity of the air
being introduced to the humidifier

• Warm dry air is able to absorb more moisture, and therefore have a
greater capacity to be cooled, than cold humid air, which cannot absorb
as much.
Types of cooler
There are two main types of cold water humidifier and two main ways to cool using them.

 Firstly, the humidifier types are either evaporative or spray

• An evaporative humidifier, such as the Condair ME, is located in a duct or air handling unit. Air flows
through a continually moistened evaporative matrix and absorbs moisture as it does so. This evaporation
can cause a drop in the air temperature of up to 12°C.

• A spray humidifier will either use compressed air or high pressure to atomise the water into the air stream,
again with the same adiabatic cooling effect.

• The decision as to which type of cold water humidifier to use in evaporative cooling applications will be
determined by a number of factors including, size and geometry of air handling unit, level of control
required, water hardness and evaporation load.
Case study-2
• The reduction of heat in a greenhouse is due to the evaporation
of liquid from plants
Application • This process is most effective in dryer climates where extended

Green house Chiller heat inside a greenhouse can delay flowering

• The process is also effective when humidity in the outside

air is low
Evaporative cooling
• Two forms of evaporative cooling systems exist
for greenhouses.
• The forms are pad and fan systems
• Indirect cooling uses a type of heat exchanger to transfer
cool energy to the supply air. The heat exchanger supplies
cold air to the process, but never comes in contact with the
air that is procured in the direct process. Cold air is
supplied through the soaked pad while warm air is blown
across in conjunction to it

• fog systems
• The process lowers the temperature and increase humidity
by changing liquid water to water vapor. The air in this
process changes from a warm dry air, to a cool moist air
Terracotta Air Conditioner

1. The weight and volume of the air cooler
is very low.
2. It is Economical.
3. Consume very little energy.
4. It cost will be also low.
5. It does not produce heat as ACs.
6. It does not produce harmful gases such as
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) which
produce in AC
Evaporative cooling system (Thailand)
Evaporative cooling system (Thailand)
Evaporative cooling system (Thailand)
how to decrease humidity
Terracotta Air Conditioner
How to decrease humidity from air?

Dehumidifier principle
fan collects air from the surrounding area and pulls it into the
dehumidifier. As the air passes through, it comes into contact with
the dehumidifier's cooled coils. These coils use condensation to pull
moisture from the air. The collected moisture remains on the coils
and drips into the dehumidifier's reservoir
Terracotta Air Conditioner
Terracotta Air Conditioner
1. Dehumidifier
We can use natural dehumidifier like
Hanging moisture-absorbing materials:
1. Rock Salt
An effective solution for moisture removal

Un like electric dehumidifiers, rock salt

operates without need for power, making it
cost-effective and eco-friendly solution
1. Rock Salt

Benefits Of Using
Rock Salt Over
Other Methods
• Natural and chemical
• Low maintenance
• Cost effective
Rock salt (sodium chloride) is commonly
used as a desiccant. Absorption Capacity:
Approximately 2% of its weight in
moisture. While effective in moderate
humidity conditions, it may be less
efficient compared to alternatives.
Consideration: Other desiccants like silica
gel or• calcium chloride offer higher 1 kg of rock salt costs about 20 L.E
absorption capacities. Optimal
Conditions: Humidity level below 60% is
generally suitable. Temperature Impact:
Higher temperatures enhance moisture
2. Calcium Chloride
Calcium chloride is highly effective, and one
of the most hygroscopic materials, when it
comes to absorbing moisture from the
surrounding air.

Calcium chloride is not hazardous to the

environment but classified as H319 according
to GHS (causes serious eye irritation).
2. Calcium Chloride

Calcium chloride (CaCl2) absorbs moisture

from the air effectively. It can attract several
times its own weight in water, dissolving into
a liquid brine if the air is humid enough and
the temperature is high enough. The liquid
brine is either trapped inside a collector or
mixed with a modified starch and thereby
formed as a gel inside its packaging.
• Calcium chloride is hygroscopic and can absorb moisture from the air.
It typically absorbs about 150% of its weight in moisture, making it
effective for dehumidifying and drying applications.

• 1 kg of calcium chloride cost around 800 L.E


• They’re so common that few notice them.

Bags filled with a few grams of silica gel are
used for moisture protection in everything
from shoe boxes to packaging for electronics.
The popularity of silica gel desiccants has led
to few people stopping to analyze if there
aren’t superior alternatives for protecting
their company’s products.

Silica gel works well at unexceptional temperatures, while it may lose the capacity to
adsorb at higher temperatures. At high temperatures, it might actually release moisture
into the air.

Calcium Chloride has a much better performance when the relative humidity is high.

Calcium chloride increases its capacity to absorb water over time because the
absorption process makes the moisture dissolve into the calcium chloride.

Due to the physical characteristics of the adsorption process, silica gel desiccants may be
full up quickly. If that happens, their capacity to remove moisture remains low and very

• Placed in an environment with 30 degrees

Celsius and 90% relative humidity during 30
days, calcium chloride can absorb over 250%
of its weight. In the same conditions, silica
gel stops at 25-30%. This means that calcium
chloride has 10 times the capacity of silica
gel to remove moisture from the air when
the relative humidity (RH) is 90%. At 50% RH,
the difference is less, but calcium chloride
with its absorption rate of ca. 100% in these
conditions still outperforms silica gel by
around 20%.

• These results may affect the dimensioning of a moisture damage

prevention solutions in different ways. To reach the same level of
absorption, you may need 10 times more silica gel desiccants than if
you’d choose calcium chloride. This means you can exchange 40kg of
silica gel desiccants with approximately 4kg of 94% purity calcium
chloride desiccants. This reduction of resources can also lead to
significant benefits for the environment, which we’ll explain further
• It's recommended to monitor the silica gel regularly, and when it
changes color, indicating saturation, replace or regenerate it for optimal
moisture removal efficiency. The specific time can vary based on the
conditions and usage.

• Silica gel can absorb up to 40% of its weight at high humidity levels.

• 1 kg of silica costs around 750 L.E

4. Infrared
4.Infrared lamps

• Infrared lamps emit electromagnetic waves that generate heat, allowing

for efficient moisture removal.

• Infrared lamps produce infrared radiation that penetrates moisture-laden

objects, causing the water molecules to vibrate and evaporate.

• By targeting moisture directly, infrared lamps offer faster, more precise,

and energy-efficient drying compared to conventional methods
4.Infrared lamps

• Infrared lamps are widely used in industries such as food processing,

printing, pharmaceuticals, and electronics manufacturing

• Less dust and bacteria

• One infrared lamp (250w) cost around 450 L.E

Terracotta Air Conditioner
Rotary desiccant dehumidifier
A rotary desiccant dehumidifier is a type of
dehumidification system that uses a desiccant material to
remove moisture from the air. It is commonly used in
industrial and commercial settings, including large areas
such as warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and data

Adsorption: contains a rotating wheel or rotor coated with a

desiccant material
The rotor absorbs moisture from the incoming air,

Regeneration: As the desiccant material becomes saturated

with moisture, it needs to be regenerated to continue the
dehumidification process
achieved by heating the rotor to a high temperature, typically
using natural gas, electricity, or waste heat from other

Exhaust: preventing it from re-entering the space.

2. Rotary desiccant dehumidifier

liquid absorption dehumidification

method can save energy up to 40% and
make full use of low-grade heat source.
The efficiency of rotary desiccant wheel
dehumidification is the same order as that
of liquid absorption dehumidification

Liquid desiccant systems essentially consist of an absorber

for dehumidifying the air, a regenerator for regenerating
the solution, and a series of heat exchangers and
evaporative coolers for sensible cooling and heating of air
and solution.
Rotary desiccant dehumidifier
• In order to further improve the
dehumidification efficiency, domestic and foreign
scholars have carried out a lot of research on new
compound dehumidifier
New compound dehumidifier
there are
1. molecular sieve,
2. silica gel,
3. halogen,
4. activated carbon,
and other dehumidifying materials
Silica gel
low price good operating stability
wide range of relative humidity
Rotary desiccant dehumidifier
compound dehumidifier
• composite materials have higher
dehumidification performance value (DCOP)
and dehumidification capacity than pure silica
• The results show that dehumidification capacity
can reach 1.96 ± 0.12 kg/h under given

• also found that dehumidification system using

silica-lithium chloride composite dehumidifier
can accurately control the humidity.
2. Rotary desiccant dehumidifier
compound dehumidifier
• Two-stage or multi-stage wheel system can reduce regeneration temperature of wheel,
significantly improve dehumidification efficiency, and increase utilization of low-grade energy.
The dehumidification capacity of two-stage rotary desiccant wheel under different heat
sources is shown in Table 2.
2. Rotary desiccant dehumidifier
compound dehumidifier
• The results show that for an office
building with an area of 115m2 , solar
system reduced energy consumption by
about 40% compared to mechanical
compression refrigeration system, and
the energy saving effect was more
obvious during the day
Thank you

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