Physical Plant

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Ph ys
ar ica
ma l
cy Pla
an nt
d i of
t s Ho
Eq sp
ui p i t a
me l
• Refers to location, physical space, temperature and
environmental control, equipment and their space
allocation and furnishing of a particular service
• The plant facilities and equipment in hospital pharmacy
must comply with the rules and regulations of that country
• Two types of planning is carried out
• Master planning: dictates goals and objectives
• Functional planning: sets forth the operational demands
(architectural design, control environment, plumbing and
finishing) and equipment planning
• Pharmacist can guide architect regarding departmental
objectives, functional and equipment planning, space
needed and other requirements
• Location of hospital pharmacy should be so as it can
conveniently provide services to many departments of the
• Should be easily accessible to in and out patients
• Should be located on first floor to provide services to all
departments and nursing stations. May be changed in case of
large hospital or when first floor is not enough. But basement is
not desirable
• Concept of sub-pharmacies
• Satellite pharmacy in case when various clinical departments
are not in close vicinity
• Comes Under main pharmacy and staffed with a pharmacist.
• Number depends upon diversity of clinical services and
distance from main pharmacy
Floor Space
• Allocation of space depends upon number of beds and work

• Now a days due to varied services depends mainly on

different functions like unit dose dispensing, compounding
bulk and sterile, drug information centre, clinical pharmacy

• Space requirements depends upon

– Degree and scope of services

– Type of equipment used
– Expected future expansion
• Separate Floor space is required for the following areas
• Clean-up area
– Demanded for compounding and manufacturing
– May be shared with pharmacy sterile services
– Desirable features are appropriately located pass through
windows and floor area with floor drain
• Non sterile mixing and filling room
– Mixing and filling of liquids separated from ointments
– Beside mixing and stirring, weighing, measuring,
homogenization, filtration and filling should also be carried
• Pre-packaging area
– For oral solid dosage forms
• Injection reconstitution area
– Addition of water for injection for powder injectable.
– Laminar Flow Hoods

• Labelling and inspection room

– Located adjacent to filling areas separated by pass-through windows
(eliminate premature use).
– Sufficient storage space must be available for labels, printing machines
forms etc

• Storage of drugs and Para pharmaceuticals

• Quarantine Storage area

– Where manufactured or filled products are stored until declared pass by
the QC tests
• Cytotoxic agents, Controlled drugs, cold temperature requirement
Temperature Control and Storage Facilities
• Storage requirements are important for stability of drugs
• Storage Temperature
• Refrigerator: 2oC- 8oC
• Cold Place: not exceeding 8oC
• Cool Place: 8oC-15oC
• Room Temperature: 15oC-30oC
• Excessive Heat: above 40oC. This temperature is
forbidden for many drugs.
• For large hospitals a large number of refrigerators may
be required.
• An innovative approach is construction of cold room
Environmental Control Facility
• Ventilation

• Air Conditioning of Pharmacy is desirable due

– Provides ventilation even when doors and
windows are closed
– Use of autoclave, ovens, and steam jacketed kettles
cause a hot environment
– Maintain the temperature for most of the drugs
Equipment planning

• Equipment planning and purchase is responsibility of

administrator, pharmacist, purchasing agent and architect.
• Depends upon number, varieties and per day duration of services
• Parameters that dictate the equipment planning
– Services option: in and out patient services, bulk and sterile preparation,
pharmacy education, research program, DIC, PCC, night time pharmacy
– Choices of Internal services: delivering the order, handling I/V
admixtures and controlled drugs, maintain medical profile
– Workload and Work Flow: in the department
– Automation: degree of automation and where it is required
– Work areas: for offices, personnel
– Ways of communication: telephone, faxes, internet
– Environmental control requirements
• Equipment Selection Criteria
• Equipment should be selected on the basis:
– Efficient provision of services
– Affordable operating cost
– Requiring minimal maintenance
– Offering maximum safe performance
• Equipment are categorised in to
• Fixed Equipment
– Requiring installation and attached to the building.
– Cabinets, counters, sinks, elevators
– Special attention should be given to counter tops
• Movable Equipment
– Not intended to be permanently fixed to the building
– Balances, carts, desks, analytical equipment, mixers, furniture.
Other utilities
• Electric lighting
• Transport system
• Plumbing
• Floors
• walls

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