Barangay Revenue Raising Powers
Barangay Revenue Raising Powers
Barangay Revenue Raising Powers
Improvement of tax collection efficiency
We must collect taxes and mobilize in
a proper manner
An office with competent and
customer-friendly staff, that collects
taxes and other revenues, and does
disbursement functions using
transparent and systematic
procedures, disseminating updated tax
information, and motivating
constituents to pay their taxes
willingly and promptly.
Book II
(Local Government Code)
Section 129. Power to Create Sources of
Revenue. — Consistent with the basic
policy of local autonomy, each LGU shall
exercise its power to create its own sources
of revenue and to levy taxes, fees, or
charges, subject to the provisions of this
Rule. Such taxes, fees, or charges shall
accrue exclusively to the LGU.
Section 130. Fundamental Principles. — The
following fundamental principles shall
govern the exercise of the taxing and other
revenue-raising powers of LGUs:
(a) Taxation shall be uniform in each LGU. The
uniformity required is only within the territorial
jurisdiction of a province, a city, a municipality, or
a barangay;
(b) Taxes, fees, charges, or other impositions shall:
(1) Be equitable and based, as far as practicable,
on the taxpayer's ability to pay;
(2) Be levied and collected only for public
(3) Not be unjust, excessive, oppressive, or
(4) Not be contrary to law, public policy, national
economic policy, or in restraint of trade;
(c) Collection of local taxes, fees, charges,
or other impositions shall in no case be
let to any private person;
(d) The revenue collected pursuant to the
provisions of this Rule shall insure solely
to the benefit of, and be subject to
disposition by, the LGU levying the tax,
fee, charge, or other imposition unless
otherwise specifically provided in this
Rules; and
(e) Each LGU shall, as far as practicable,
evolve a progressive system of taxation.
Overview of Barangay Fiscal
1) Revenue generation;
❑ Taxing Power
Sample problem # 2
If paid August 08, 2024
taxpayers monthly income/salary P 7,950
How much is the Total amount due?
Basic P 5.00
Additional Tax
1. Gross Receipts/earnings derived
From Business during the preceding
year (P 1.00 per P 1,000.00)
Accountable Officials/Employees
The Accountable Officials/Employees are
the employees of the government of the
Philippines whose duties performed permits or
requires the custody of funds or properties for
which he is accountable be deemed bonded and
his fidelity insured in accordance with Public
Bonding Law (Sec. 314).
Sanctions for Failure to Post Fidelity Bond