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What is motion sensor?

A motion sensor is an electronic device that is designed to

detect and measure movement.
There are three types of motion sensors that are
used frequently:

• Passive Infrared (PIR)

• Microwave
• Dual Tech/Hybrid.


It is a motion sensor which is small, low power, easy to use, and inexpensive.
The way it senses movement is by sensing the change in temperature
between the background and a warm body.

PIRs have a pyroelectric sensor that detects levels of infrared radiation –

everything emits some low-level radiation, but a human body emits a good
amount of heat. The PIR has two slots made of a special material that is
sensitive to infrared. When the sensor senses a differential change between
the two slots, this causes a pulse, which is what it detects as “movement”.
Microwave Motion Sensors:
• As the name implies, Microwave sensors uses continuous waves of
microwave radiation to detect motion, similar to how a radar speed gun
• It sends out high radio frequency and measures the reflection off an object
by sensing for a frequency shift. If it does detect a frequency shift, the
motion detector is activated.
• Microwave sensors can cover a larger area than PIRs, but are more
expensive and can be vulnerable to electrical interference.
• Its ability to penetrate material “see through walls” can cause frequent false
Dual Tech Motion Sensors:

• There is technology that incorporates both PIR and Microwave sensors to have
less false alarms.
• A quick rise in temperature in the room can cause the PIR to go off while wind
can move an object and trigger the microwave sensor.
• With the Dual Tech/Hybrid, both sensors will need to sense changes which will
trigger it on, causing false alarms to be extremely low.

• Motion sensors are used in smartphones and wearables.

• Accelerometers are a kind of motion sensors which can sense tilt, acceleration and
vibration impact. these types of motion sensors are generally used in all types of
wearables, and hand-held devices.

• A Gyroscope in digital camera. It measures the rotation speed of a device. It was

earlier used solely for military purposes, but in the modern age its usages have
diversified. It is used in laptops, smartphones and digital cameras for a higher
quality of gaming and navigating experience.

• Motion detector sensors also have a wide application in home and personal
security. It is however, impossible to have a security system without a motion
• Motion detector lights- They let the homeowners know if there is an intruder
outside at night. They are also cost saving, as in the situation when the homeowner
forgets to switch off the light it’s automatically done.
• Motion detector alarms-They are usually fused with burglar alarms, and go off
when an intruder is detected. They are used to scare off burglars and keep your
home secure.
• Motions detector cameras– These are like CCTV cameras which can be useful in
catching burglars. They can be utilized to trigger an alarm or send notice alerts
when an unapproved entry is observed. When these tiny yet effective cameras are
placed in the appropriate position, it can provide a great deal of security, and you
can put your mind at ease.
• Motion sensors are also used to detect vehicles if an unauthorized vehicle enters
your driveway.
• These sensors are also a major part of wireless doorbells. By utilizing motion
sensors, you can dispose of traditional entryway bells as motion sensors can alert
when a guest arrives at your gate.

What is Potentiometer?

A potentiometer (also known as a pot or potmeter) is defined as

a 3 terminal variable resistor in which the resistor is manually
varied to control the flow of electric current. A potentiometer acts
as an adjustable voltage divider.

There are two main types of potentiometers:

•Rotary potentiometer-The rotary type potentiometers are used mainly for

obtaining adjustable supply voltage to a part of electronic circuits and
electrical circuits. The volume controller of a radio transistor is a popular
example of a rotary potentiometer where the rotary knob of the potentiometer
controls the supply to the amplifier.

•Linear potentiometer- The linear potentiometer is basically the same but

the only difference is that here instead of rotary movement the sliding contact
gets moved on the resistor linearly.

The potentiometer consists of L which is a long resistive wire and a battery of

known EMF V whose voltage is known as driver cell voltage. Assume a
primary circuit arrangement by connecting the two ends of L to the battery
terminals. One end of the primary circuit is connected to the cell whose EMF E
is to be measured and the other end is connected to galvanometer G. This
circuit is assumed to be a secondary circuit.
The working principle depends on the potential across any portion of the wire
which is directly proportional to the length of the wire that has a uniform
cross-sectional area and current flow is constant.
Then by Ohms law V=IR

We know that,
R= ρL/A

Thus, V= I ρL/A

As ρ and A are always constant and current I is kept constant by a rheostat.

So L ρ/A=K (constant)

Thus, V= KL. Now suppose a cell E of lower EMF than the driver cell is put in the circuit as
shown above. Say it has EMF E. Now in the potentiometer wire say at length x the
potentiometer has become E.

E= L ρx/A=Kx

When this cell be put in the circuit as shown above figure with a jokey connected to the
corresponding length (x), there will be no flow of current through the galvanometer because
when the potential difference is equal to zero, no current will flow through it.
So the galvanometer G show null detection. Then the length (x) is called the length of the null
point. Now by knowing the constant K and the length x. We can find the unknown EMF.

E= L ρx/A=Kx

Secondly, EMF of two cells may also be compared, let the first cell of EMF E1 given a null point at
a length= L1 and the second cell of EMF E2 show a null point at length= L2
E1/E2= L1/L2
Application of Potentiometer:

•Audio control: Both linear, and rotary potentiometers, are used to

control audio equipment for changing the loudness and other audio
related signals.

•Television: They are used to control the picture brightness, colour

response and contrast.

•Motion control: In order to create a closed-loop control,

potentiometers are used as position feedback devices known as a

•Transducers: As these give large output signals, they find applications

in designing of displacement transducers.

What is Resolver?

A resolver is an electromagnetic transducer that can

be used in a wide variety of position and velocity
feedback applications which includes light
duty/servo, light industrial or heavy duty

• A resolver outputs signal by energizing the input phase of the resolver with an
AC voltage (VAC) to induce voltage into each of the output windings.

• The resolver amplitude modulates the VAC input in proportion to the Sine and
the Cosine of the angle of mechanical rotation.
• The resolver is sometimes known as an Analog Trigonometric Function
Generator or a Control Transmitter.

• The function of the resolver is to resolve a vector into its components

(Sine and Cosine).

• Electrical Zero (EZ) is defined as the position of the rotor with respect to
the stator at which there is minimum voltage amplitude across the Sine
winding and the maximum voltage amplitude across the Cosine winding
when the input winding is excited with the rated voltage.

• The rotor position or angle is simply the Arc tan of the voltage output of
the Sine winding divided by the output of the Cosine winding.

• This ratio metric format provides an inherent noise reduction feature for
any injected noise whose magnitude is approximately equivalent on both
windings and also results in a large degree of temperature compensation
Application of Resolver:

Common applications of resolvers include:

• Servo motor feedback

• Speed and position feedback in steel and paper mills

• Oil and gas production

• Jet engine fuel systems

• Aircraft flight surface actuators

• Communication position systems

• Control systems in land based military vehicles


What is Encoder Sensor?

Encoder sensors are a type of mechanical motion sensor that create a digital signal from a
motion. It is an electro-mechanical device that provides users (commonly those in a motion
control capacity) with information on position, velocity and direction.

• Optical Encoder

• Magnetic Encoder

• Inductive Encoder

• Capacitive Encoder
Optical encoder:

An optical encoder is a complex system which converts a mechanical rotary

motion (angular position or speed) into a usable electrical signal.
Working of optical encoder:

• A LED (usually infrared) shines through an encoding disk with lines which interrupt the
beam of light to a photosensor.

• LED light beams diverge, or spread out, so this would make multiplier "fuzzy" shadows
on the optical encoder sensor.

• What the encoder sensor wants to see is clear on/off changes when the lines pass in front
of the encoder LED beam.

• To begin to solve this problem, encoder manufacturers add lenses over the LED.

• This makes the light beams nearly parallel.

• The rotary encoder disk contains the lines which interrupt the beam.

• Again, ideally, the encoder manufacturer wants the lines to be as sharp as possible, to
produce clear transitions from dark-to-light and light-to-dark on the encoder sensor.
• Encoder manufacturers have used glass encoder disks for years in machine tool encoders.

• The lines can be placed with great accuracy on the glass disk.

• Each of these rotary encoder disk types have limitations.

• The light then falls on a set of encoder photo-detectors.

• These are typically silicon semiconductor cells closely related to solar cells.

• More light allows more electrons to flow; darkness prevents electron flow.
• Diagnostic imaging

• Radiation therapy

• Microfluidic dispensing

• Robotic arm end effector

• Laser cataract surgery

• Photonics

• Precision photonic stage

• DNA sequencing

• Surgical Robotics
Inductive Encoder:

What is Inductive Encoder?

An inductive sensor is a non-contact sensing technology that works using

transformer principles to measure position or speed.
Working Principle:

• An inductive encoder detects a linear displacement or rotation relative to a target.

• This type of sensor reacts to the presence of ferromagnetic or electrically conducting metal
in a target.

• The rotary or linear encoder contains a transmitting coil, which contains four receiver coils.
The transmitting coil generates an electromagnetic field.

• This field is manipulated under the encoder when a copper object (an electrically
conductive metal) enters the electromagnetic field.
• The receiver coils detect this manipulation and converts the measurement into a
movement. In other words, it is a digital output signal.

• The encoder is moved over a target with copper markings that are placed in a
repetitive pattern with a ratio as follows: the width of each marking is two thirds
and the width of the gap is a third.

• Together, these dimensions make up the period length.

• The system converts the movement into an analog signal in the shape of a sine
and a cosine. The analogue signal is then digitized in the encoder in the shape of
a square wave.

• Interpolation reduces the relatively large period step (1.2 mm) to multiple small
digital steps. With an inductive encoder, the interpolation can even achieve
resolutions smaller than 1 μm.
Application of inductive encoders:

A inductive encoder is suitable for a variety of applications.

• Electric motors- An inductive encoder can measure rotation in an electric motor. It

detects the steps of the rotation and feeds this back to the motor controls.

• Mobile device- Gyroscopes are often used in polluted environments, such as building
sites. The pollutants do not affect its operation because the encoder is not sensitive to
dirt. In addition, the high resolution provides extremely accurate measurements.

• Motorized zoom- An inductive encoder can also be used to automate the zoom feature
of a camera. It detects the position of the motorized zoom.

What is LVDT Sensor?

An LVDT is an electromechanical device used to convert mechanical motion or

vibrations into a variable electrical current, voltage or electric signals, and the
• LVDT works under the principle of mutual induction, and the displacement which is
a non-electrical energy is converted into an electrical energy. And the way how the
energy is getting converted is described in working of LVDT in a detailed manner.

• LVDT consists of a cylindrical former where it is surrounded by one primary winding

in the center of the former and the two secondary windings at the sides.

• The number of turns in both the secondary windings are equal, but they are opposite
to each other, i.e., if the left secondary windings is in the clockwise direction, the
right secondary windings will be in the anti-clockwise direction, hence the net
output voltages will be the difference in voltages between the two secondary coil.

• The two secondary coil is represented as S1 and S2. Iron core is placed in the center
of the cylindrical former which can move in to and fro motion.

• The AC excitation voltage is 5 to 12V and the operating frequency is given by 50 to

400 HZ.

• Case 1: On applying an external force which is the displacement, if the core

reminds in the null position itself without providing any movement then the
voltage induced in both the secondary windings are equal which results in
net output is equal to zero, i.e., Esec1-Esec2=0

• Case 2:When an external force is applied and if the steel iron core tends to
move in the left hand side direction then the emf voltage induced in the
secondary coil is greater when compared to the emf induced in the
secondary coil 2. Therefore the net output will be Esec1-Esec2

• Case 3:When an external force is applied and if the steel iron core moves in
the right hand side direction then the emf induced in the secondary coil 2 is
greater when compared to the emf voltage induced in the secondary coil 1.
therefore the net output voltage will be Esec2-Esec1
Applications of LVDT:

• LVDT is used to measure displacement ranging from

fraction millimeter to centimeter.

• Acting as a secondary transducer, LVDT can be used

as a device to measure force, weight and pressure,

What is RVDT (Rotary Variable Differential Transformer)?

• The RVDT stands for Rotary Variable Differential Transformer.
• It is one kind of electromechanical transducer used to give the linear o/p
which is proportional to the i/p angular displacement.
• The main function of RVDT is to detect the angular displacement and
converts it into an electrical signal.

• RVDT transducer has two windings similar to a

normal sensor such as primary winding and two
secondary windings.
• The two windings of the transformer wounded, where the
two secondary windings have an equivalent number of
• These are located on both sides of the primary winding
of the transformer. A magnetic core which is made with
a soft iron is coupled to a shaft. Thus, this core can be
twisted among the windings.
• The construction of both the RVDT and LVDT are similar but the main difference
is the shape of the core in transformer windings.

• This core will turn between the two windings of the transformer due to the

Based on the movement of the shaft in the transformer, the three

conditions will be produced such as

•When the Core is at Null Position

•When the Core Rotates in Clockwise Direction

•When the Core Rotates in Anticlockwise Direction

• When the Core is at Null Position- In the first condition, when the
shaft is placed at the null position then the induced e.m.f in the
secondary windings are similar although reverse in phase. Thus,
the differential o/p potential will be zero, and the condition will be
E1 = E2, where E0 = E1-E2 =0.

• When the Core Rotates in Clockwise Direction- In the second

condition, when the shaft rotates in the direction of clockwise;
more section of the core will enter across the primary winding.
Therefore, the induced e.m.f across the primary winding is higher
than secondary winding. Hence, the differential o/p potential is
positive, and the condition will be E1 > E2, where E0 = E1-E2 =
When the Core Rotates in Anticlockwise Direction- In the third
condition, when the shaft rotates in the direction of anticlockwise,
more section of the core will be entered across the secondary
winding. Thus, the induced e.m.f across the secondary coil is higher
than the primary coil. Hence, the differential o/p potential is negative
that means 1800 phase shift, and the condition will be E1 < E2,
where E0 = E1-E2 = negative.
Applications of RVDT :

The applications of RVDT include the


•Aircraft and Avionics

•Fuel Valves as well as Hydraulic
•Process Control industry
•Modern machine tools
•Weapon and Torpedo Systems
•Controls Cockpit
•Engine fuel control
•Controls Fuel
•Nose wheel steering systems
•Brake with cable systems
•Fly by wire systems
•Engines bleed air-systems
•Push reverser

What is an Accelerometer?

An accelerometer is an electronic sensor that measures the

acceleration forces acting on an object, in order to
determine the object’s position in space and monitor the
object’s movement.

There are three different types of accelerometers, and they are each
designed to efficiently function in their intended environments.
The three types are:
• Piezoelectric,
• Piezo resistance and
• Capacitive.

• Piezo electric accelerometer – It utilizes the piezo electric effect (piezoelectric

materials produce electricity when put under physical stress to sense change in
acceleration. Piezoelectric accelerometers are most commonly used in vibration and
shock measurement.

• Piezoresistance accelerometers – They are much less sensitive than piezoelectric

accelerometers, and they are better suited to vehicle crash testing. A piezoresistance
accelerometer increases its resistance in proportion to the amount of pressure applied
to it.

• Capacitive accelerometer - The third and most commonly used type of accelerometer is
the capacitive accelerometer. Capacitive accelerometers use change in electrical
capacitance to determine an object’s acceleration. When the sensor undergoes
acceleration, the distance between its capacitor plates changes as the diaphragm of the
sensor moves.
Applications of Accelerometer:

• Accelerometers can be used to measure vibration on cars,

machines, buildings, process control systems and safety

• They can also be used to measure seismic activity,

inclination, machine vibration, dynamic distance and speed
with or without the influence of gravity.

What is GPS?

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a worldwide radio-

navigation system formed from a 24 satellites and their ground
stations. GPS uses these “man-made stars” as reference points to
calculate positions accurate to a matter of meters.
• The GPS receiver gets a signal from each GPS satellite.

• The satellites transmit the exact time the signals are sent.

• By subtracting the time the signal was transmitted from the time it was
received, the GPS can tell how far it is from each satellite.

• The GPS receiver also knows the exact position in the sky of the
satellites, at the moment they sent their signals.

• So given the travel time of the GPS signals from three satellites and their
exact position in the sky, the GPS receiver can determine your position in
three dimensions – east, north and altitude.
Application of GPS:

Majority of users of this technology are

• Taxi services,

• Emergency vehicle location,

• Public transport monitoring,

• Dispatch, and navigation.

• Private car owners also use the app, and most of the new car models
come with a factory-fitted gps.

What is Bluetooth?
Bluetooth technology is a high-speed low powered wireless
technology link that is designed to connect phones or other
portable equipment together.

• Bluetooth Network consists of a Personal Area Network or a piconet which

contains a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 8 Bluetooth peer devices- Usually
a single master and up to 7 slaves.

• A master is a device that initiates communication with other devices.

• The master device governs the communications link and traffic between itself
and the slave devices associated with it. A slave device is a device that
responds to the master device.

• Slave devices are required to synchronize they’re transmit/receive timing

with that of the masters.
Applications of Bluetooth:

• In laptops, notebooks and wireless PCs.

• In mobile phones and PDAs (personal digital assistant).

• In printers.

• In wireless headsets.

• In wireless PANs (personal area networks) and even LANs (local area

• To transfer data files, videos, and images and MP3 or MP4.


What is Range Sensor?

The distance between the object and the robot hand is measured using the
range sensors Within it is range of operation.

The calculation of the distance is by visual processing. Range sensors find

use in robot navigation and avoidance of the obstacles in the path.

• The location and the general shape characteristics of the part in the
work envelope of the robot S done by special applications for the
range sensors.

• There are several approaches like, triangulation method, structured

lighting approach and time-of flight range finders etc.

• In these cases the source of illumination can be light-source, laser

beam or based on ultrasonic.
Structured Lighting Approach:

• This approach consists of projecting a light pattern the distortion of the pattern to calculate
the range.

• A pattern in use today is a sheet of light generated narrow slit.

• The stripe pattern is easily analyzed by a computer to obtain range information. For
example, an inflection indicates a change of surface, and a break corresponds to a gap
between surfaces.

• And this, arrangement, the light source and camera are placed at the same height, and the
sheet of light is perpendicular to the line joining the origin of the light sheet and the center of
the camera lens.

Applications of Range Sensors:

• These sensors are used for accurate and fast measurement, exact positioning as well
as an extensive range of materials detection.

• These sensors are consistent tools used for numerous applications like checking of
unwinding coils, detection of the double sheets.

What is RF Beacon?

A beacon is a transmitter at a known location, which emits a continuous or periodic

radio signal with limited information content (for example its identification or

• Beacons indicate their presence with periodic signal so that the enabled device like mobile
handset can locate them. Each beacon is given a unique identifier.

• When the mobile device detects the beacon signal, it reads the beacon’s Unique identifier,
calculates the distance to the beacon and, based on this data ( coupon, video, form, URL or
other forms of information), triggers an action in a beacon compatible mobile app. Beacon IDs
consists of a maximum of three values:

1. A universally unique identifier (UUID)

2. A major value (optional)
3. A minor value (optional)

• Besides these three values, every beacon also transmits information about its signal power.
This information is used by the app to calculate the distance from the source.
Application of RF Beacons:

• Location Accuracy: Beacon technology allows a mobile device to understand it’s exact
position, even indoors where smartphones are typically not able to pick up GPS signals from
satellites. This means beacon technology offers a high level of accuracy when compared to
other geo-location technologies.

• Long Battery life: Bluetooth technology used in beacon is designed to have very low power
consumption, which means that beacon powered apps have minimal impact on the devices
battery life. GPS on the other hand, demands a significant amount of power to run and
therefore significantly impacts battery life when in use.

• App Wake-up: Mobile devices automatically wake-up when they come within ranges of
beacons, even if the mobile app that is listening is fully closed. This unique feature of beacons
offers a powerful way to drive engagement with your mobile app at exactly the right time and
place. It’s also a great to drive repeat usage of your app.

• No Internet Connectivity Mobile apps can pick up beacon signals without an Internet connection
and store data locally on the device. This means beacons are a great proximity trigger in areas
where a stable Internet connection is not available. It’s worth noting that typically an Internet
connection is required to trigger content such as push notifications. However, there are ways
around this such as developing local notifications and caching content within the app. It is
technically possible to run an entire beacon experience without an Internet connection.

• Low cost of entry Setting up a Bluetooth enabled network is relatively low cost when compared
to other technologies such as Wi-Fi.

What is Ultrasonic Ranging Sensor?

Ultrasonic Ranging Sensor is a non-contact distance measurement module

with stable performance and high ranging accuracy. with the inexpensive
price, The measurement range if it can be up to 5M, which would be
helpful for your project such as robotic Obstacle Avoidance and so on.

• A short ultrasonic pulse is transmitted at the time 0, reflected by an object.

• The senor receives this signal and converts it to an electric signal.

• The next pulse can be transmitted when the echo is faded away. This time period is called
cycle period.

• The recommend cycle period should be no less than 50ms.

• If a 10μs width trigger pulse is sent to the signal pin, the Ultrasonic module will output
eight 40kHz ultrasonic signal and detect the echo back.

• The measured distance is proportional to the echo pulse width and can be calculated by
the formula above.

• If no obstacle is detected, the output pin will give a 38ms high level signal.
Applications of Ultrasonic Ranging Sensor:

• Loop control

• Roll diameter, tension control, winding and unwind

• Liquid level control

• Thru beam detection for high-speed counting

• Full detection

• Thread or wire break detection

• Robotic sensing

• Stacking height control

• 45° Deflection; inkwell level detection; hard to get at places

• People detection for counting


What is LIDAR?

Lidar, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, is a remote

sensing method that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to measure
ranges (variable distances) to the Earth.
• A LIDAR sensor mounted on an aircraft or helicopter.

• It generates Laser pulse train, which sent to the surface/target to measure the time and it
takes to return to its source.

• The actual calculation for measuring how far a returning light photon has traveled to and
from an object is calculated by

Distance = (Speed of Light x Time of Flight) / 2

• Accurate distances are then calculated to the points on the ground and elevations can be
determined along with the ground surface buildings, roads, and vegetation can be recorded.

• These elevations are combined with digital aerial photography to produce a digital elevation
model of the earth.
The laser instrument fires rapid pulses of laser light at a surface, some at up to 150,000 pulses per

A sensor on the instrument measures the amount of time takes for each pulse to reflect back. Light
moves at a constant and known speed so the LIDAR instrument can calculate the distance between
itself and the target with high accuracy.

By repeating this in quick progression the instrument builds up a complex ‘map’ of the surface it is

With airborne Light Detection and Ranging, other data must be collected to ensure accuracy.

As the sensor is moving height, location and orientation of the instrument must be included to
determine the position of the laser pulse at the time of sending and the time of return. This extra
information is crucial to the data’s integrity.

With ground-based Light Detection and Ranging a single GPS location can be added at each
location where the instrument is set up.
Applications Of Lidar:
• LAND SURVEYING- LiDAR sensors can be attached to drones to quickly, accurately, and
cost-effectively generate 3D digital terrain models (DTM) of remote or rough areas.

• POWER LINE INSPECTION FOR MAINTENANCE- Regular maintenance of power lines

presents huge safety hazards. LiDAR technology is capable of identifying issues in power lines
before they become a problem.

• FORESTRY AND FARMING- LIDAR-equipped drones can be deployed to survey large farms
to help determine how resources might be used to increase productivity.

• MINING APPLICATIONS- LiDAR proves to be an excellent instrument for calculating

volumes of material in open pit mines without disrupting work on the ground. Integrating
drones into mining workflows cuts time, costs, and risk exposure.

• TRANSPORTATION EXPANSION- City planners looking for a powerful tool to help expand
mass transit systems and rail stations need look no further than LiDAR technology.

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