Mobile Marketing Research Based Course

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Mobile Marketing


Augmented Reality

The global augmented reality (AR), virtual

reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) market is
forecast to reach close to $300 billion USD by
2024, and the total downloads of AR apps are
predicted to exceed 5.5 billion by 2022.
AR for mobile presents numerous opportunities
to optimize mobile marketing and significantly
improve critical measurements such as
retention and engagement.
Using AR for mobile marketing enables you to
innovate and optimize your user experience.
What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality is a technology that lays digital

information over the real world. This includes sound,
images and text. The basic principle is to superimpose
these elements in a way that augments reality as it is
seen through a digital device. Even industry leaders,
such as Apple CEO Tim Cook, are excited about AR.
A well-known example of AR in mobile apps is
Pokemon GO. Software development company Niantic
created this gaming app to allow users to experience
an augmented reality in which they can find and catch
Pokemon by exploring their surroundings in real life.
What is Augmented Reality?

This augmented reality game became a global

phenomenon that made 207 million dollars in its first
month— more than any other mobile game. In its first
three months of release, Pokemon GO became so
popular that it accounted for 45% of gameplay time
among the top-20 Android games. But augmented
reality isn’t just useful for gaming. Social media apps
such as Instagram and Snapchat show how AR can be
used to enhance the user experience and increase
engagement. For example, Snapchat introduced “City
Painter” in 2020, which allowed users to virtually
spray paint on the street’s shops to create murals. This
also introduced local lenses to the Snapchat audience.
What is mobile AR?

The concept of mobile AR is fairly simple — it

is AR that you can take with you anywhere
you go and use it on-the-go. This means
having mobile AR hardware — usually a
simple smartphone.
Some smartphones include native AR apps
such as AR Zone on Samsung mobile phones
which provides features like AR Emoji and AR
Doodle. There are also third-party apps like
Snapchat that provide similar AR capabilities.
AR provides marketers with the ability to transform a static
object into an immersive, interactive 3D experience. AR is
very different from VR. AR is augmented reality and VR
reality is virtual reality. Virtual reality operates by fully
immersing the user in a computer world, AR adds to the world
the user would see and enhances it wit with digital overlays.
How AR works
 When a user scans an AR trigger utilizing their
gadget, the AR application will scan for
examples of pictures or video to be shown over
the view from the gadget’s camera. As the
individual moves the gadget, the AR overlay will
likewise move, enabling the client to see the
anticipated data from various edges.
What’s the difference between augmented reality and virtual reality?

 It’s important to know that augmented reality and virtual reality (VR) are not
the same. Virtual reality is the creation of a digital environment, while AR
augments real environments with digital information.
 AR usership is expected to grow to 17% of people in 2022, with 83.1 million
consumers in the U.S. already using AR monthly. AR tends to be more popular
than VR because of its accessibility through equipment most of us have in our
pockets. The breakout success of Pokemon GO in 2016 is also given credit for
the popularity of augmented reality mobile apps.
Augmented reality for mobile marketing

 One of the advantages of augmented reality in advertising is

that it can be used to increase engagement and create unique
experiences with your product. Take IKEA Place for example.
This app was among the first apps to use Apple's augmented
reality framework.

 IKEA Place uses augmented reality to show how IKEA

products will look in your home. In 2018, IKEA Place became
the second-most popular free app built on Apple’s ARKit
based on downloads. Now, many companies have followed
IKEA’s lead and created apps that help consumers picture
products in their spaces. For instance, Benjamin Moore’s
Color Portfolio allows consumers to see their rooms painted
in any color.
4 types of augmented reality

Marker-based augmented reality

This is when a device’s camera is used to
identify visual markers, such as a barcode, in
order to provide information relevant to the
object on the screen. For this type of AR to
work it’s important for the image captured by
the device’s camera to have distinct points
that can be marked. An example of marker-
based augmented reality is Hector & Karger’s
interactive catalog.
4 types of augmented reality


• Markerless augmented reality

With the use of data sources such as a device’s
accelerometer and GPS tracking, markerless
augmented reality is used to determine
measurements such as location and speed.
This enables the device to show objects in a
way that matches the camera’s environment.
Markerless AR has become particularly useful
for maps that allow users to find businesses in
their area and other mobile apps that help
users by accessing their geolocation.
4 types of augmented reality

Superimposition-based AR
This is when object recognition is used to
replace or alter the appearance of a real
image. Object recognition is critical for this
type of augmented reality to work
successfully. Placing a virtual sofa in a living
room with IKEA Place is an example of
superimposed augmented reality.
4 types of augmented reality

Projection-based augmented reality

This type of AR projects artificial light onto real
environments. This is more commonly used for
large-scale events and is, therefore, less
relevant for mobile-focused marketers. This
video from Microsoft Research shows how
projection-based augmented reality, which is
also known as spatial augmented reality, is
Benefits of augmented reality for mobile
 Optimize the customer experience
Making use of augmented reality in your mobile marketing strategy is a smart
way to give your users a unique and highly engaging customer experience. Take
IKEA Place for example, which saves users the time and energy of calculating
whether their desired product will fit within their house and giving the user a
better understanding of how it will look in their home. Mobile marketers should
consider the ways AR can simplify the UX. By giving users an optimized way of
planning their purchases, IKEA Place gives them more confidence in their
purchases and builds brand loyalty. This can also result in fewer product
 Increase engagement
By including augmented reality in your mobile marketing strategy you can boost
user engagement. The interactive nature of augmented reality marketing keeps
users coming back for more. You can also improve engagement by using AR
marketing to allow users to try before they buy. For example, much like IKEA,
Wayfair allows customers to visualize products in their spaces and even stand in
front of them to enhance the realism.

 Boost retention rates

Another benefit to the interactivity of augmented reality marketing is
that users can be retained for longer. This can be useful in spreading
brand awareness and increase monetization opportunities.
Geo-targeting can be used to increase sales
Mobile marketers are already using geolocation as a tool, and AR can
take that one step further. For example, mobile marketers who use geo-
targeting for their augmented reality marketing can help users find
stores while making that experience more engaging.
AR presents personalization opportunities
With the right data, augmented reality allows mobile marketers to offer
potential customers a personalized experience. Personalization can
make a big impact on campaign performance, with 59 % of shoppers
claiming to have purchased something as a result of personalization.
Moreover, only 18% of mobile apps are personalized, so this is another
way to stay ahead of your competitors.

Improve brand awareness and brand

Augmented reality is a great way to spread the
awareness of your brand and build brand
loyalty. This is because AR experiences are
well-suited for sharing on social media. For
example, Gucci used augmented reality in its
app to allow users to try different shoes.
Augment branding materials

Augmented reality can take branding materials like

business cards and brochures to the next level by adding
a virtual component. Users can scan printed materials
with their mobile devices to access a range of features
giving them more information and ways to get in contact
with the brand.
For instance, a user can scan a brochure in the right spot
to bring up a video highlighting some aspect of the
information being conveyed, bringing a dynamic element
to the static text on the brochure. Alternatively, a
business card can use AR to present a variety of contact
options that will allow the user to get in touch with a
single click, whether through email, LinkedIn, or by
phone call.
Step 3: Formulating Product-Mark
et Strategies 17

 Product market strategies consist of plans

for matching an organization’s existing or
potential offerings with the needs of markets,
informing markets that the offerings exist,
having offerings available at the right time
and place to facilitate exchange, and
assigning prices to offering. In short, a
product market strategy involves selecting
specific markets and profitably reaching them
through an integrated program called a
marketing mix.
Product-Market Strategies

Market Penetration Strategy

Market-Development Strategy
Product-Development Strategy
Market-Penetration Strategy

 A market penetration strategy dictates that an

organization seeks to gain greater dominance in a
market in which it already has an offering. This
strategy involves attempts to increase present buyers
usage or consumption rates of the offering, to attract
buyers of competing offerings, or to stimulate
product trial among potential customers. The mix of
marketing activities might include lower prices for
the offerings, expanded distribution to provide wider
coverage of an existing market, and heavier
promotional efforts extolling the unique advantages
of an organization’s offering over competing
Market-Development Strategy

 A market development strategy dictates that an organization

introduce its existing offerings to markets other than those it
is currently serving. Examples include introducing existing
products to different geographical areas (including
international expansion) or different buying publics. Market
development in the international arena has grown in
importance and usually takes one of four forms:
• Exporting
• Licensing
• Joint Venture
• Direct Investment
Product Development Strategy

A product development strategy dictates that the

organization create new offerings for existing markets. The
approach taken may be to develop totally new offerings
(product innovation) to enhance the value to customers of
existing offerings (product augmentation), or to broaden the
existing line of offerings by adding different sizes, forms,
flavors, and so forth (product line extension). Apple’s iPod is
an example of product innovation. Product augmentation can
be achieved in numerous ways.

Diversification involves the development or

acquisition of offerings new to the organization and
the introduction of those offerings to publics not
previously served by the organization. Many firms
have adopted this strategy in recent years to take
advantage of perceived growth opportunities. Yet
diversification is often a high-risk strategy because
both the offerings (and often their underlying
technology) and the public or market served are new
to the organization.
Step 4:Budgeting Marketing, Financial and
Production Resources

The fourth phase in the SMM process is

budgeting. A budget is a formal, quantitative
expression of an organization’s planning and
strategy initiatives expressed in financial,
production, and marketing resources so that
overall organizational goals or objectives are

 Organization master budget consists of two parts:

 • Operating budget
 • Financial budget.
The operating budget focuses on an organization’s income
statement. Because the operating budget projects future
revenues and expenses, it is sometime called pro forma income
statement or profit plan. The financial budget focuses on the
effect that the operating budget and other initiatives (such as
capital expenditures) will have on the organization’s cash
Step 5:Developing Reformulatio
n and Recovery 25
 Marketing audit and control procedures are fundamental to the
development of reformulation and recovery strategies. The
marketing audit is:
“a comprehensive, systematic, independent, and periodic examination
of a company’s – or business units – marketing environment,
objectives, strategies and activities with a view of determining problem
areas and opportunities and recommending a plan of action to improve
the company’s marketing performance.”
Class Assessment

 Conduct the SWOT analysis of P&G or Unilever.

 Do you think that dog category can really survive ever and come in
star? If yes, the how?

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