Fizzing Rockets 4

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Fizzing rockets Lesson 1

Construct a method to test a hypothesis

Identify variables in a scientific investigation
List and justify equipment needed for your investigation
Identify safety hazards

Starter: watch the video, and write down one safety precaution the
man has taken or should have taken.
The experiment

• You will have some film canisters, and some effervescing vitamin C

• You need to change this experiment to investigate an idea

How does it work?
What does the tablet do when it is added to water? (vit c tablet)

What gas is produced by this reaction?

Why does the canister shoot off the lid?

Using the word ‘thrust’ to explain how this experiment is similar to an

actual rocket launch.
How does it work?
When you add the water it starts to dissolve the Vit C tablet. This
creates a gas call carbon dioxide.
As the carbon dioxide is being released, it creates pressure inside the
film canister. The more gas that is made, the more pressure builds up
until the cap it blasted down and the rocket is blasted up.
This system of thrust is how a real rocket works whether it is in outer
space or here in the earth’s atmosphere. Of course, real rockets use
rocket fuel. You can experiment controlling the rocket’s path by adding
fins and a nose cone that you can make out of paper.
Independent variables (things you can Dependent variables (things you can
change) measure)
The volume of water The speed
The mass of the vitamin C pill The distance
The surface area of the vitamin C The time
pill The loudness
The angle of the canister The angle
The temperature of the water The splash-zone
Shape of the rocket (canister)
Equipment Justification
Vit C tablet
In here is a list of possible equipment you may
Empty film canisters need.
Plastic tray However the equipment you are using
Measuring cylinder depends on the variables in your
Balance Check which applies to you.
Pestle Once you have finish choosing equipment,
Mortar explain why you need this bit of equipment.
Lastly, have a go at drawing a diagram of each
Safety goggles part, don’t forget to use a pencil and ruler!
Water bath/kettle
J cloth/absorbent towels
Stop watches
1. Put on those safety goggles (and head outside if possible– no really, when this
works, that film canister really flies!)
2. Break the antacid tablet up using a pestle and mortar.
3. Remove the lid from the film canister and put a teaspoon (5 cm3) of water into the
Do the next 2 steps quickly
4. Drop the tablet half into the canister and snap the cap onto the canister (make
sure that it snaps on tightly.)
5. Quickly put the canister on the ground CAP SIDE DOWN and STEP BACK at least 2
6. About 10 seconds later, you will hear a POP! and the film canister will launch into
the air!
Fizzing rockets Lesson 2
Construct a method to test a hypothesis
Identify variables in a scientific investigation
List and justify equipment needed for your investigation
Identify safety hazards

Starter: Name the forces acting on the rocket at take off, during the journey
and landing.

Ext: draw a free body diagram showing the forces acting on the rocket at take
off, during the journey and landing.
Risk What is the risk? How to prevent this
The It could pop up and hit Wear safety goggles at
Think of some hazards canister you in the eye all times during the
for your experiment, popping experiment
The wet area It can make surfaces
here are a few to start from the slippery and someone
you off. Remember, you experiment might fall over or have
need to state how you an accident
will control it too: Keep a clear area around
the experiment of at
least 2m
Equipment Justification
Vit C tablet
In here is a list of possible equipment you may
Empty film canisters need.
Plastic tray However the equipment you are using
Measuring cylinder depends on the variables in your
Balance Check which applies to you.
Pestle Once you have finish choosing equipment,
Mortar explain why you need this bit of equipment.
Lastly, have a go at drawing a diagram of each
Safety goggles part, don’t forget to use a pencil and ruler!
Water bath/kettle
J cloth/absorbent towels
Stop watches
1. Put on those safety goggles (and head outside if possible– no really, when this
works, that film canister really flies!)
2. Break the antacid tablet up using a pestle and mortar.
3. Remove the lid from the film canister and put a teaspoon (5 cm3) of water into the
Do the next 2 steps quickly
4. Drop the tablet half into the canister and snap the cap onto the canister (make
sure that it snaps on tightly.)
5. Quickly put the canister on the ground CAP SIDE DOWN and STEP BACK at least 2
6. About 10 seconds later, you will hear a POP! and the film canister will launch into
the air!
Why is it important to take more than one reading?
Theory: it is not possible to injure yourself falling out the window.

If I jumped out the window and survived, does this mean that this will
always be a successful test?

Would you feel confident jumping out the window after? Have I proven
the hypothesis?
Fizzing rockets Lesson 3
Use your investigation results to develop your method
Create a graph to present your results
Carry out an investigation into rockets to test a hypothesis
Design a table to plot your results in

Starter: Design a results table for your investigation

Results table
• Design a results table to put your Independent
Dependent variable
data in during the practical. variable (__) Try 1 Try 2 Average

• Remember to include how many

different times you will try this each
time. Don’t be unrealistic with how
much data you can record.

• Don’t forget to add units – what you

are measuring it in?
Results table examples
• Don’t forget to add units – what you are measuring it in?
Time till it pops (___) Dependent variable (__)
Mass of Volume of
Vitamin C water (__)
tablet (___) Try 1 Try 2 Average Try 1 Try 2 Average
Practical skills
1. Put on those safety goggles (and head outside if possible– no really, when this
works, that film canister really flies!)
2. Break the antacid tablet up using a pestle and mortar.
3. Remove the lid from the film canister and put a teaspoon (5 cm3) of water into the
Do the next 2 steps quickly
4. Drop the tablet half into the canister and snap the cap onto the canister (make
sure that it snaps on tightly.)
5. Quickly put the canister on the ground CAP SIDE DOWN and STEP BACK at least 2
6. About 10 seconds later, you will hear a POP! and the film canister will launch into
the air!
Drawing a graph
• Create a graph to
present your results

• The independent
variable is on the x axis

• The dependent variable

is up the y axis
Correcting your method
• Return to your method. Now you have done the experiment, what
would you change?

• Is there anything you could do to make your results more reliable,

accurate or fair?

• Rewrite your method with these improvements.

Ext: Explain how your method tests your hypothesis or research question
How did you do?
• Nominate one person’s work to swap with another group.

• Exchange the books as follows:

• Group 1 with Group 2
• Group 3 with Group 4 and 5

• You will then mark their work as a group and decide on a score. What
can they do to improve their method? Write them a target on the
post-it note
Fizzing rockets Lesson 4
• Construct a conclusion from your results

Starter: Stick your graphs into your books!

• Look at your graph, are there any trends or patterns you can see?

• Do your results do what you predicted?

• Can you come up with a rule? e.g. the bigger the mass, the shorter
the time till it pops

• What other evidence do you need to prove your hypothesis/research

Investigation: Fizzing rockets
Create a new hypothesis to test using this equipment
Test whether a hypothesis is true or not
Carry out an investigation safely
Predict what will happen using a hypothesis

Starter: why do people wear goggles for science investigations?

Fizzing rockets

The mass of the tablet affects the time till the rocket pops


I think that…..increasing the mass of __________ will

Risk What is the risk? How to prevent this
The It could pop up and hit Wear safety goggles at
canister you in the eye all times during the
Complete the popping experiment
table to help The wet area It can make surfaces
from the slippery and someone
identify safety experiment might fall over or have
precautions to an accident
take during this Keep a clear area around
practical the experiment of at
least 2m
1. Put on those safety goggles
2. Break the antacid tablet in half.
3. Remove the lid from the film canister and 5 ml of water into the canister.
Do the next 2 steps quickly
4. Drop the tablet half into the canister and snap the cap onto the canister (make sure
that it snaps on tightly.) START your stopwatch
5. Quickly put the canister on the ground CAP SIDE DOWN and STEP BACK at least 2
6. About 10 seconds later, you will hear a POP! and the film canister will launch into the
7. Record the time it took for it to launch into the air.
8. Repeat with a whole tablet. If you have time try one and a half tablets too!
Variables: how could we change the
Independent variables (things you can Dependent variables (things you can
change) measure)
The volume of water The speed
The mass of the vitamin C pill The distance
The surface area of the vitamin C The time
pill The loudness
The angle of the canister The angle
The temperature of the water The splash-zone
Shape of the rocket (canister)

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