exposure to idealized body images on social media can lead to lower body
• Connect the DC Motor
red wire to SPST Switch
satisfaction and increased body dissatisfaction.3. Self-esteem: This refers to
an individual's overall sense •battery
of self-worth and confidence. Social media use
Solder the black wire of
socket to SPST
has been linked to both positive
switch and negative self-esteem outcomes, with
some studies suggesting that social comparison on social media can lead to
lower self-esteem, particularly among individuals who are more sensitive to
social comparison.
4. Social Comparison: This refers to the process by which individuals
compare themselves to others in order to evaluate their own abilities,
attributes, or accomplishments.
5. Age and Gender: These demographic variables are expected to
moderate the relationship between social media use and self-image, with
younger individuals and females potentially being more susceptible to
negative self-image outcomes as a result of social media use.
The participants the study is the all sections of HUMSS in Senior High
School Students of San Josef National High School (ANNEX). The total
number of participants is shown in the table below:
Research Design
5. Age and Gender: These demographic variables are expected to moderate the
relationship between social media use and self-image, with younger individuals
and females potentially being more susceptible to negative self-image outcomes
as a result of social media use.
2. How do you feel about your appearance when you see pictures of yourself on social
a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Very dissatisfied
5. Do you believe that social media has influenced your self-image in a positive or
negative way?
a) Positive impact
b) Negative impact
c) No impact
d) Unsure
6. How do you perceive the body types and appearances of people on social media?
Do they make you feel:
a) More confident in your own appearance?
b) Less confident in your own appearance?
c) Neutral?
d) Unsure?
7. Do you believe that social media has led to unrealistic beauty standards and
expectations for individuals?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
f. Unsure
8. Have you ever experienced cyberbullying or negative comments about
your appearance on social media?
a) Yes, frequently
b) Yes, occasionally
c) No, never
d. Unsure
e. Prefer not to answer
f. N/A (not active on social media platforms).
9. Do you believe that social media has contributed to an increase in body
dissatisfaction among individuals?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
f. Unsure
10. Have you ever felt the need to edit or filter your appearance before
posting a photo on social media?
a) Yes, frequently
b) Yes, occasionally
c) No, never
d. Unsure
e. Prefer not to answer