3.central Tendency
3.central Tendency
3.central Tendency
• Nominal Scales
• Discrete Variables Recall that discrete variables are those that exist only in whole,
indivisible categories. Often, discrete variables are numerical values, such as the
number of children in a family or the number of rooms in a house. When these
variables produce numerical scores, it is possible to calculate means.
Central Tendency and the Shape of
the Distribution
• Symmetrical Distributions
• For a symmetrical distribution, the right-hand side of the graph is a mirror image of the
left-hand side. If a distribution is perfectly symmetrical, the median is exactly at the
center because exactly half of the area in the graph will be on either side of the center.
The mean also is exactly at the center of a perfectly symmetrical distribution because
each score on the left side of the distribution is balanced by a corresponding score (the
mirror image) on the right side. As a result, the mean (the balance point) is located at
the center of the distribution. Thus, for a perfectly symmetrical distribution, the mean
and the median are the same (Figure 3.11). If a distribution is roughly symmetrical, but
not perfect, the mean and median will be close together in the center of the
distribution. If a symmetrical distribution has only one mode, it will also be in the
center of the distribution.
Skewed Distributions
• In skewed distributions, especially distributions for continuous variables, there is a
strong tendency for the mean, median, and mode to be located in predictably different
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