Checkpoint ESL Listening Parts 1 - 5 Updated1

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Checkpoint ESL

Paper 2 Listening Revision: Parts 1-5

Labelling of transcripts matches the labelling of audio files on
Part 1
Multiple-Choice Pictures: Questions 1-5
Paper 2
There are five parts to the paper. Each part is worth 5 marks.

PART 1: Multiple choice – five short audio texts, three picture options
PART 2: Multiple choice – five short audio texts, three options
PART 3: Gap-fill – one long audio text (no options)
PART 4: Multiple choice – one long audio text, five questions, three options
PART 5: Matching – five audio texts, eight options

Part 1
For Part 1, please note the following:

• Five multiple-choice questions. Each option is shown as a picture

• Look carefully at each picture before you listen
• Think about what each picture shows – so you can listen out for key words
• Expect to hear all three options mentioned – two distractors, one correct answer
• Listen as carefully as you can for the exact detail of what is being said
• Listen just as carefully the second time – check your answer
• Concentrate from the very beginning – mistakes often occur with the first
• Use the practice question as a warm-up – get focused!

Example Question 1
Here is a question from a Checkpoint paper:

Example Question
Say what
Here is a question from a Checkpoint paper: you see:

Sports event, basketball Play, show, musical, opera, Meal, lunch, dinner,
match, stadium theatre restaurant

Example Question
Say what
Here is a question from a Checkpoint paper: you see:

Transcript 1 (Part 1, 2m49)

Sports event, basketball Play, show, musical, opera, Meal, lunch, dinner,
match, stadium theatre restaurant

Where did Sally go with her family on Saturday?

BOY: How was the weekend Sally? Did you go to the stadium for the
basketball final on Saturday?
SALLY: I wanted to but it was Dad’s birthday. He took us all out for
something to eat at that new place in town.
BOY: That’s nice.
SALLY: Yes, it’s next to the new theatre. I really enjoyed it. I can
watch basketball anytime.

Transcript 1 (Part 1, 2m49)

Sports event, basketball Play, show, musical, opera, Meal, lunch, dinner,
match, stadium theatre restaurant

Where did Sally go with her family on Saturday?

BOY: How was the weekend Sally? Did you go to the stadium for the Distractor
basketball final on Saturday? Once we hear the
boy’s question we
SALLY: I wanted to but it was Dad’s birthday. He took us all out for have to listen
something to eat at that new place in town. carefully for Sally’s
answer. Notice the
BOY: That’s nice. key phrase and the
SALLY: Yes, it’s next to the new theatre. I really enjoyed it. I can
disappointed tone!
watch basketball anytime.

Transcript 1 (Part 1, 2m49)

Sports event, basketball Play, show, musical, opera, Meal, lunch, dinner,
match, stadium theatre restaurant

Where did Sally go with her family on Saturday?

BOY: How was the weekend Sally? Did you go to the stadium for the
basketball final on Saturday? Correct Detail
Clearly describes
SALLY: I wanted to but it was Dad’s birthday. He took us all out for what did happen
something to eat at that new place in town. with he took us and
the key phrase to
BOY: That’s nice. eat. Notice that new
SALLY: Yes, it’s next to the new theatre. I really enjoyed it. I can place is used instead
of ‘restaurant’
watch basketball anytime.

Transcript 1 (Part 1, 2m49)

Sports event, basketball Play, show, musical, opera, Meal, lunch, dinner,
match, stadium theatre restaurant

Where did Sally go with her family on Saturday?

BOY: How was the weekend Sally? Did you go to the stadium for the
basketball final on Saturday?
SALLY: I wanted to but it was Dad’s birthday. He took us all out for Distractor
something to eat at that new place in town. One extra
distractor-detail to
BOY: That’s nice. check that you are
SALLY: Yes, it’s next to the new theatre. I really enjoyed it. I can watch listening properly!
basketball anytime. (Her dad’s birthday wasn’t so bad after all)

Example Question 2
Now try this one:

Example Question 2
Say what
Now try this one: you see:

Example Question 2
Say what
Now try this one: you see:

Nature, wildlife, animals, Music, singers, guitars, Sport, football, match

lions, documentary group, band

Transcript 2 (Part 1, 3m45)

Nature, wildlife, animals, Music, singers, guitars, Sport, football, match

lions, documentary group, bamd

Which programme does the boy prefer watching?

MUM: Why aren’t you watching that football programme you love? It
started 10 minutes ago.
BOY: It’s become quite boring, Mum. But I’m going to watch a music
programme later. My favourite one about animals is on this evening too.
MUM: Oh, I’m surprised, you’re such a football fan. Anyway, what’s the
music programme about?
BOY: It’s usually about new bands.

Transcript 2 (Part 1, 3m45)

Nature, wildlife, animals, Music, singers, guitars, Sport, football, match

lions, documentary group, bamd

Which programme does the boy prefer watching?

MUM: Why aren’t you watching that football programme you love? It Distractor
started 10 minutes ago. Pay careful
BOY: It’s become quite boring, Mum. But I’m going to watch a music attention to the
programme later. My favourite one about animals is on this evening too. question asked,
especially the
MUM: Oh, I’m surprised, you’re such a football fan. Anyway, what’s the negative aren’t.
music programme about? And watch out, as
BOY: It’s usually about new bands. this distractor
returns later!

Transcript 2 (Part 1, 3m45)

Nature, wildlife, animals, Music, singers, guitars, Sport, football, goal

lions, documentary group, bamd

Which programme does the boy prefer watching?

This is the
MUM: Why aren’t you watching that football programme you love? It distractor that
started 10 minutes ago. makes the
BOY: It’s become quite boring, Mum. But I’m going to watch a music question difficult.
programme later. My favourite one about animals is on this evening too. The but and the
way they talk a lot
MUM: Oh, I’m surprised, you’re such a football fan. Anyway, what’s the about music, make
music programme about? it sound like the
BOY: It’s usually about new bands. right answer

Transcript 2 (Part 1, 3m45)

Nature, wildlife, animals, Music, singers, guitars, Sport, football, goal

lions, documentary group, bamd

Which programme does the boy prefer watching?

Correct Detail
This is actually the
MUM: Why aren’t you watching that football programme you love? It option that is
started 10 minutes ago. mentioned the
BOY: It’s become quite boring, Mum. But I’m going to watch a music least – it is
programme later. My favourite one about animals is on this evening too. therefore easy to
miss! Note, that
MUM: Oh, I’m surprised, you’re such a football fan. Anyway, what’s the he doesn’t
music programme about? actually say he’s
BOY: It’s usually about new bands. watching it, but
favourite matches
prefer watching

Example Question 3
Say what
This question from the G8 S2 TA has a slightly longer text: you see:

Example Question 3
Say what
This question from the G8 S2 TA has a slightly longer text: you see:

Sleep Listen to music Play/work on laptop


Transcript 3 (Old Part 2, 0m22)

Sleep Listen to music Play/work laptop

What did the boy do during his plane journey?

GIRL: Hi Jake, I haven’t seen you for a while

JAKE: I’ve been on holiday with my family. We went to Australia!
GIRL: Ah, lucky you. How long was the plane journey?
JAKE: 12 hours. But it wasn’t too bad actually. Playing games helped to
pass the time. I used Dad’s laptop, as he was listening to music most of
the journey.
GIRL: Yes, I usually listen to music on long journeys too, or I fall asleep.
JAKE: Yes, I noticed some people just slept for the whole journey.

Transcript 3 (Old Part 2, 0m22)

Sleep Listen to music Play/work on laptop

What did the boy do during his plane journey?

Correct Detail
Notice how this
GIRL: Hi Jake, I haven’t seen you for a while
time the right
JAKE: I’ve been on holiday with my family. We went to Australia! answer comes
GIRL: Ah, lucky you. How long was the plane journey? first, after a long
build up of
JAKE: 12 hours. But it wasn’t too bad actually. Playing games helped to irrelevant material.
pass the time. I used Dad’s laptop, as he was listening to music most of
the journey.
GIRL: Yes, I usually listen to music on long journeys too, or I fall asleep.
JAKE: Yes, I noticed some people just slept for the whole journey.

Transcript 3 (Old Part 2, 0m22)

Sleep Listen to music Play/work on laptop

What did the boy do during his plane journey?

Correct Detail
Notice how this
GIRL: Hi Jake, I haven’t seen you for a while
time the right
JAKE: I’ve been on holiday with my family. We went to Australia! answer comes
GIRL: Ah, lucky you. How long was the plane journey? first, after a long
build up of
JAKE: 12 hours. But it wasn’t too bad actually. Playing games helped to irrelevant material.
pass the time. I used Dad’s laptop, as he was listening to music most of
the journey.
GIRL: Yes, I usually listen to music on long journeys too, or I fall asleep.
JAKE: Yes, I noticed some people just slept for the whole journey.

Transcript 3 (Old Part 2, 0m22)

Sleep Listen to music Play/work on laptop

What did the boy do during his plane journey?

Once again, more
GIRL: Hi Jake, I haven’t seen you for a while
time is actually
JAKE: I’ve been on holiday with my family. We went to Australia! spent talking
GIRL: Ah, lucky you. How long was the plane journey? about each of the
distractors than
JAKE: 12 hours. But it wasn’t too bad actually. Playing games helped to the correct detail!
pass the time. I used Dad’s laptop, as he was listening to music most of
the journey.
GIRL: Yes, I usually listen to music on long journeys too, or I fall asleep.
JAKE: Yes, I noticed some people just slept for the whole journey.

Example Question 4
Another Part 1 question from the G8 S2 TA. Say what
Notice the fast speech and American accent: you see:


Example Question 4
Say what
Another Part 1 question from the G8 S2 TA. you see:
Notice the fast speech and American accent:

Boxing gloves Boxing boots Boxing shorts


Transcript 4 (Old Part 2, 2m50)

Boxing gloves Boxing boots Boxing shorts

Which item is on offer at the moment? Key phrase in question

Here, this means ‘for
sale at a special price’
ANNOUNCER: At Top Boxing, our store takes training as seriously as you and not just ‘for sale’.
do. We offer the best boxing equipment in the city. We have the latest
range of shorts, boots and gloves in all colours and sizes. We’re confident
you’ll always be able to find great quality boots at cheap prices. And for a
limited time, there’s a third off the price of gloves. If you need any help
finding a product or want to order good value shorts in a special colour,
just contact our customer service team on 177 745 7624.

Transcript 4 (Old Part 2, 2m50)

Boxing gloves Boxing boots Boxing shorts

Which item is on offer at the moment? Irrelevant information

This question has a
long build up, but the
ANNOUNCER: At Top Boxing, our store takes training as seriously as you information is general
do. We offer the best boxing equipment in the city. We have the latest and refers to all three
range of shorts, boots and gloves in all colours and sizes. We’re confident options
you’ll always be able to find great quality boots at cheap prices. And for a
limited time, there’s a third off the price of gloves. If you need any help
finding a product or want to order good value shorts in a special colour,
just contact our customer service team on 177 745 7624.

Transcript 4 (Old Part 2, 0m22)

Boxing gloves Boxing boots Boxing shorts

Which item is on offer at the moment? • The boots are
always cheap
ANNOUNCER: At Top Boxing, our store takes training as seriously as you • The shorts are good
do. We offer the best boxing equipment in the city. We have the latest value
Neither of these is the
range of shorts, boots and gloves in all colours and sizes. We’re confident
same as being on
you’ll always be able to find great quality boots at cheap prices. And for a
special offer
limited time, there’s a third off the price of gloves. If you need any help
finding a product or want to order good value shorts in a special colour, Correct Detail
just contact our customer service team on 177 745 7624. The gloves are being
sold at a reduced price
(33% off) for a limited

Part 2
Multiple-Choice (five situations): Questions 6-10

Part 2
Part 2 is very similar to Part 1. The main difference is in
the way the options are given:

• Five multiple-choice questions. Each option is shown as a phrase or a sentence

• Look carefully at each option before you listen
• Think about the question and the options – what other ways can you say them?
• Expect to hear all three options mentioned – two will be distractors, one will be the
correct answer
• Listen as carefully as you can for the exact detail of what is being said
• Listen just as carefully the second time – check your answer
• Expect quite long audio texts

Example Question 5
Here is a Part 2 question from the G8 S2 TA:

Transcript 5 (Old Part 3, 2m09)

In a garden In a park At a gym

Where does the girl regularly do exercise now?

BOY: Are you still going to the gym? I haven’t seen you around there
GIRL: I’m training in my garden now that there’s nicer weather. I still go to
the gym sometimes but only when it’s too rainy outside.
BOY: Why aren’t you going there so often?
GIRL: Because the exercise classes I signed up for were cancelled, which I
found annoying.
BOY: Oh, I see. Well, if you like doing stuff outdoors, the other day I saw a
running club that meets up in the park. It looked like fun.
GIRL: I might do that. I like working out in fresh air.

Transcript 5 (Old Part 3, 2m09)

In a garden In a park At a gym

Where does the girl regularly do exercise now? Distractors

1. She’s only going to the
gym sometimes at the
BOY: Are you still going to the gym? I haven’t seen you around there lately.
GIRL: I’m training in my garden now that there’s nicer weather. I still go to 2. Exercise in the park is
the gym sometimes but only when it’s too rainy outside. the boy’s suggestion
BOY: Why aren’t you going there so often? and is only something
the girl might do in the
GIRL: Because the exercise classes I signed up for were cancelled, which I future
found annoying.
BOY: Oh, I see. Well, if you like doing stuff outdoors, the other day I saw a Correct Detail
running club that meets up in the park. It looked like fun. Mentioned very briefly.
Switch off and you’ll miss it!
GIRL: I might do that. I like working out in fresh air.

Example Question 6
Here is another Part 2 question from the G8 S2 TA:

Transcript 6 (Old Part 3, 3m45)

Leading discussions Contacting members Agreeing books to read

What does the girl find most difficult?

DAD: Are you still running the book club at school?
GIRL: Yes Dad, but I’m finding it a bit difficult.
DAD: Oh, why?
GIRL: Everyone likes different kinds of books, so agreeing on which one to read
every couple of weeks isn’t easy. Then I have to keep the discussions going, by
asking interesting questions to make sure everyone joins in – that’s been the
hardest part of running the club.
DAD: Mmm, I see. And does arranging the meetings take a lot of your time?
GIRL: Well, contacting everyone does, but I expected that would be an important
part of running the club, so I don’t mind that at all.

Transcript 6 (Old Part 3, 3m45)

Leading discussions Contacting members Agreeing books to read

What does the girl find most difficult?

DAD: Are you still running the book club at school?
This sounds like
GIRL: Yes Dad, but I’m finding it a bit difficult. it might be the
DAD: Oh, why? correct detail,
as the girl says
GIRL: Everyone likes different kinds of books, so agreeing on which one to read it isn’t easy.
every couple of weeks isn’t easy. Then I have to keep the discussions going, by However, you
asking interesting questions to make sure everyone joins in – that’s been the have to keep
hardest part of running the club. listening …
DAD: Mmm, I see. And does arranging the meetings take a lot of your time?
GIRL: Well, contacting everyone does, but I expected that would be an important
part of running the club, so I don’t mind that at all.

Transcript 6 (Old Part 3, 3m45)

Leading discussions Contacting members Agreeing books to read

What does the girl find most difficult?

DAD: Are you still running the book club at school?
Correct Detail
GIRL: Yes Dad, but I’m finding it a bit difficult. This is another
DAD: Oh, why? aspect the girl
finds difficult.
GIRL: Everyone likes different kinds of books, so agreeing on which one to read The key
every couple of weeks isn’t easy. Then I have to keep the discussions going, by phrase is
asking interesting questions to make sure everyone joins in – that’s been the ‘hardest part’,
hardest part of running the club. which is a
DAD: Mmm, I see. And does arranging the meetings take a lot of your time? paraphrase of
most difficult
GIRL: Well, contacting everyone does, but I expected that would be an important
part of running the club, so I don’t mind that at all.

Transcript 6 (Old Part 3, 3m45)

Leading discussions Contacting members Agreeing books to read

What does the girl find most difficult?

DAD: Are you still running the book club at school?
GIRL: Yes Dad, but I’m finding it a bit difficult.
Notice how her
DAD: Oh, why? tone changes –
GIRL: Everyone likes different kinds of books, so agreeing on which one to read the pitch goes
up. This
every couple of weeks isn’t easy. Then I have to keep the discussions going, by
prepares us for
asking interesting questions to make sure everyone joins in – that’s been the
the key phrase
hardest part of running the club. don’t mind at
DAD: Mmm, I see. And does arranging the meetings take a lot of your time? all
GIRL: Well, contacting everyone does, but I expected that would be an important
part of running the club, so I don’t mind that at all.

Part 3
Gap-fill: Questions 11-15

Part 3
Parts 3 is the only part of the paper that is not multiple-choice

• Five gap-fill questions. Each answer is usually a single word or detail

• Read all the notes before you listen
• For each gap, note down what kind of word you are expecting to hear
• Expect an introduction, before the gap-fill information
• Expect some distractors
• Try to be as accurate as possible with your spelling when filling in the gaps
• The last question is usually a name or number spelt out – you must be 100% accurate
with this one
• Listen carefully both times – check your answers
• Keep focused and follow the text – don’t lose your place
(Old Part 5, 44s)

Check the Gaps

(21) Noun – place in


(22) Part of a name

or title

(23) Noun –
something to watch?

(24) Noun – gift?

(25) A person’s

Example Question 7 (Old Part 5, 44s)

Try this gap – how many distractors are there?


Example Question 7
Try this gap – how many distractors are there?

Distractor 1
Transcript 7 Old Part 5, 3m49
Sometimes – but not this time

Correct Detail
GIRL: There’s sometimes a film on too, but I was lucky enough to see But signals that the answer is
a play when I went. It’s still on at the moment and it’s called The Lost coming. Play is the gap-fill answer
Bear. It’s based on a documentary about some teenagers who
Distractor 2
rescued a bear cub and it’s really good.
A documentary is mentioned, but
this is what the play was based on

Example Question 8
Last practice question – can you note down the exact information?

Example Question 8
Last practice question – can you note down the exact information?

Transcript 8 Old Part 5 4m21

Correct Detail
GIRL: I thought the whole place was amazing, and was interested to You just need to listen out for
find out about how it started. The man who set it up was called the name Edmund, then listen
Edmund Treacy. I’ll spell that: T-R-E-A-C-Y. One of the rooms in the carefully for the spelling of
museum has got lots of information about his life. the surname. No distractors
for this question!

Part 4
Multiple-Choice (Interview): Questions 16-20

Part 4
Parts 4 is very similar to Part 2. The difference
is that the text is one long interrupted interview:

• Five multiple-choice questions. Each option is shown as a phrase or a sentence

• Each question on the paper relates to a different question asked by the interviewer.
• Read all the questions and options before you listen
• Identify key words in the question and options – what other ways can you say them?
• Expect all three options mentioned – two distractors, one correct answer
• Listen carefully both times – check your answers
• Keep focused and follow the text – don’t lose your place in the interview
• Expect the interview to give a general introduction at the start
• Expect the Part 6 interview to be the most challenging text on the paper

Example Question 9
Now try a Part 4 question from the Grade 8 mock exam:

Transcript 9 (Part 4, 1m52)

Rough paths Few trees Windy

What surprised Diana about the area they rode in?

Paraphrase – countryside
instead of area
INTERVIEWER: The Irish countryside’s a beautiful place for horse-riding
isn’t it? Distractor 1
Impressed by wind, but
DIANA: Yes, it was fantastic riding along sandy beaches, or along the tops of not necessarily surprised
hills and cliffs. The wind from the see was so fresh. But there were no
proper roads and we were often just following tracks full of holes and Correct Detail
stones. I hadn’t expected that. It was lovely and peaceful though and the Hadn’t expected is a clear
scenery was varied with some open areas without forests or trees. match for surprised
Distractor 2
No mention of surprise

Example Question 10
Now, here’s a Part 6 question from the Grade 8 mock exam:
Notice how long the audio
text is for this question –
Transcript 10 (Old Part 6, 2m28) keep your focus!
Being well paid Excitement of having an Learning new things

What does Jack enjoy most about circus life?

Paraphrase – a prompt
instead of a question
INTERVIEWER: It sounds like you love your circus life.
Distractor 1
JACK: For sure. Even though I have bad days, like anyone else in any other
Wants to excite audience
job, the audience is not paying to see our problems. We have to make them
happy, give them an exciting performance. Circus performing is very physical Distractor 2
work, so you can’t carry on forever. We get decent pay – I’m happy with Decent pay - not why I do
that, but it’s not why I do it. There’s so much variety. We even appear on TV it
shows sometimes. Living and working in the circus is a wonderful Correct Detail
Notice, he doesn’t actually
experience: finding out about other cultures and languages; trying out all
state what he enjoys most
sorts of different foods. No day’s ever really the same. At the end of each
– we have to infer it
tour, I know so much more than I did before.

Part 5
Matching (Interview): Questions 21-25

Part 5: Matching
Part 5 is a new exercise on the Checkpoint Listening from 2023. The exercise tests your ability to
match statements in the question to paraphrased details in the audio.
• Five different speakers share their thoughts on a common topic
• Match each speaker to one of eight statements listed as part of the question
• Before you listen, try to become as familiar as possible with the eight statements – the better
you can keep the basic ideas in your head, the easier it will be to match them
• Underline the key words in each statement
• As you listen to each speaker, look again at the statements
• Remember that the correct statement won’t summarise everything the speaker says – it will just
match one particular detail or aspect
• Pencil in your answers the first time you listen, and try to confirm on the second listen
• Remember that there will be three statements that don’t match any of the speakers
• This exercise can be very tricky and will require your complete attention. Listening twice is

Example Question 11
Five speakers talk about doing something that was very challenging.
Which key words would you underline in each statement?

A. I wanted to make my parents feel proud.

B. I was amazed by my own success.
C. I received a lot of support from friends.
D. I didn’t enjoy getting so much attention.
E. I was pleased not to make any mistakes.
F. I needed more time to prepare.
G. I wasn’t as nervous as I expected.
H. I had some doubts about my abilities.

Example Question 11
Five speakers talk about doing something that was very challenging.
Which key words would you underline in each statement?

A. I wanted to make my parents feel proud.

B. I was amazed by my own success.
C. I received a lot of support from friends.
D. I didn’t enjoy getting so much attention.
E. I was pleased not to make any mistakes.
F. I needed more time to prepare.
G. I wasn’t as nervous as I expected.
H. I had some doubts about my abilities.
Where is the distracting information in
Example Question this text – the details that match one of
the statements partly, but not fully?
11 What is the correct match-up?
Transcript 11 (New Part 5, 1m14)
Speaker 1 A. I wanted to make my parents feel proud.

I’m pretty shy, so it was a huge challenge when I B. I was amazed by my own success.

agreed to give a speech at my sister’s wedding. I C. I received a lot of support from friends.
wrote it all myself and spent hours practising with
D. I didn’t enjoy getting so much attention.
my parents. They suggested some great ways to
E. I was pleased not to make any mistakes.
improve it. A lot of it was about how proud I was
to have a sister like mine. She’s always supported F. I needed more time to prepare.
me. When I finally stood up in front of everyone, G. I wasn’t as nervous as I expected.
it was funny, ’cause I felt far calmer than I thought
H. I had some doubts about my abilities.
I’d be. In fact, apart from forgetting a few lines,
the speech went really well.

Example Question Where is the distracting information in

this text – the details that match one of

11 the statements partly, but not fully?

What is the correct match-up?
Transcript 11 (New Part 5, 1m14)
Speaker 1 A. I wanted to make my parents feel proud.

I’m pretty shy, so it was a huge challenge when I B. I was amazed by my own success.

agreed to give a speech at my sister’s wedding. I C. I received a lot of support from friends.
wrote it all myself and spent hours practising with
E. I was pleased not to make any mistakes.
my parents. They suggested some great ways to
G. I wasn’t as nervous as I expected.
improve it. A lot of it was about how proud I was
to have a sister like mine. She’s always supported
me. When I finally stood up in front of everyone, Try to narrow your options down:
it was funny, ’cause I felt far calmer than I thought Which of the options above relate to
distracting information in the text,
I’d be. In fact, apart from forgetting a few lines,
and which one matches a detail?
the speech went really well.
A. I wanted to make my parents feel proud.

Example Question B. I was amazed by my own success.

11 C. I received a lot of support from friends.

Transcript 11 (New Part 5, 1m14)
E. I was pleased not to make any mistakes.
Speaker 1
G. I wasn’t as nervous as I expected.
I’m pretty shy, so it was a huge challenge when I
agreed to give a speech at my sister’s wedding. I Distractor 1: Sounds a bit like C. – but here
the support is from family rather than friends
wrote it all myself and spent hours practising with
Distractor 2: Sounds a bit like A. with the
my parents. They suggested some great ways to mention of ‘proud’. Also a bit like C. again.
improve it. A lot of it was about how proud I was Correct Detail: ‘calmer’ is a paraphrase for
to have a sister like mine. She’s always supported ‘wasn’t as nervous’, and ‘thought I’d be’ is
close in meaning to ‘as I expected’.
me. When I finally stood up in front of everyone,
Distractor 3: Not E. as she forgets some lines.
it was funny, ’cause I felt far calmer than I thought Sounds quite a lot like B, but saying the
I’d be. In fact, apart from forgetting a few lines, speech ‘went really well’ in spite of some
forgotten lines is not quite the same as being
the speech went really well. ‘amazed by my own success’.
Where is the distracting information in
Example Question this text – the details that match one of
the statements partly, but not fully?
12 What is the correct match-up?
Transcript 12 (New Part 5, 1m55)
Speaker 2 A. I wanted to make my parents feel proud.

I had an ambition to take part in a big sailing B. I was amazed by my own success.
race. It involved sailing the boat alone and I was C. I received a lot of support from friends.
confident I could win. My parents thought so too
D. I didn’t enjoy getting so much attention.
– they’re both keen sailors. My friends said I was
crazy though. I was quite worried by the bad E. I was pleased not to make any mistakes.
weather on the day of the race, but everything
F. I needed more time to prepare.
went well and, sure enough, I won it! There were
loads of photographers as well as crowds of G. I wasn’t as nervous as I expected.
people clapping at the finish, which I found H. I had some doubts about my abilities.
incredibly embarrassing. I just wanted to
celebrate quietly with my family.
Where is the distracting information in
Example Question this text – the details that match one of
the statements partly, but not fully?
12 What is the correct match-up?
Transcript 12 (New Part 5, 1m55)
Speaker 2 A. I wanted to make my parents feel proud.

I had an ambition to take part in a big sailing B. I was amazed by my own success.
race. It involved sailing the boat alone and I was C. I received a lot of support from friends.
confident I could win. My parents thought so too
D. I didn’t enjoy getting so much attention.
– they’re both keen sailors. My friends said I was
crazy though. I was quite worried by the bad H. I had some doubts about my abilities.
weather on the day of the race, but everything
went well and, sure enough, I won it! There were
loads of photographers as well as crowds of Try to narrow your options down:
people clapping at the finish, which I found Which of the options above relate to
incredibly embarrassing. I just wanted to distracting information in the text,
and which one matches a detail?
celebrate quietly with my family.
A. I wanted to make my parents feel proud.
Example Question B. I was amazed by my own success.

12 C. I received a lot of support from friends.

Transcript 12 (New Part 5, 1m55)
D. I didn’t enjoy getting so much attention.
Speaker 2
H. I had some doubts about my abilities
I had an ambition to take part in a big sailing
race. It involved sailing the boat alone and I was Distractor 1: Parents are mentioned, but the
idea of them feeling proud is not (A)
confident I could win. My parents thought so too
– they’re both keen sailors. My friends said I was Distractor 2: There is a reference to his
crazy though. I was quite worried by the bad friends, but they are not particularly
supportive! (C)
weather on the day of the race, but everything
went well and, sure enough, I won it! There were Distractor 3: He is successful, but he is not
amazed by this – he was ‘confident’ he’d win,
loads of photographers as well as crowds of and ‘sure enough’ he did. (B) – also eliminates
people clapping at the finish, which I found H
incredibly embarrassing. I just wanted to Correct Detail: photographers & crowds =
celebrate quietly with my family. attention, and embarrassing = didn’t enjoy (D)
General Tips for Paper 2:
• Come into the exam quietly and fully focused
• Be ready for the first question
• Make sure you check questions, options and gaps before you listen
• Don’t write your answer until you have heard the whole passage
• Always listen carefully both times
• Expect distractors for every question
• Listen out for key words like ‘but’ and ‘however’
• Listen out for changes in pitch, tone and attitude
• Be prepared for questions to get more challenging as the paper goes on
Good Luck!

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