Accountancy PPT Death-Of-partner
Accountancy PPT Death-Of-partner
Accountancy PPT Death-Of-partner
Death of a partner
Death comes unexpectedly. It can happen any time
during a financial year.
Calculation of
Share of Undistributed
deceased partner
share of profit goodwill profits
Preparation of
Interest on
Items which are credited to deceased painter's
capital account
Interest on drawing upto the date of death
Share of loss on revaluation
Death of
t of
Share of goodwill
Share of profit on
Share of undistributed
Format of deceased partners capital A/c
Partners capital
Particulars A/c
Amount Particulars Amount
By Balance b/d
By Workmen Compens
By Reserves
By Profit and loss (Cr)
Partners capital
Particulars A/c
Amount Particulars Amount
By Balance b/d
By Workmen Comp
By Reserves
By Profit and loss (Cr)
By Revaluation
( profit)
By Interest On Capital
Partners capital
Particulars A/c
Amount Particulars Amount
By Balance b/d
By Workmen Comp
By Reserves
By Profit and loss (Cr)
By Revaluation
( profit)
By Interest On Capital
By Profit and loss
Partners capital
Particulars A/c
Amount Particulars Amount
By Balance b/d
By Workmen Comp
By Reserves
By Profit and loss (Cr)
By Revaluation
( profit)
By Interest On Capital
By Profit and loss
By A’s capital
By B’s capital
Share of goodwill
Format of deceased partners capital A/c
Partners capital
Particulars A/c
Amount Particulars Amount
To Goodwill By Balance b/d
To Revaluation By Workmen Comp
By Reserves
By Profit and loss (Cr)
By Revaluation
( profit)
By Interest On Capital
Goodwill already
appears written off Loss on revaluation
Format of deceased partners capital A/c
Partners capital
Particulars A/c
Amount Particulars Amount
To Goodwill By Balance b/d
To Revaluation By Workmen Comp
To Profit and Fund
By Reserves
To Drawings By Profit and loss (Cr)
To Interest on By Revaluation
drawing ( profit)
By Interest On Capital
By Profit and loss
By A’s capital
By B’s capital
Dr balance of profit
Drawing and
and loss (balance
interest on drawing
( till date of death)
Format of deceased partners capital A/c
Partners capital
Particulars A/c
Amount Particulars Amount
To Goodwill By Balance b/d
To Revaluation By Workmen Comp
To Profit and Fund
By Reserves
To Drawings By Profit and loss (Cr)
To Interest on By Revaluation
To Executer A/c ( profit)
By Interest On Capital
( balancing figure)
By Profit and loss
By A’s capital
By B’s capital
transferred to
Executer A/c
Deceased partner share in
60,000 x 2
B share of = = 20,000
goodwill 6
Cross multiplication
X (profit) 30,000
= X 2,40,000 = 12,000
Problem Sales
A ,B and Basis
C are sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2:1. C died on
31th June 2011 accounts are closed on 31st march every year.
Sales for the year ending 31st march 2011 amounting to
6,00,000. Sales from 1st April 2011 to 30th June 2011
amounted to Rs 2,40,000. The profits for the year ending 31st
march 2011 amounted to 30,000. Calculate the deceased
partner share in the current year’s profits.
x 3 10
Interest on capital = 40,000 x = 1,000
12 100
Share of profit
= 24,000 x 3 x 2 2,000
Share of profit =
12 6
= 1,200 x 3 x 10 = 30
12 100
= 1,200 x 2 x 10 = 20
12 100
= 1,200 x 1 x 10 = 10
12 100
43,000 43,000
mA B and C are partners with effect from 1st April 2011.
Furniture Rs 18,000
Machinery Rs 72000
Cash Rs 10,000
Debtors Rs 20,000.
= Total x 6 +1 x Rate
drawings 2 100
= 3600 x 6 +1 x 10
= 63
2 100
53,100 53,100
Pushpa , rashi and seema shares P/L in the ratio of
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Pushpa 1,20,000 Land and Building 2,00,000
Rashi 80,000 Stock 65,000
Seema 1,00,0000 40,000 Bank 65,000
Creditors 38,000 Debtors 30,000
Profit and loss account 60,000 Goodwill 40,000
Employee provident fund 2,000
30,000 + 70,000 +
Average = = 60,000
profits 3
30,000 + 70,000 +
Average = = 60,000
profits 3
Goodwill = 60,000 x 2 = 1.20,000
x 2
Pushpa share of = 1,20,000 = 4,8000
goodwill 5
60,400 60,400