SCC Holiday Homework

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Art Integration Project

Group members

Dixit Taneja

Naitik Jain

Bhumi Gupta

Vanshika Sharma

India is the 7th largest country with an area of

3.28 million sq. It has a variety of topography,
climatic conditions, land and soil. Various
climatic conditions and types of soil provide us
with different types of vegetation . Its various
types are: 1)Evergreen Forest 2) Deciduous
Forest 3) Mangrove Forest 4) Montane Forest 5)
Tropical thorn forest.
The natural vegetation
of India based on the
geographical locations.

 Evergreen Forest

 Tropical Deciduous

 Mangrove forest

 Montane forest

 Tropical thorn 4

They are restricted to the areas of heavy rainfall and

are best in the areas having more than 200cm of
rainfall with a short dry season . These are thus found
in the western ghats, Lakshadweep , Andaman and
Nicobar islands and in the upper parts of Assam and
Tamil Nadu. The trees reach great heights up to 60m
or more and it includes a luxuriant vegetation of all
kinds like trees, shrubs and creepers giving it a
multilayered structure. Since there this no fi xed time
for the trees to shed leaves it remains green all the
year as the name says . Some of the commercially
important trees are ebony, mahogany, rosewood,
rubber and cinchona. The animals found here include
elephants, monkeys, lemurs, deer, one horned
rhinoceroses and plenty of birds, bats, sloths,
scorpions, snails etc.
Tropical deciduous forests occur in regions with heavy
rainfall for part of the year followed by a marked dry
season. These forest formations are dense and lush
during the wet summers but become a dry landscape
during the dry winters when most trees shed their
leaves .Moist deciduous forests are found in the
eastern part of the country such as northeastern
states along the foothills of the Himalayas, Jharkhand,
West Orissa and Chhattisgarh and on the eastern
slopes of the Western Ghats .Maple, oak, and elm are
examples of deciduous forests. The common animals
found are lion, tiger, pig, deer and elephant. A huge
variety of birds, lizards, snakes, and tortoises are also
found here .Teak is the most dominant species of the
tropical deciduous forests. Other commercially
important species of this forest are Bamboo, Sal,

The tidal mangrove forests are found in

the areas of coasts influenced by
tides. Mud and silt get accumulated in
such areas. The most prevalent type of
mangrove is dense mangrove, with plant
roots immersed in water. Such vegetation
covers the deltas of the Ganga, Mahanadi,
Krishna, Godavari,
and Kaveri rivers. Palm, coconut, keora,
agar, also grow in some parts of the

Montane forests are ecosystems found in

mountainous regions, typically between the
elevations of 1,000 to 3,500 meters (3,300 to 11,500
feet) above sea level, although this can vary. They
are characterized by their cool temperatures, high
humidity, and diverse fl ora and fauna. Montane
forests often feature a mix of evergreen and
deciduous trees, such as conifers and broadleaf
species. These forests play a crucial role in
maintaining biodiversity, regulating water fl ow, and
providing habitats for many species, adapting to the
unique conditions of high altitude environments.
Tropical Thorn
The thorn forests and scrubs are found in regions
with less than 70 cm of rainfall. These forests, thus,
exist in the north-western part of the country
including semi-arid regions of Gujarat, Rajasthan,
Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and
Haryana . The main plant species found in these
forests are acacias, cacti, euphorbias and palms .
Trees are scattered and have long roots penetrating
deep into the soil in order to get moisture . The
stems are succulent to conserve water . Leaves are
mostly thick and small . The common animals found
in these forests are rat, mice, rabbits, fox, wolf,
tiger, lion, horses and camels.

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