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Language and


Asst.Lect. Teeba Abdul-

The English language is officially getting larger by about
4,000 words each year, based on the amount of words
officially added to dictionaries annually.


Short for co(rona)vi(rus) d(isease) (20)19, the year in which the

outbreak of the disease was first identified; so named by the
World Health Organization in 2020
“Crutch words” are words we turn to
when we need to fill in time when
thinking, and they’re not the best
aspect of English vocabulary. These
words include basically, seriously,
honestly, actually..ect.
Borrowed words
● what usually happens is that English
speakers find a word in another language to
describe something they don’t yet have a
word for. So they “borrow” that word.
Forever. Borrowing is a consequence of
cultural contact between two language
Language Examples

agriculture, language, justice, science, forum, circus,

opium, religion, apostle, city, master, paper

art, dance, jewel, painting, ballet, government, salon,,

quiche, beef, salmon

phobia, academy, siren, lexicon, muse, democracy,

psyche, atlas, biology, comedy, tragedy, history, data

German blitz, kindergarten, flak,, poodle, noodle.

opera, piano, broccoli, fresco, spaghetti, pesto, pizza,

cappuccino, latte

alcohol, bedouin, harem, algebra, zero, giraffe, gazelle,

sultan, caravan, mosque
Linguistic fields
Important subfields of linguistics
Phonetics - the study of how speech sounds are
produced and perceived.

Phonology - the study of sound patterns and changes

Morphology - the study of word structure
Psycholinguistics - the study of how humans
Syntax - the study of sentence structure
acquire and use language
Semantics - the study of linguistic meaning
Stylistics is the science which explores
Sociolinguistics - the study of the relation how readers interact with the language
between language and society of (mainly literary) texts in order to
explain how we understand, and are
Pragmatics - the study of how language is used affected by texts when we read them.
in context
An adequate sociolinguistic theory provides a
motivated account of the way language is used in a
community, and of the choices people make when
they use language in specific contexts.

Social class: The position of the speaker in the

society is often measured by the level of education,
parental background, profession and their effect on
syntax and lexis used by the speaker (Trudgill, 2000).
Social Context: The register of the language used
depending on changing situations: formal language in
formal meetings and informal usage in informal
meetings.It is notable that people are acutely aware of
the differences in speech patterns that mark their
social class and are often able to adjust their style to
the interlocutor
Geographical Origins: Slight differences in
pronunciation between speakers indicate the
geographical region they come from
Sociolinguistics investigates the way in which
language changes, depending on the region it is
used in .

Nationality: This is visible in the case of the

English language: British English differs from
American English, or Canadian English; Nigerian
English differs from Ghanaian English; the study of
language variation is concerned with social
constraints determining language in its contextual
environment (Hudson, 1996).
Gender: Patterns of language use of men are
different from those of women in terms of
quantity of speech and the intonation patterns
(Trudgill, 2000).

Age: The age of the speaker influences the use

of vocabulary and grammar complexity (Bell,
Exclusive Speech Differences Between Males and

For Vocabulary

Some extreme and commendatory adjectives are more used

by women like great, lucky, happiest, excellent and etc. They
also use some positive degree adverbs to emphasize in good
aspects like really, largely and so much.

Women usually avoid using slang and dirty words even they
are really angry . But those words will be used by men.
Besides, there are greeting differences for males and
Language \ Romaine(2000: 2) states that the term dialect is related to a

dialect subordinate variety of a language. We have got used on saying

that English language has many dialects and these dialects are of
different kinds. A regional dialect is a variety related to a place.

One good example for regional dialects is Iraq. There are

many different regional dialects in different parts of Iraq.
Some of these dialects are Baghdad Arabic, Bagdad
Jewish Arabic. Also, Iraqi Arabic consists mainly of three
sub-dialects within the country: Baghdadi, Southern, and
. Maslawi dialect (Kessler, 2003)
Accent An accent is simply how people pronounce words. It
is a style of pronunciation. The dialect is not only
related to differences in phonology but also grammar,
morphology and other linguistic features.

An Iraqi citizen who has moved to America and is

learning English recently will speak English with
Arabic accent rather than the English one.
Multilingualism has thus gradually become a
natural trend in our globalized world and has
probably been included as a natural part of
social development among the logical

Multi-linguals may in certain cases switch back and forth between

two or more different languages, a phenomenon called code-
switching. This term describes the process in which a
communicatively competent multilingual speaker alternates or
switches usually between two languages or language varieties or
codes during the same conversation.
Functions of Code-

1) Directive 2) Expressive Function 3) Referential Function

People may Someone who is
Function include the embedded unable to express an idea
People switch language in order to easily in one language,
languages to either express some part of switches to the other in
include or exclude their identity. For order to express it more
other people from instance, they might fluently. This can be found
the conversation. want to show their when one tends to use
connection to a certain idioms or expressions of
Whenever one
country or culture. other languages
wants to tell secrets,

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