1 - Capitalization Paraghraph Unity Coherence

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Text Book: • Ideas and Details: Writing Academic English by
Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, Pearson Longman,
4th Edition, 2006, ISBN-10: 0131523597; ISBN-13:
• Academic Writing: A Handbook for International
References Students, 2007, Routledge, 3rd Edition, 2011,
ISBN-10: 0415595819, ISBN-13: 978-0415595810.
• User Guides, Manuals, and Technical Writing; A
Guide to Professional English by Wallwork, Adrian,
Springer, 2014, SBN 978-1-4939-0641-3.
Duration in
Number Description

1 Introduction 1
Accuracy in Writing (Grammar, tenses, punctuation, capitalization, etc.)
2 1

Accuracy in Writing (Grammar, tenses, punctuation, capitalization, etc.)

3 1

4 Sentence Structure (Clauses, Type of Sentences) 1

5 Paragraph Structure 1
6 Unity, Coherence, Paraphrasing, and Plagiarism 1
7 Writing an Essay 1
8 Writing an Essay 1
9 Writing Models (Formal Letter, CV, Article, Thesis,...) 1
10 Writing Models (Formal Letter, CV, Article, Thesis,...) 1
11 Writing Models (Formal Letter, CV, Article, Thesis,...) 1
12 Presentations Skills, Referencing and Quoting, 1
13 Presentations Skills, Referencing and Quoting, (continued) 1
14 Revision 1

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 Communication is the heart and soul of the
human experience.
 The process communication mainly includes
speaking, listening, and writing.
 Nobody actually learns grammar to learn
his/her own mother tongue.
 It is a natural phenomenon that we start
speaking what everybody speaks around us.
 We gradually develop a better sense of
understanding with the passage of time.


 Nouns

 Pronouns

 Verbs

 Adjective

 Adverbs

 Prepositions

 Conjunctions

 Interjections


 It’s easy to describe a noun.
 In simple terms, nouns are “things” (and verbs are “actions“).

Examples -
 Food : Food (noun) is something you eat (verb).
 Happiness : Happiness (noun) is something you want (verb).
 Human being : A human being (noun) is something you
are (verb(.

• Simple definition of a noun :
•  a person : teacher
•  a place : school
•  a thing : book
•  an animal : camel
•  idea/emotion : happy

• Q : Provide a sentence using each noun above

• Q : Can you give examples of proper nouns for

•  A person
•  A place
•  An animal

 Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted. They
have a singular form and plural form.
 They usually refer to things.
 Most countable nouns become plural by adding an ’s’ at
the end of the word.

Singular Plural
Chair Chairs
Bottle Bottles
Student Students
Goose Geese

 Uncountable (or non-count) nouns refer to things which
cannot be counted.
 Therefore, they only have a singular form. They have no
plural forms.
They usually refer to abstractions (such as confidence or
advice) or collectives (such as equipment or luggage).

Uncountable nouns

 Q : Fill in the blanks with the correct noun based
on the words given.
a) There are at least twenty in Jeddah.
b) There is no more in that pond. (water)
c) I need to find some about that news.
d) How many are on that cake? (candle)
e) Aisha took many in Dubai.

• Pronouns are small words that takes place of a noun.

•Examples : she, he, they, it, some, each etc

• Importance of pronouns – to simplify sentences.

•Examples without pronouns :

•  Do you like Megan? I don’t like Megan. Megan talks a lot.

•Examples with pronouns :

•  Do you like Megan? I don’t like her. She talks a lot.

Personal Pronouns
Subjective Objective Possessive
I me my, mine

Singular you you your, yours

he him his
she her her, hers
it it its

Subjective Objective Possessive

we us our, ours
you you your, yours
they them their., theirs

Why possessive pronouns?

A possessive pronoun is a part of speech that attributes
ownership to someone or something.

Like any other pronoun, it substitutes a noun phrase and can

prevent its repetition.

 Example : "These glasses are mine, not yours

 the words "mine" and "yours" are possessive pronouns
 the word "mine" stands for "my glasses"
 and the word "yours” stands for "your glasses”.

 More examples :
 This is our house. It is ours.
 This is my bedroom. It is mine.
 This is my brother's bike. It is his.

Exercise of possessive pronouns

1 Jane has already eaten her lunch , but I'm saving (hers / her /
mine / my) until later.
2 She has broken (hers / her / his)
. leg.
3 My mobile needs to be fixed, but (mine / his / our / their) is
. working.
4 ( You / Yours / Mine / My) computer is a Mac, but
(you / your / yours / my) is a PC.
5 We gave them (ours / mine / our / yours) telephone number,
and they gave us (their / theirs / ours / mine).
6 (Mine / My / Yours / You) pencil is broken. Can I borrow
(you / yours / him / its)?
7 (Ours / Our / Your / My) car is cheap, but (you / your / yours /
my) is expensive .
8 You can't have any chocolate! It's all (mine / my / our /
. yours)!
Types of Technical
• Annual Report
• Books
• Computer Hardware Guides
• Magazines
• Newsletters
• Organizational Manuals
• Scholarly Articles/Journals
• Software Guides
• Technical Reports
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The four C’s for effective
technical writing?
• Clarity -- it is easily understood by your intended
• Comprehensiveness -- all of the necessary
information is present
• Conciseness -- it is clear without excess verbiage
• Correctness -- it is grammatical and follows

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First: Always capitalize the first word of a sentence.
1. Because of the weather, all flights were delayed.
2. She lives in Jeddah.

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Second: Always capitalize the word ”I” no matter
where it is in a sentence.
1. John bought the dessert, and I bought some
2. The winners of the contest were Nathaniel and I.

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Third: Capitalize proper nouns-names of specific
people, places, or things. Capitalize a person's title,
including Mr., Mrs., and Dr.
1. The Statue of Liberty is in New York.
2. I saw Dr. Parker in the morning.
3. They met Mr. Hill at the bus stop.
4. Abdul was born in July 1985 in Canada.

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Fourth: Capitalize the names of countries and other
geographic areas.
Capitalize the names of people from those areas.
Capitalize the names of languages.
1. People from Brazil are called Brazilians. They
speak Portuguese.
2. People from Germany are called Germans. They
speak German.

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Fifth: Capitalize titles of works, such as books,
movies, and pieces of art.
1. A Sea without Life
2. Academic Writing
3. The Features of a Good Restaurant.
4. My Last Vacation
5. Advantages of Women Driving

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Sixth: Always capitalize the first letter of a title.
• If the title has more than one word, capitalize all
the words that have meaning (content words)
• Do not capitalize small (function) words, such as a,
an, and, the, in, on, for, to, above, or.

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Activity 1:
Circle the words that have capitalization errors. Make
the corrections above the errors:
• why does february never have thirty days?
• the word april can be the name of a month or a girl.
• She was born in Saudi Arabia.
• i saw ali and i greeted him.
• They are going to see dr. phillips.
• shakespeare wrote hamlet.
• she lives in riyadh.

The materia source By Mis Nida Qayoom

Activity 1:
Circle the words that have capitalization errors. Make
the corrections above the errors:
• why does february never have thirty days?
• the word april can be the name of a month or a girl.
• She was born in saudi arabia.
• i saw ali and i greeted him.
• They are going to see dr. phillips.
• shakespeare wrote hamlet.
• she lives in riyadh.

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Activity 2:
Read the following titles. Rewrite them with correct capitalization.
• the causes of war
• how I spent my last vacation
• my first day working in a restaurant
• a tale of two cities

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Activity 3:
Read the following paragraphs. Circle the
capitalization errors and make corrections above the
Facts about the month of September
september is the ninth month of the year. However, the
word september comes from the Latin word september,
which means "seven." this disparity between seven and
nine is because long ago, a different calendar was used in
which September was indeed the seventh month. when
julius ceasar, leader of rome, redid the calendar, he
designated september as the ninth month.

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a summary of a tale of two cities
Charles dickens published his great work a tale of
two cities in 1859. "it was the best of times, it was
the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was
the age of foolishness…." with these famous lines,
Charles dickens opens this dramatic story, which tells
of life in paris and london at the time of the French
revolution. This famous dickens novel describes life in
one of the world's most chaotic times.

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• A paragraph is a group of related sentences that
discuss one (and usually only one) main idea.
• A paragraph can be as short as one sentence or as
long as ten sentences.
• The number of sentences is unimportant; however,
the paragraph should be long enough to develop
the main idea clearly.

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The Three Parts of a Paragraph
• Topic Sentence
• The Supporting Sentence
• The Concluding Sentence

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Topic Sentence
• All paragraphs have a topic sentence and supporting
• Some paragraphs have a concluding sentence.
• The topic sentence states the main idea of the
• It does not only name the topic of the paragraph, but it
also limits the topic to one specific area that can be
discussed completely in the space of a single paragraph.
• The part of the topic sentence that announces the
specific area to be discussed is called the controlling
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Topic Sentence
• Elements of a Topic Sentence
1. the main subject
2. a controlling idea
• Notice how the topic sentence of the model states
both the topic and the controlling idea:
1. Gold is a precious metal, is prized for two important
2. Saudi Arabia is known for two things oil and money

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Topic Sentence
• Every good paragraph has a topic sentence, which clearly
states the topic and the controlling idea of the paragraph.
• A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a
• It briefly indicates what the paragraph is going to discuss.
• For this reason, the topic sentence is a helpful guide to
both the writer and the reader.
• The writer can see what information to include (and what
information to exclude).
• The reader can see what the paragraph is going to be
about and is therefore better prepared to understand it.
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Position of Topic Sentences
• The topic sentence is usually (but not always) the
first sentence in a paragraph.
• Experienced writers sometimes put topic sentences
in other locations, but the best spot is usually right
at the beginning.
• Readers who are used to the English way of writing
want to know what they will read about as soon as
they begin reading.

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• Synonyms, words that have the same basic meaning
do not always have the same emotional meaning.
For example, the words stingy and frugal both mean
"careful with money."
• However, calling someone stingy is an insult, but
calling someone frugal is a compliment.
• Similarly, a person wants to be slender but not
skinny, aggressive but not pushy. Therefore, you
should be careful in choosing words because many
so-called synonyms are not really synonymous at all.
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Practice Exercise:
• Underline the main subject and circle the
controlling idea in the following topic sentences:
• Computers can be used in many different
• Earth revolves around the sun.
• Smartphones have a number of useful features.
• Dolphins are one of the nature's most incredible

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The Supporting Sentences:
• Develop the topic sentence.
• That is, they explain or prove the topic sentence by
giving more information about it.
• Following are some of the supporting sentences
that explain the topic sentence about gold.
• First of all, gold has a lustrous beauty that is
resistant to corrosion.
• For example, a Macedonian coin remains as
untarnished today as the day it was made 25
centuries ago.
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The Supporting Sentences:
• They describe, explain, verify, or give examples of
the main idea in the topic sentence.
• They answer questions such as Who? What?
When? Where? Why? How?
• They explain the topic sentence in greater detail
and give the reader more information.

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The Supporting Sentences:
• Examples:
• Topic sentence: Cell phones allow parents to stay in
better contact with their children.
• Supporting sentence: As long as his or her cell
phone is turned on, a child can be reached any
• Topic sentence: Emergency towing services are
great to have in case your car breaks down.
• Supporting sentence: They can help you change a
flat tire.
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Strict Parents
• Fortunately, my parents were very strict with me when I was a child. I think that they

were protective because I was an only child. However, at that time, it felt like I was in

prison. I had to come straight home after school and immediately do my homework.

After I finished my homework, I was allowed to watch only one hour of television.

While my friends were playing video games or watching cartoons, I was usually doing

chores around the house to help my mother. This included doing some of the

laundry and ironing, mowing the lawn, and helping to prepare dinner. My father was

an architect, and my mother was a housewife. Looking back, I am not sorry that my

parents were strict with me because I think it was the best way to bring up a child.

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Sweet Dreams
• When people have a hard time falling asleep at night, there are three things that

they can do to relax before going to sleep. One of the most pleasant ways to relax

is to imagine a beautiful and peaceful place. This requires a creative mind, but it is

very effective. Another common method is to practice deep-breathing exercises.

These rhythmic exercises are good for getting rid of the tension that causes

people to stay awake. A third method is to listen to relaxing music, especially soft

music. Soft music is also popular because it helps students study better. Some

people have developed unique ways to help them fall asleep, but these three

methods are extremely effective for the majority of people with sleep problems.

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The concluding sentence
• Signals the end of the paragraph and leaves the
reader with important points to remember
• The concluding sentence concludes, or wraps up, a
• In conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its
beauty but also for its utility.

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The concluding sentence
• Features of a Concluding Sentence:
• It is usually the last sentence of a paragraph.
• It lets the reader know that the paragraph has ended.
• It brings the paragraph to a logical conclusion.

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The concluding sentence
List of transitional words and phrases that are
commonly used at the beginning of concluding
Finally in the end overall

In brief hence clearly

In conclusion certainly because of this

Indeed as a result for these reasons

In short Lastly Therefore

Thus To sum up

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Greeting Cards
Have you noticed how many different kinds of greeting cards you can buy these days? In the old
days, the local drugstore had one rack display' maybe five or six basic kinds of cards. You could
walk into the store and choose an appropriate card in five minutes or less. Nowadays, however, t
e display space for greeting cards is as big as a soccer field, and it may take an hour or two to
hunt down exactly the right card with exactly the right message. There are at least 30 categories
of birthday cards alone: birthday cards for different ages, from different ages, for different
relatives, from different relatives, for different genders, from different genders, from a couple,
from the office, for dog owners, for cat owners, and so on. There are cards for getting ajob, for
retiring from a job, for acquiring a pet, for losing a pet, for becoming engaged, for breaking up.
There are also greeting cards to send for no reason-"Thinking of you" or "Just because" cards. The
newest type of card is the "encouragement card." An encouragement card offers comforting
thoughts and helpful advice to someone who is sad or distressed in these troubled times. In
short, there is now a greeting card for every possible life event and for a few nonevents as well.
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Step 1: Underline the topic sentence in each paragraph.
Step 2: Add a good concluding sentence to each paragraph. You
may either paraphrase the topic sentence or summarize the main

Modern communication technology is driving workers in the

corporate world crazy. They feel buried under the largenumber of
messages they receive daily. In addition to telephone calls, office
workers receive dozens of e-mail and voice mail messages daily. In
one company, in fact, managers receive an average of 100
messages a day. Because they do not have enough time to respond
to these messages during office hours, it is common for them to do
so in the evenings or on weekends at home.
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Step 1: Underline the topic sentence in each paragraph.
Step 2: Add a good concluding sentence to each paragraph. You may
either paraphrase the topic sentence or summarize the main points.

Modern communication technology is driving workers in the corporate

world crazy. They feel buried under the large number of messages they
receive daily. In addition to telephone calls, office workers receive dozens
of e-mails and voicemail messages daily. In one company, in fact,
managers receive an average of 100 messages a day. Because they do not
have enough time to respond to these messages during office hours, it is
common for them to do so in the evenings or on weekends at home. In
conclusion, workers in the corporate world are driven crazy by modern
communication technology.

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Step 1: Underline the topic sentence in each paragraph.
Step 2: Add a good concluding sentence to each paragraph. You may
either paraphrase the topic sentence or summarize the main points

Four Ways to Cook an Egg

There are four easy ways to prepare a delicious egg. Some people believe
that brown eggs taste better than white eggs. The first and probably the
easiest way is to boil an egg. Just drop the egg into a pot of water and boil
it for five minutes. Another easy way is to scramble an egg. All you need is
a fork to beat the egg mixture before you put it into the hot frying pan. A
third way is to fry an egg “over easy.” This involves breaking the egg into
the pan without breaking the yolk. After a few moments, turn the egg
over to cook it on the other side. Finally, poaching an egg involves cooking
the egg in a small dish that is sitting in boiling water. Break the egg into a
small metal cup that is sitting in a pan of very hot, shallow water. Poaching
an egg takes only four to five minutes.

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Activity 4:
• Underline the Topic Sentence and Concluding Sentence in the
below paragraph:
• The Grand Palace in Bangkok
• The Grand Palace is one of the most popular tourist destinations
in Thailand. The construction of the palace began in 1782, and the
royal family lived there until 1925. The palace area consists of over
two million square feet, and the wall that surrounds the Grand
Palace is more than 6,000 feet long. This huge area includes
countless buildings, gardens, and special rooms. The public cannot
visit all of these areas, however, because some areas are still used
for official events. The palace includes some examples of
European influence on the design, such as the Greek columns and
the French windows. It is certainly easy to understand why so
many tourists visit the Grand
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• An important element of a good paragraph is unity.
• Unity means that a paragraph discusses one and
only one main idea from beginning to end.

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• For example, if your paragraph is about the
advantages of owning a compact car, discuss only
• Do not discuss the disadvantages.
• Furthermore, discuss only one advantage, such as
gas economy, in each paragraph.
• If you begin to discuss another advantage, start a
new paragraph.

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• Sometimes it is possible to discuss more than one
aspect of the same idea in one paragraph if they
are closely related to each other.
• For example, you could discuss gas economy and
low maintenance costs in the same paragraph
because they are closely related, but you should
not discuss both gas economy and easier parking in
the same paragraph because they are not closely

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• The second part of unity is that every supporting
sentence must directly explain or prove the main
• For example, in a paragraph about the high cost of
prescription drugs in the United States, you could
mention buying drugs from pharmacies outside the
United States as an alternative, but if you write
several sentences about buying drugs outside the
United States, you are getting off the topic, and
your paragraph will not have unity.

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A.The three paragraphs that follow all discuss the
same topic. Only one of them shows unity. First read
the paragraphs. Then answer these questions.
1. Which paragraph has unity?
2. Which paragraph does not have unity because it
discusses two different topics?
3. Which paragraph does not have unity because it
has sentences that are not related to the topic?

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Paragraph 1
Effects of Color
Colors create biological reactions in our bodies. These reactions, in turn, can change
our behavior. In one study, prisoners were put in a pink room, and they underwent a
drastic and measurable decrease in muscle strength and hostility within 2.7 seconds.
In another study, athletes needing short bursts of energy were exposed to red light.
Their muscle strength increased by 13.5 percent, and electrical activity in their arm
muscles increased by 5.8 percent. Athletes needing more endurance for longer
performances responded best when exposed to blue light. Other studies have shown
that the color green is calming. Green was a sacred color to the Egyptians,
representing the hope and joy of spring. It is also a sacred color to Moslems. Many
mosques and religious temples throughout the world use green (the color of
renewal and growth) and blue (the color of heaven) to balance heavenly peace with
spiritual growth. To sum up, color influences us in many ways (Daniels 10).'

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Paragraph 2
Effects of Color
Colors create biological reactions in our bodies. These reactions, in turn, can
change our behavior. In one study, prisoners were put in a pink room, and they
underwent a drastic and measurable decrease in muscle strength and hostility
within 2.7 seconds. In another study, athletes needing short bursts of energy
were exposed to red light. Their muscle strength increased by 13.5 percent,
and electrical activity in their arm muscles increased by 5.8 percent. Athletes
needing more endurance for longer performances responded best when
exposed to blue light. Other studies have shown that the color green is
calming. After London's Black friars Bridge was painted green, the number of
suicides decreased by 34 percent. These and other studies clearly demonstrate
that color affects not only our moods but our behavior as well (Daniels 10).

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Paragraph 3
Effects of Color
Colors create biological reactions in our bodies. These reactions, in turn, can
change our behavior. In one study, athletes needing short bursts of energy
were exposed to red light. Their muscle strength increased by 13.5 percent,
and electrical activity in their arm muscles increased by 5.8 percent. Athletes
needing more endurance for longer performances responded best when
exposed to blue light. Blue is not a good color for dinnerware, however. Food
looks less appetizing when it is served on blue plates, perhaps because very
few foods in nature are of that color. Other studies have shown that the color
green is calming. After London's Black friars Bridge was painted green, the
number of suicides from it decreased by 34 percent. It is clear that color
affects not just our moods, but our behavior as well (Daniels 10).

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B. Both of the following paragraphs break the rule of
unity because they contain one or more sentences
that are off the topic.
Step 1 : Locate and underline the topic sentence of each
Step 2 : Cross out the sentence or sentences that are off
the topic.

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Paragraph 1
Adventure travel is the hot trend in the tourism industry. Ordinary people are no
longer content to spend their two weeks away from the office resting on a sunny
beach in Florida. More and more often, they are choosing to spend their vacations
rafting down wild rivers, hiking through steamy rain forests, climbing the world's
highest mountains, or crossing slippery glaciers. People of all ages are choosing
educational study tours for their vacations.
Paragraph 2
Daredevil sports are also becoming popular. Young people especially are
increasingly willing to risk life and limb3 while mountain biking, backcountry
snowboarding, or high-speed skateboarding. Soccer is also popular in the United
States now, although football is still more popular. One of the riskiest new sports is
skysurfing, in which people jump out of airplanes with boards attached to their
feet. Skysurfing rivals4 skydiving and bungee jumping for the amount of thrills and

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• Another element of a good paragraph is coherence.
The Latin verb cohere means "hold together.“
• For coherence in writing, the sentences must hold
together; that is, the movement from one sentence
to the next must be logical and smooth.
• There must be no sudden jumps.
• Each sentence should flow smoothly into the next

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There are four ways to achieve coherence:
1. Repeat key nouns.
2. Use consistent pronouns.
3. Use transition signals to link ideas.
4. Arrange your ideas in logical order.

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• The easiest way to achieve coherence is to repeat
key nouns frequently in your paragraph.
• Read the model paragraph about gold to see how it
uses this technique to smooth the flow of
sentences. The key noun in this paragraph is gold.
Circle the word gold and all pronouns that refer to

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Gold is, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First
of all, gold has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. Therefore,
it is suitable for jewelry, coins, and ornamental purposes. Gold never
needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever. For example, a
Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the day it was made 25
centuries ago. Another important characteristic of gold is its usefulness to
industry and science. For many years, it has been used in hundreds of
industrial applications, such as photography and dentistry. The most
recent use of gold is in astronauts' suits. Astronauts wear gold-plated heat
shields for protection when they go outside spaceships in space. ln
conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty but also for its utility.

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A. In the following paragraph, the key noun is never repeated. Replace the pronoun it
with the key noun English wherever you think doing so would make the paragraph
more coherent.
English has almost become an international language. Except for Chinese, more
people speak it than any other language. Spanish is the official language of more
countries in the world, but more countries have it as their official or unofficial second
language. More than 70 percent of the world's mail is written in it. 1t is the primary
language on the Internet. Bin international business, it is used more than any other
language, and it is the language of airline pilots and air traffic controllers all over the
world. Moreover, although French used to be the language of diplomacy, it has
displaced it throughout the world. Therefore, unless you plan to spend your life alone
on a desert island in the middle--of the Pacific Ocean, it is a useful language to know.

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B. In the following passage about dolphins, replace some of the pronouns with
appropriate singular or plural nouns.
Dolphins are interesting because they display almost human behavior at times. For
example, they display the human emotions of joy and sadness. During training, when
they do something correctly, they squeal excitedly and race toward their trainer.
When they make a mistake, however, they droop! noticeably and mope around their
pool. Furthermore, they help each other when they are in trouble. lf one is sick, it
sends out a message, and others in the area swim to help it. They push it to the
surface of the water so that it can breathe. They stay with it for days, weeks until it
recovers, or dies. They have also helped trapped or lost whales navigate their way
safely out to the open sea. They are so intelligent and helpful, in fact, that the U.S.
Navy is training them to become underwater bomb disposal experts.

The materia source By Mis Nida Qayoom

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