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Learning Recovery Program in Literacy and Numeracy

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Learning Recovery Program in Literacy and Numeracy

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Learning Recovery Program in

Literacy and Numeracy

School-Based Learning
Action Cell
Session No. 2
Session Title:
Journey Through
Time Conversion
The outbreak of the pandemic in the country brought so
many challenges in the educational system. From the usual in-
person classes, educators adopted the distance learning
delivery modality in which teachers, learners, and home
learning facilitators encountered difficulties. Such occurrences
caused learning losses and gaps on the part of the learners.
One way to address this challenge is to innovate teaching and
learning strategies through this School Learning Action Cell
(SLAC) module designed for teachers like you.
To assist you grow in your career, the DepEd Region IV-A
CALABARZON has initiated to provide you with this module
which will serve as an additional resource in transforming
learning gaps into gains.

Let’s begin our journey!

Target Competencies
PPST Alignment
Proficient Teachers
Domain 1. Content knowledge and pedagogy

Strand 1.1. Content knowledge and its application

within and across curriculum areas

Indicator 1.1.2. Apply knowledge of content within

and across curriculum teaching areas
Target Competencies
Strand 1.4 Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy
Indicator 1.4.2. Use a range of teaching strategies
that enhance learner achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills.

Strand 1.5. Strategies for developing critical and creative

thinking, as well as other higher order thinking skills
Indicator 1.5.2. Apply a range of teaching strategies
to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as
other higher order thinking skills.
Target Competencies
Domain 2: Learning Environment

Strands 2.3. Management of classroom structure and


Indicator 2.3.2. Manage classroom structure to

engage learners, individually or in groups, in
meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-on
activities within a range of physical learning
Target Competencies
Domain 4: Curriculum and Planning

Strand 4.2. Learning outcomes aligned with learning


Indicator 4.2.2. Set achievable and appropriate

learning outcomes that are aligned with learning
Target Competencies
Highly Proficient Teachers

1.1.3 Model effective applications of content knowledge within and

across curriculum teaching areas

1.4.3 Evaluate with colleagues the effectiveness of teaching strategies

that promote learner achievement in literacy and numeracy

1.5.3 Develop and apply effective teaching strategies to promote critical

and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills.
Target Competencies
Highly Proficient Teachers

2.3.3 Work with colleagues to model and share effective techniques in

the management of classroom structure to engage learners, individually
or in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-on activities
within a range of physical learning environments.
4.2.3 Model to colleagues the setting of achievable and challenging
learning outcomes that are aligned with learning competencies to
cultivate a culture of excellence for all learners.
Target Competencies
Least Learned Competency of the Learner:
Converts time measure from smaller to larger unit and vice- versa.

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Ref. Math CG (M3ME-IVa9)
Visualizes, represents, and converts time measure from:
- seconds to minutes, minutes to hours, and hours to a day
and vice versa
- days to week, month, and year and vice versa
- weeks to months and year and vice versa
months to year and vice versa
Session Objectives
At the end of the SLAC session, the participants
shall be able to:

● craft lesson exemplar utilizing varied teaching

strategies in visualizing, presenting and converting
time measures.
Session Objectives
Specifically, they shall be able to:
1.identify the different teaching strategies in
converting time measures; and
2.apply the different teaching strategies in
converting time measures;
3.share reflections on imparting the importance of
time to learners.
Leading Activity
Let’s watch this video.

Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImVe0ed4fVM
Leading Activity
Answer the following questions.
1. Is the video appropriate for the target learners? In what
2. What specific skills will be enhanced using the material?
3. What fundamental operations are intensified during the
process? Is it an effective way of teaching the lesson?
4. What other teaching strategies will you utilize in
presenting the lesson?
Reflect on your current practice as a teacher using various teaching
strategies anchored on the PPST that enhance learner achievement in
How about you?
Key Concepts/Contents
Numeracy- the ability to understand and work with
Conversion- is the process of changing units of
measure into other units.
Unit of measure- is the actual unit in which the
associated values are measured; a standardized
quantity of physical property used as a factor to
express the quantity of that property that exists.
Key Concepts/Contents
Unit of Time-is any particular time interval, used as a
standard way of measuring or expressing duration.

• Second- the base unit of time measurement in timing for

events that occur in everyday life
• Minute- a period of time equal to sixty seconds or a sixtieth
of an hour
• Hour- a unit of time equal to one of the 24 equal parts of a
day; 60 minutes
Key Concepts/Contents
• Day- a period of twenty-four hours as a unit of time,
reckoned from one midnight to the next, corresponding to a
rotation of the earth on its axis
• Week- a period of seven days
• Month- a period of four weeks; the measure of time
amounting to approximately 4 weeks or 30 days
• Year- the period of 365 days (or 366 days in leap years)
starting from the first of January, used for reckoning time in
ordinary affairs
Suggested Learning Activities
Activity 1 : Song by the class (Mnemonic Device)
Start the class with this song: Lubi-Lubi Song

Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyrtLVjakA0
Suggested Learning Activities
MNEMONIC DEVICE- is a memory technique that systematically changes
difficult to remember material into more easily remembered material.
Suggested Learning Activities
Activity 2 : Group Activity

Divide the class into 5 groups. Each
group will be given a calendar, an
analog clock, and a piece of paper to
write on their answers. The teacher
may assist the learners.
Suggested Learning Activities
Answer the following questions.
1. Look at the seconds hand of the clock (explain to the learners the seconds-
hand, minute-hand, and hour-hand of the clock). One complete rotation of
the seconds-hand is how many minutes? How about two complete
2. Set the clock to 12:00 noon. Move the longer hand of the clock to number
12. As you move the longer hand of the clock to number 12, observe the
shorter hand. What time is it upon completing one rotation? How many
minutes passed when the smaller hand of the clock reached 1p.m.?
Suggested Learning Activities
3. How many hours do you think will comprise a day?
4. Use the calendar to answer the following questions:
a. Count the number of days from Monday to Sunday. How many
days are there in a week?
b. How many complete sets of Monday to Sunday are there in a
month? How many weeks are there in a month?
c. Starting with January as the 1st month, how many months are
there in a year?
Suggested Learning Activities
For the past years , you have learned how to read and
write time with a.m. and p.m. using analog and digital
In this activity, you will learn how to convert measure
of time.
Suggested Learning Activities
What to prepare: Write each of the units on a piece of cardboard and its
equivalent on another cardboard.

Direction for the game: Each learner will be given a piece of cardboard to be
matched with his/her classmate. Each matched pair will stand together and
explain the equivalent conversion for time.
Suggested Learning Activities
Activity 4
Which is which - A, B, C or D ?
What to prepare:
• flashcards or a slide deck with the corresponding questions that
can be shown in front of the class
• cards or sheets of paper with an option (A, B, C, or D)
written/printed on them to be posted around the classroom
• simple prizes for the winners
Suggested Learning Activities
In this activity, learners will convert the given measure of
time to be flashed by the teacher. Options A, B, C, or D will
be given and they are to choose the correct answer. Learners
will go to the letter of their choice which is posted in
different corners of the room. Those who choose the wrong
answer will be eliminated. Prizes will be given to the winner.
Suggested Learning Activities
Suggested Learning Activities
Activity 5
What to do: Role Playing on “ Weather Updates”
Suggested Learning Activities
How to do it:
1. Divide the learners into two groups where each member has a task to
perform like: reporter, cameraman, assistants in the play, director, script
writer and propsman.
2. Explain to them the task expected of them.
3. Guide the learners in the task to be performed following weather updates.
4. Clarify to the learners the need to integrate time & date.
5. Give them enough time for the completion of the task.
6. Perform the required tasks.
Suggested Learning Activities
I. Solve the problems and give the complete answer to the questions.
I do:
Marvin studied for 2 hours and 30 minutes. He started studying at 5:30
p.m., at what time will he finish? Convert the time spent studying to
Adding two hours and 30 minutes to 5:30 p.m. is 8:00 p.m.
Converting 2 hours to minutes is: 2 x 60 = 120 minutes
120 minutes + 30 minutes = 150 minutes
Therefore, Marvin finished at 8:00 p.m. and it took him 150 minutes.
Suggested Learning Activities
We do:
Julius, my cousin exercises daily for 54,000 seconds in the gym near his
house. How many minutes does he spend daily?
Let’s solve:
Step 1: What is given? 54,000 seconds - time spent in exercising
How many seconds are there in 1 minute? 60 seconds = 1 minute
Step 2: What operation is involved? division
54,000 divided by 60 = 90 minutes
Answer: 90 minutes is the daily exercise of Julius
Suggested Learning Activities
You do:
My mother was born in 1975. How old will she be this year 2023? What is
her age in months?
Given: _________________________
Operation to be used: _________________________
Solution: _________________________
Answer: _________________________
Suggested Learning Activities
II. Paper & Pencil test
Direction: Complete the table using what you have learned about time
Suggested Learning Activities
III. Cooperative Learning: Group activity
Direction: Make a song about time conversion using any common tunes.
Learners will be grouped into five. They will work as a group and collaborate with each other to
compose a song involving words associated with time conversion using any common tune . After 15 minutes,
the group will present their output.
The learners’ output will be rated based on the following criteria:
• Originality 20%
• Creativity 30%
• Relevance to the Topic 30%
• Presentation 20%
• Total 100%
Other Suggested Activities
1. Watch Me
Draw a big clock on the floor with
dry erase markers. Ask a learner to
pose in an assigned time. Other
members of the class will record
the time. Ask one to tell the answer
and check.
Other Suggested Activities
2. Conversion Dice
• The teacher will make two (2) improvised dice big enough to be seen by
class with the following labels: second, minute, hour, day, week, month.
• The teacher will assign learners to roll the dice and take note of the unit in
the label to be converted then, assigned a number to go with the label/unit
• The assigned learner will roll the dice once more to determine the unit of
time to be converted.
• The teacher will give ample time for the learners to convert. The first to
answer correctly will be given a prize.
Other Suggested Activities
Telling the Time Board Conversion Dice
● The teacher will make two (2) improvised dice big enough to be seen by
class with the following labels: second, minute, hour, day, week, month.
● The teacher will assign learners to roll the dice and take note of the unit in
the label to be converted then, assigned a number to go with the label/unit
● The assigned learner will roll the dice once more to determine the unit of
time to be converted.
● The teacher will give ample time for the learners to convert. The first to
answer correctly will be given a prize.
Other Suggested Activities
Other Suggested Activities
3. Online Math Activity - Converting Units of Time
Students will practice converting days to weeks, hours to days, minutes to hours,
and so on in this digital math game. Here are a few sample math questions your students
may be expected to answer in this telling time activity:
• "Drag and drop the symbol that makes the number sentence true. 300 minutes is [greater
than, less than, or equal to] 3 hours.“
• "Dayton's baby sister is six weeks old. How many days are in six weeks?“
• "Convert from minutes to hours. [Blank] minutes equals 9 hours.“
• "How many minutes are in 2 hours?“
• "Cyrus slept for eight hours last night. How many minutes are in eight hours?"
Source: https://www.iknowit.com/lessons/c-converting-units-of-time.html

Resource Library
PPST Resource Package Module 2


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