Health Related Fitness
Health Related Fitness
Health Related Fitness
Physical Fitness:
Physical Fitness:
Learning Objectives
01 02 03
The students should be able The students should be able The students should be able
to know the basic concepts to show appreciation on the to perform varied physical
of physical fitness. importance of physical activities to test physical
fitness. fitness.
What kind of physical
activity do you do every
What is Physical
Physical fitness is the
capacity of the body to do
activities without undue
Physical fitness can be
divided into two distinct
categories: components of
health-related fitness and
components of skill-related
Health-Related Skill-Related
Fitness Fitness
Exercises that are done with the Skill-related fitness is the
intention of improving one's capacity to perform during
physical health and maintaining games and sports. This level of
a healthy lifestyle are included physical fitness is needed to be
in the concept of health-related able to perform the more
fitness. technical parts of a wide range
The five components of health- The fiveofcomponents
sports. of
related fitness include: skill-related fitness
cardiovascular endurance, include: agility,
muscle strength, muscular balance, coordination,
endurance, flexibility, and body power, reaction time,
composition. and speed.
Cardiovascular endurance is the
ability of the lungs, heart, and
blood vessels to deliver enough
oxygen to the cells to meet the
needs of long-term physical
Getting stronger in your heart and
lungs can make it easier for you
to carry out the tasks you need to
do every day. Jogging, running,
cycling, and swimming can
enhance cardiovascular
3-minute step test
The three-minute step test (also
known as the cooper test) is a
simple way to evaluate your
cardiovascular endurance.
step up on the box with your right foot, then bring
your left foot up next to it. Step down with your
right foot, then your left. Stick to a pace that
allows you to do 24 steps per minute. Your friend
should keep you on pace by saying. Up,up, down,
down” as you go. Step up and down on the box
for three consecutive minutes. When you are
done, sit down and rest for one minute. When one
minute is up, take your pulse for one full minute.
Activities vary in
intensity level:
Light Activities - are physical activities
that engage large group muscle groups.
While engaging in light activities, people
begin to notice their breathing , but they
can still talk easily
Activities vary in
intensity level:
Moderate activities - are physical
activities that cause breathing and heart
rate to increase. People engaging in
moderate activities can hear themselves
breath, but they can still talk.
Activities vary in
intensity level:
Vigorous activities- are physical activities
that cause breathing and heart rate to
rise to a high level, making it difficult to
talk. An individual may be working at the
moderate to vigorous intensity level while
engaging in muscular strength activities
and muscular endurance activities if
carried-out in a fitness circuit set up
Muscular Strength
Muscular strength is the capacity of the
muscle to produce force during a
relatively short period of time. Push-
ups, sit-ups, lifting, squats, and lunges
promote muscular strength.
Muscular Endurance
Muscular endurance is the highest
amount of force that a muscle group is
able to pull or push in a single
contraction. Circuit training, and
bodyweight exercises are all good ways
to build muscle endurance.
Muscular Strength
Maintain good posture in old age
Maintain an independent lifestyle,
for instance, being capable of climbing the stairs at
Avoid certain types of injuries such as back injuries
With coordination while moving such as walking and
running In relation to sport,