EEE240 Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design_Lecture_1
EEE240 Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design_Lecture_1
Lecture No. 1
Lecture Topic: Introduction
Reference Books Floyd and Jain, Digital Fundamentals, Tenth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2009.
Stephen Brown and ZvonkoVranesic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog
Design, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2013.
Course Learning Objectives:
• This course aims to familiarize the students with the basic concepts in digital logic design.
• Two basic categories are emphasized: combinational and sequential logic circuits.
• The teaching material helps the students to solve many practical hardware problems and to be able to
understand the principles of digital hardware design.
• Students are initially introduced with Boolean algebra and simplification techniques and then they are
taught to design efficient digital logic circuits.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Bloom’s Taxonomy Domains/Levels Theory/ Mapping
S.No Learning Outcomes Lab with PLO
Cognitive Psychomotor Affective
2 C3 -- A2 Theory PLO 2
Simplify Boolean functions using
postulates and K-maps
3 C5 P3 A2 Theory PLO 3
Design, implement and analyze & Lab
combinational and sequential circuits
List of Lab Experiments
Lab No. Details CLOs
1 Analyze the performance of the given IC and draw the truth table 1
2 Boolean function and universal gates implementation on KL-31001 trainer using gate ICs. 2
3 Implementation of XOR, XNOR, and other Boolean functions 2
4 Implementation of Half-Adder 2
5 Implementation of Full-Adder, logic minimization 2
6 Lab Assessment 1 2
7 Design of n-bit adder/subtractor 3
8 Implementation of BCD to 7-segment decoder 3
9 Implementation of BCD to excess-3converter 3
10 Design and implementation of practical example using encoder and multiplexer 3
11 Analysis of RS Flip Flop using NAND and NOR gates 3
12 Lab Assessment 2 3
13 Analysis of JK Flip Flop using D Flip Flop 3
14 Design of a 2-bit counter 3
15 Analysis of 4-bit synchronous decoder circuit 3
16 Final Lab Assessment 3
Digital vs. Analog
Basic Components of a
•Input Unit
•Memory/Storage Unit
•Output Unit
Memory Hierarchy
Definition of the logic signals
• Logic gates are electronic
circuits that operate on one
or more input signals to
produce an output signal.
• Signals such as voltages or
currents, we define between
some ranges as logic 1 or
logic 0.
Chapter 1 Binary Systems: 1-1.
Digital Systems
• The General-purpose digital computer is the best-known
example of a digital system.
• The major parts of a computer are a memory unit , a
central processing unit, and input-output units.
Control unit
Program n Progra
Input unit Memory unit Output unit
data m
ALU unit Simplification of
computer system 12
1-2. Binary Numbers
• A number with decimal point represented by a series of
coefficients as follow:
the power of 10 by which the coefficient must be
multiplied as following:
the decimal number system is said to be of base, and
the coefficients are multiplied by powers of 10.
Numbers conversion
• A number expressed in a base-r system has coefficients
multiplied by powers of r
Coefficients aj range in value from 0 to r-1.
Base-5 number:
=4 X 53+0 X 52+2 X 51+1 X 50+2 X 5-1= (511.4)10
Others base-r number can be converted into decimal
by this way.
Numbers conversion
Binary convert into decimal:
The number behind equal sign obtained as
following table
1-3. Number base conversions
• Ex1-1:Convert decimal 41 to binary
Integer Remainder
2 41
20 1
10 0
5 0
2 1
1 0
The conversion from decimal integers to any base-r system
is similar to the example, see the Ex1-2.
Number base conversions
• Ex1-3:Convert (0.6875)10to binary
Integer Fraction Coefficient
0.6875 X 2 = 1 + 0.3750 a-1=1
0.3750 X 2 = 0 + 0.7500 a-2=0
0.7500 X 2 = 1 + 0.5000 a-3=1
0.5000 X 2 = 1 + 0.0000 a-4=1
The answer is (0.6875)10 = (0. a-1a-2a-3a-4)2 = (0.1011)2
To convert a decimal fraction in base-r, a similar procedure
is used. Combining the answer from Ex1-1 and Ex1-3
(41.6875)10 = (101001.1011)2
1-4. Octal and hexadecimal
1-4. Octal and hexadecimal
1-4. Octal and hexadecimal
( 010 110 001 101 011 . 111 100 000 110 )2 = ( 26153.7406)8
Preface & Page 1-3 Chapter 1
Page No. 3-10, Chapter 1
Digital Design with an Introduction to Verilog HDL, 5th Edition
by Morris Mano