Theory of A Firm
Theory of A Firm
Theory of A Firm
Theory of a Firm
Definition : A collection of resources that is transformed into products demanded by consumers. The firm buys and coordinates the services of production factors such as land, labour and capital along with its organization for producing a commodity and sells it in the market to the households. Firm controlled by entrepreneur who takes major decisions like: What to produce? Where to produce? How and how much to produce? Whom to sell and at what price?
It is a set of firms producing homogenous goods and is spread over a wide region. Noticeable traits /characteristics are: An industry produces homogenous products. Same type of products substitutes Use common raw materials Use similar processes. Have similar trade and services policies.
Objectives of a Firm
Profit Maximization Sales Maximization Increasing Market Shares Building Good business Reputation Financial Stability and Liquidity Maintenance of Good Labour Relations Job Satisfaction Leisure and Peace of mind.
The Theory of Value or Wealth Maximization The Economist Theory of the Firm Growth Maximizing Model of Robin Marris The Managerial Theories or Models
Maximization of sales (Managerial Theory of Firm) by William Baumol The Maximization of Management Utility- Principal-Agent Problem by Oliver Williamson.
To obtain the profit minimizing OP quantity we start by recognizing that profit is equal to TR- TC P= TR- TC
0 10 20 30
10 16 20 21
10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10
5 6 7 8
50 60 70 80
25 30 37 47
25 30 33 33
10 10 10 10
>3 >5 >7 =10
MC-MR Approach
Informative method to determine a firms equilibrium OP is the comparison of MC and MR at each successive unit of OP, instead of TR and TC. Uses price as explicit variable. MC: MR = TC: TR Acc to TR:TC at Profit Maximizing level of OP, the slope of TR = slope of TC curve. i.e. slope of TR curve i.e. TR/ Q is MR , the slope of TC i.e TC/ Q = MC. Means MR= MC. Hence, Profit Maximizing condition is the rate of OP at which the difference between TR and TC is the greatest or at a point at which MR= MC.
MR= MC is the condition of PM OP as well as the equilibrium of the firm. i.e. firm will go on expanding its OP as long as every +nal unit produced adds more to its total revenues that what it adds to costs. It will not produce if TC > TR coz it would be loss. Firm expands till MR= MC, not less than or more would be produced coz total residua profits would be less than Maximum.
Profit Maximization
Profit Maximization
MR=MC curve MC= MC Curve MC intersects MR from below at point E. At point E, MC=MR when OP= OQ. OQ is the equilibrium OP with Max profits. Area lying under MR curve measures the TR of the OP and the area underlying the MC curve measures TC. Difference between TR and TC is AGEF, i.e. the profit area. If OP is less, i.e. till OQ1, then increase OP further , Total profits added would be the area FGE as MR>MC. At E, MC = MR, profit is maximized. If the firm increases OP to OQ2, then MC > MR = loss i.e. area EST. Hence the firm reduces OP to OQ. Thus MR= MC is maximum profit position. Though firm in actual is not aware of this, but the theory is logical.
Future Profits =
(1 + I ) t
1 , 1 etc
t= 1 t (1 + I )
year (t). i= appropriate interest or discount rate. N = add together as t goes from 1 to n t=1 the values of the term on the right . Coz (profits) = TR-TC, then Value = N
t= 1
TRt-TCt (1 + I ) t
This equation can be used to examine how the expected value maximization model relates to a firms various functional departments like sales (TR), Production (TC), Finance (discount factor capital i) in denominator, accounting, HR, etc. An important concept in ME is that managerial decisions should be analyzed in terms of their effects on value as expressed in the above formula. Also, managerial decisions are made in the light of constraints imposed by technology resource scarcity, contractual obligations, laws and regulations (constrained optimization) i.e.. maximization of wealth or value of the firm subject to constraints it faces.
Surplus generation is possible when the firms produces maximum output with minimum costs by working out the most ideal factor combinations. Thus it reaches the equilibrium position where TR= TC or MR=MC. At this point the firm is maximizing profits.
The traditional or classical theory of firm aims at profit maximization and over the years this objective has been replaced by profit optimization.
Growth Maximization Model - Robin Marris. Maximization of sales (Managerial Theory of Firm) by William Baumol The Maximization of Management Utility or Managerial Discretionary Theory- Principal-Agent Problem by Oliver Williamson. Satisficing Behavior also known as Behavioral Approach by Richard Cyert and James G March.
Equilibrium position = Gd + Gc
This theory postulates that with the advent of the modern corporation and the resulting separation of management form ownership, managers are more interested in maximizing their utility, measured in terms of their compensation, size of the staff, extent of control over the corporation, lavish offices etc, than maximizing corporate profits. Managers utility function U= f(S, M, Id)
S= Additional Expenditure of staff M= Managerial Emoluments Id= Discretionary Investment
This problem is referred to as Principal-Agent Problem. It can be resolved by tying the managers salary/reward to firms performance in relation to other firms in the same industry. Such managers might be replaced by stockholders of corporation or might be merged to utilize unexploited profit potential of the firm.
Explains how decisions are taken within the firm. People posses limited cognitive ability and so can exercise only bounded rationality when making decisions in complex and uncertain situations. Thus individuals and groups tend to satisfice i.e. to attempt to attain realistic goals, rather than maximize a utility or profit function. Cyert and March argued that a firm cant be regarded as a monolith, coz different individuals and groups within it have their own aspirations and conflicting interests and the firm behavior is the weighted outcome of these conflicts. Organizational mechanisms (satisficing and sequential Decision Making) exist to maintain conflicts at levels that are not unacceptably detrimental compared to ideal state of production efficiency. There is an organizational slack.