Fuzzy Set Theory

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The key takeaways are that fuzzy set theory is a generalization of conventional set theory that allows for partial membership and deals with vagueness and uncertainty. It was introduced by Lotfi Zadeh in 1965 and provides tools for problems involving imprecision.

In crisp (classical) sets, elements either fully belong or do not belong to a set. In fuzzy sets, elements can have partial membership between 0 and 1. Fuzzy sets generalize crisp sets by allowing partial membership.

A fuzzy relation R between two sets A and B is represented as a set of ordered pairs ((x,y), mR(x,y)) where x is an element of A, y is an element of B, and mR(x,y) is the membership grade between 0 and 1.

Fuzzy set theory

Asraa Abdul razak Ahmed mahmood muhamed Network department

What is fuzzy set ?

Fuzzy sets are a generalization of conventional set theory that were introduced by Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh in 1965 as a mathematical way to represent uncertainty and vagueness and to provide formalized tools for dealing with the imprecision intrinsic to many problems in everyday life.

Classical Set Theory

A classical set (also called crisp set) is defined as a collection of elements or objects x X which can be finite, countable, or over countable. Each single element can either belong to or not belong to (member or not a member)to a set A. Ex : A={ 1 , 2 , 3,...} . If the elements ai (i = 1, 2, 3, . . . n) of a set A are subset of universal set X ,then set A can be represented for all elements x X by its characteristic function

This function, defined on the universal space X, assumes :a value of 1 for those elements x that belong to set A, and a value of 0 for those elements x that do not belong to set A.

Crisp and Non-Crisp Set

Classical sets are also called crisp sets so as to distinguish them from fuzzy sets which called also Non-crisp sets. In fact, the crisp sets can be taken as special cases of fuzzy sets. Let A be a crisp set defined over the universe X. Then for any element x in X, either x is a member of A or not. In Non-crisp set theory, this property is generalized. Therefore, in a fuzzy set, it is not necessary that x is a full member of the set or not a member. It can be a partial member of the sets.

Representation of Crisp and Non-Crisp Set

Let us classify the students into tall and not tall student for the basketball team the students with 1.8 m tall are to be qualified

if students with 1.8 m tall are to be qualified, then should we exclude a student who is 1/10" less? or should we exclude a student who is 1" shorter?

in crisp set theory only the student with height of 1.8m are considered tall and any other students with height less than 1.8m are considered not tall .while in non crisp (fuzzy) set theory the student with height 1.78 would belong to both tall and not tall sets with a particular degree of membership.

Definition of fuzzy set

A Fuzzy set is a any set that allows its member to have a different grades of membership function in the interval of [0,1]. Let X be a collection of objects or a universe of discourse then a fuzzy set A in X is a set of ordered pairs: A = {(x , A (x)) } where A(x) is the characteristics function (or membership function) of x in A So every element in x in X has membership degree: A (x)[0,1]

Example : A set of natural numbers close to 6 can be defined as a fuzzy set. This can be done, say, by including all numbers from 3 to 9 as follows: A={{3,0.1}, {4,0.2}, {5,0.5}, {6,1}, {7,0.5}, {8,0.2} ,{9,0.1}} So if we take the first pair {3,0.1} , (3) is element x that belong to fuzzy set A with membership degree( 0.1) and so on. EMPTY Fuzzy Set is a set that contains only elements with a grade of membership equal to 0

UNIVERSALSPACE Fuzzy Set is a set that contains only elements with a grade of membership equal to 1

Definition of Universal Space

the universal space for fuzzy sets and fuzzy relations is defined with three numbers.The first two numbers specify the start and end of the universal space, and the third specifies the increment between elements

Example : X = { xi } = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12} is presented as: Universal Space {1, 12, 1}.

Operation on Fuzzy Set

Let A and B be fuzzy sets defined in the space X 1.Intersection

(A B)(x) = min(A(x), B(x)) (A B)(x) = max(A(x), B(x))

2. Union


Ac(x) = 1 A(x)


(A - B)(x) = min [A(x), 1- B(x)]

or A B'

Operation on Fuzzy Set


The fuzzy set A is included in the fuzzy set B denoted by A B if and only if for every x in the set X we have A(x) B(x)

A and B are equal, which is denoted A = B if and only if for all x in the set X, A(x) = B(x).

Two fuzzy sets A and B are comparable if the condition A B or B A holds, ie,if one of the fuzzy sets is a subset of the other set, they are comparable.

Properties of Fuzzy Sets

Commutative Property

Associative Property

A (B C) = (A B) C A (B C) = (A B) C Distributive Property A (B C) = (A B) (A C) Property Related to Inclusion for all x in the set X, if A(x) B(x) C(x), then accordingly A C

Properties of Fuzzy Sets

A = A means max {A(x), 0} = A(x) A X = X means max{A(x), 1} = 1. A X = A means min{A(x), 1} = A(x) A = means min{A(x), 0} = 0 Law of excluded middle and Law of contradiction A A' = X (where X is the universal set ) A A' = means min {A(x), A(x)} = 0. Demorgans Law (A B) = A B. (A B) = A B

Fuzzy Cartesian Product

Let A be a fuzzy set on universe X and B be a fuzzy set on universe Y; then the Cartesian product between fuzzy sets A and B will result in a fuzzy relation R, which is contained within the full Cartesian product space, or A B = R X Y where the fuzzy relation R has membership function R(x, y) = AB(x, y) = min(A(x), B(y)) Thus the Cartesian product A x B is a fuzzy set of ordered pair (x , y) for all x X and y Y, with grade membership of (x , y) in X x Y given

Fuzzy Relations

Fuzzy Relations is the Cartesian product between two fuzzy sets,it describe the degree of association of the elements and offer the capability to capture the uncertainty and vagueness in relations between sets and elements of a set Fuzzy relation on A x B is denoted by R or R(x , y) is defined as the set R = { ((x , y) , mR (x , y)) | (x , y) A x B , mR (x , y) [0,1] } where mR (x , y) is a function in two variables called membership function.

Forming Fuzzy Relations

Example showing how fuzzy relations are represented Let V = {1, 2, 3} and W = {1, 2, 3, 4}. A fuzzy relation R is, a function defined in the space V x W, which takes values from the interval [0, 1], expressed as R : V x W [0, 1]

R = {{{1, 1}, 1},{{1, 2}, 0.2}, {{1, 3}, 0.7}, {{1, 4}, 0},{{2, 1}, 0.7}, {{2, 2}, 1}, {{2, 3}, 0.4} , {{2, 4}, 0.8},{{3, 1}, 0}, {{3, 2}, 0.6}, {{3, 3}, 0.3}, {{3, 4}, 0.5}, Universal Space {{1, 3, 1}, {1, 4, 1}}.

Projection of fuzzy relations

We can project a fuzzy relation R A B with respect to A or B as in the following manner.

the projection with respect to both A and B is called the total projection M RAB = Max Max
x y

mR(x,y) : projection to A and B


There is a relation R A B. The projection with respect to A or B shall be:


M RAB = 1

Fuzzy Compositional Operators

Let R be the fuzzy relation from X to Y and s be the fuzzy relation from Y to Z then the composition of R and S is a fuzzy relation from X to Z and is represented by RoS. The fuzzy composition RoS is given by MAX-MIN composition: RoS ={((X , z),max(min (mR (x , y) , mS (y , z))))}

MIN-MAX composition:

RoS ={((X , z), min (max (mR (x , y) , mS (y , z))))}

Where RoS X x Z


Let fuzzy relations R and S are given as:

The domain of R is X x Y and the domain of S is Y x Z For x = x1 , z = z1 , y = yj , j = 1, 2, 3,

the grade membership of the pair (x1 , z1) : { (x1 , z1) , max ( (min (0.3, 0.8), min (0.5, 0.1), min (0.4, 0.5) ) { (x1 , z1) , max((0.3),(0.1),(0.4) )} = { (x1 , z1) , 0.4 }

Hence the grade membership of the pair (x1 , z1) is 0.4 . Similarly, we found all the grade membership of other pairs



Let fuzzy relations R and S are given as:

For x = x1 , z = z1 , y = yj , j = 1, 2, 3, the grade membership of the pair (x1 , z1):

{ (x1 , z1) , min ( (max (0.3, 0.8), max (0.5, 0.1), max (0.4, 0.5) )} i.e. { (x1 , z1) , min (0.8, 0.5, 0.5) } i.e. { (x1 , z1) , 0.5 }

Hence the grade membership of the pair (x1 , z1) is 0.5 . RoS


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