Long Term Solvency Ratio
Long Term Solvency Ratio
Long Term Solvency Ratio
Ratio analysis
Is a method or process by which the relationship of items or groups of items in the relationship of items or groups of items in the financial statements are computed, and presented. Is an important tool of financial analysis. Is used to interpret the financial statements so that the strengths and weaknesses of a firm, its historical performance and current financial historical performance can be determined.
A mathematical yardstick that the relationship between two figures or groups of figures which are related to each other and are mutually interdependent It can be expressed as a pure percentage, or as a rate
Words of caution
A ratio is not an end in itself. They are only a means to get to know the financial position of an enterprise. Computing ratios does not add any information to the available figures. It only reveals the relationship in a more meaningful way so as to enable us to draw conclusions there from.
Utility of Ratios
Accounting ratios are very useful in assessing the financial position and profitability of an enterprise. However its utility lies in comparison of the ratios.
Utility of Ratios
Comparison may be in any one of the following forms: For the same enterprise over a number of years For two enterprises in the same industry For one enterprise against the industry as a whole For one enterprise against a pre-determined standard For inter-segment comparison within the same organisation.
Classification of Ratios
Ratios can be broadly classified into four groups namely: Liquidity ratios Capital structure/leverage ratios Profitability ratios Activity ratios
Liquidity ratios
These ratios analyse the short-term financial position of a firm and indicate the ability of the firm to meet its short-term commitments (current liabilities) out of its short-term resources (current assets). These are also known as solvency ratios. The ratios which indicate the liquidity of a firm are : Current ratio Liquidity ratio or Quick ratio or acid test
Current ratio
It is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities. Current ratio =Current assets where Current liabilities Conventionally a current ratio of 2:1 is considered satisfactory
include Inventories of raw material, WIP, finished goods, stores and spares, sundry debtors/receivables, short term loans deposits and advances, cash in hand and bank, prepaid expenses, incomes receivables and marketable investments and short term securities
include sundry creditors/bills payable, outstanding expenses, unclaimed dividend, advances received, incomes received in advance, provision for taxation, proposed dividend, instalments of loans payable within 12 bank overdraft and cash credit
LONG-TERM FUNDS are long-term loans whether are long-term loans whether secured or unsecured like debentures, bonds, loans from financial institutions SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS are equity share capital plus preference share capital plus reserves and surplus plus minus fictitious assets (eg. Preliminary expenses, past accumulated losses, discount on issue of shares etc.)
Proprietary ratio
This ratio indicates the general financial strength of the firm and the long- term solvency of the business. This ratio is calculated by dividing proprietors funds by total funds. Proprietary ratio = proprietors funds Total funds/assets As a rough guide a 65% to 75% proprietary ratio is advisable .
PROPRIETORS FUNDS are same as explained in shareholders funds TOTAL FUNDSTOTAL FUNDS are all fixed assets and all current assets.current assets. Alternatively it can be calculated as proprietors proprietors funds plus long-term funds plus current liabilities.
Profitability ratios
These ratios measure the operating efficiency of the firm and its ability to ensure adequate returns to its shareholders. The profitability of a firm can be measured by its profitability ratios. Further the profitability ratios can be determined (i) in relation to sales (ii) in relation to investments
Profitability ratios
Profitability ratios in relation to sales: gross profit margin Net profit margin Expenses ratio
Profitability ratios
Profitability ratios in relation to investments Return on assets (ROA) Return on capital employed (ROCE) Return on shareholders equity (ROE) Earnings per share (EPS) Dividend per share (DPS) Dividend payout ratio (D/P) Price earning ratio (P/E)
This ratio is calculated by dividing gross profit by sales. It is expressed as a percentage. Gross profit is the result of relationship between prices, sales volume and costs. Gross profit margin = gross profit x100 Net sales
Expenses ratio
These ratios are calculated by dividing the various expenses by sales. The variants of expenses ratios are : Material consumed ratio = Material consumed x 100 Net sales Manufacturing expenses ratio =manufacturing expenses x100 Net sales Administration expenses ratio =administration expenses x 100 Net sales Selling expenses ratio = Selling expenses x 100 Net sales Operating ratio = cost of goods sold plus operating expenses x100 Net sales Financial expense ratio = financial expenses x 100 Net sales
Expenses ratio
The expenses ratios should be compared over a period of time with the industry average as well as with the ratios of firms of similar type. A low expenses ratio is favourable. The implication of a high ratio is that only a small percentage share of sales is available for meeting financial liabilities like interest, tax , dividend etc.
This ratio measures the relationship between net profit and capital employed. It indicates how efficiently the longterm funds of owners and creditors are being used.
Return on capital employed = net profit after taxes plus interest x100
Capital employed CAPITAL EMPLOYED denotes shareholders funds and long-term borrowings. To have a fair representation of the capital employed, average capital employed may be used as the denominator.
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY includes preference share capital plus equity share capital plus reserves and surplus less accumulated losses and fictitious assets. To have a fair representation of the total shareholders funds, average total shareholders funds may be used as the denominator funds
Return on ordinary shareholders equity = net profit after taxes pref. dividend x100 Ordinary shareholders equity or networth ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY OR NET WORTH includes equity share capital plus reserves and surplus minus fictitious assets.
This ratio measures the relationship between the earnings belonging to the ordinary shareholders and the dividend paid to them . Dividend pay out ratio =
This ratio is computed by dividing the market price of the shares by the earnings per share. It measures the expectations of the investors and market appraisal of the performance of the firm . Price earning ratio = market price per share Earnings per share
Activity ratios
These ratios are also called efficiency ratios / asset utilization ratios or turnover ratios. These ratios show the relationship between sales and various assets of a firm. The various ratios under this group are: Inventory/stock turnover ratio Debtors turnover ratio and average collection period Asset turnover ratio Creditors turnover ratio and average credit period
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