Growth Prospect in Mutual Fund Industry: A Summary of Summer Project in Bajaj Capital

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Growth Prospect in Mutual Fund Industry

A Summary of Summer Project in Bajaj Capital

Saket Sogani

About Bajaj Capital

The single focus of the organization is to be the most useful, reliable and efficient provider of Financial services. They have a track record of ethical dealings for the last 42 years and have had the honor of helping millions of investors achieve their life's financial goals.

Range of Products and Services

Investment Advisory Products Company fixed deposits Bonds Mutual funds

Life insurance insurance Pension schemes schemes Tax saving schemes

General Post office


Insurance link and investment schemes Initial public offerings Housing loans NRI schemes Car insurance Financial Planning Services Investment planning Retirement planning Insurance planning


Children's future planning

Tax planning Short-term cash flow planning

They have a well-trained professional team comprising of MBAs, CAs, CSs, Financial Analysts, Financial Planners, Investment Experts, Insurance Experts, and Law Graduates.

History of Mutual Fund

The origin of mutual fund industry in India is with the introduction of the concept of mutual fund by UTI in the year 1963. Though the growth was slow, but it accelerated from the year 1987 when non-UTI players entered the industry.
The mutual fund industry can be broadly put into four phases according to the development of the sector.

First Phase - 1964-87

Unit Trust of India (UTI) was established on 1963 by an Act of Parliament. It was set up by the Reserve Bank of India and functioned under the Regulatory and administrative control of the Reserve Bank of India.

Second Phase - 1987-1993 (Entry of Public Sector Funds)

Entry of non-UTI mutual funds. SBI Mutual Fund was the first followed by Canbank Mutual Fund (Dec 87), Punjab National Bank Mutual Fund (Aug 89), Indian Bank Mutual Fund (Nov 89), Bank of India (Jun 90), Bank of Baroda Mutual Fund (Oct 92). LIC in 1989 and GIC in 1990. The end of 1993 marked Rs.47,004 as assets under management

Third Phase - 1993-2003 (Entry of Private Sector Funds)

With the entry of private sector funds in 1993, a new era started in the Indian mutual fund industry, giving the Indian investors a wider choice of fund families. Also, 1993 was the year in which the first Mutual Fund Regulations came into being, under which all mutual funds, except UTI were to be
registered and governed. The 1993 SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations were substituted by a more comprehensive and revised in 1996. The industry now functions under the SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations 1996.

Fourth Phase - since February 2003

This phase had bitter experience for UTI. It was bifurcated into two separate entities. One is the Specified Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India with AUM of Rs.29,835 crores (as on January 2003) The second is the UTI Mutual Fund Ltd, sponsored by SBI, PNB, BOB and LIC. It is registered with SEBI and functions under the Mutual Fund Regulations.

As at the end of September, 2004, there were 29 funds, which manage assets of Rs.153108 crores under 421 schemes.

Some Basic Concepts

Mutual Funds

What are Mutual Funds?

A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools together the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial goal. The fund manager invests this pool of money in securities -ranging from shares and debentures to money market instruments or in a mixture of equity and debt, depending upon the objectives of the scheme.

Mutual Fund Operation Flow Chart

What Types of Mutual Funds Are Available?

There are thousands of different mutual funds offered on the market. They range from funds that include a broad variety of investments to funds that invest exclusively in single securities or narrow sectors of the market. With the many different investment styles and objectives, theres bound to be a number of mutual funds that are suited to your investing profile. Each of these funds has expense, risk, and return characteristics. There are 15 principal types of funds. They are listed according to their primary objectives: growth, income, and specialized:

Balanced Funds

Balanced funds seek to obtain the highest return consistent with a low-risk strategy. They hold a mix of common and preferred stocks, bonds and cash reserves. The mix can vary according to current market conditions. Balanced funds may offer higher yields than pure stock funds. Balanced funds are generally the least risky of growth-oriented mutual funds.

Growth and Income Funds

Growth and income funds attempt to achieve both long-term growth and current income. They invest primarily in high-yield common stock, preferred stock, and convertible debt (bonds) to generate both growth potential and current income. Because they include a mix of investments, these funds are typically less risky than growth funds. Growth Funds Growth funds seek long-term appreciation by investing in the stocks of established companies that may be poised for growth. These companies typically pay low dividends yet offer the potential for longterm capital appreciation. Some growth funds limit their investments to specific sectors of the economy. Growth funds are generally less risky than aggressive growth funds.

International and Global Growth Funds

International and global mutual funds offer diversification into international stock markets. International funds invest only in foreign securities. Global funds, on the other hand, can invest in foreign and U.S. securities. The risks associated with investing on a worldwide basis include differences in regulation of financial data and reporting, currency exchange differences, as well as economic and political systems that may be different that those in the United States.

Aggressive Growth Funds

Aggressive growth funds, sometimes known as "small-cap" funds, seek maximum capital gains. They invest primarily in the stock of smaller, less established companies. Since these companies generally pay little or no dividends, aggressive growth funds rely on capital growth for returns. These funds tend to be the riskiest of growth-oriented mutual funds.

Money Market Funds

Money market funds seek current income while maintaining a stable $1.00 per share net asset value by investing in short-term debt securities, including T-bills, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, and other highly liquid and safe securities. They offer modest current income and no potential for capital gains. They generally offer the lowest returns but the most safety of all fund types. Some money market funds also offer taxfree income. Money market funds are neither insured nor guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although the fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 a share, it is possible to lose money by investing in the fund.

Government Securities Funds

Government securities funds invest primarily in Treasury and government agency securities. Because they are issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government, they are considered the credit worthiness alternatives available. Government securities offer moderate current income and high safety. Treasury securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government as to the timely payment of principal and interest. Government agency securities are not considered government obligations and therefore are not backed by the full faith and credit of the

Municipal Bond Funds

Municipal bond funds seek tax-free income by investing in the bonds of state and local governments. In many cases, it may be wise to consider municipal bond funds issued by your state because they may offer double or even triple tax-free income. In some states you will have to pay income tax if you buy shares of a municipal bond fund that invests in bonds issued by other states. In addition, while some municipal bonds in the fund may not be subject to regular income taxes, they may be subject to federal, state, or local alternative minimum tax. If you sell a tax-free bond fund at a profit, there are capital gains taxes to consider. As with all types of bond funds, the principal value will fluctuate with changes in interest rates.

Corporate Bond Funds

Corporate bond funds invest in debt securities issued by corporations. The risk of corporate bond funds may vary depending on the objectives of the fund. Because credit risk is somewhat higher, these funds may offer higher returns than funds specializing in government securities. Principal will fluctuate with changes in interest rates High-Yield Bond Funds High-yield bond funds seek to maximize current income by investing in lower-quality high-yielding corporate bonds. The bonds held by these funds are generally rated BB or lower by rating agencies. They offer the high current yields to compensate for the greater risk of default. Since they are more volatile than and pay higher yields than investment grade bonds, they tend to be

International Bond Funds

International fixed-income funds invest in debt securities of foreign governments and corporations, and seek to provide current income. Global bond funds may include U.S. government and corporate bonds. The risks associated with investing on a worldwide basis include differences in regulation of financial data and reporting, currency exchange differences, as well as economic and political systems that may be different than those in the U.S. Besides growth and income, there are a variety of mutual funds that limit their investments to a particular sector, index, or other specialized investments. Depending on your investment objectives and preference for risk, these funds might be considered

Index Funds

Index funds are mutual funds that attempt to match the performance of any of several market indexes. For example, a stock index fund may hold stocks that mirror the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Index funds provide broad diversification within a single type of asset class.

Precious Metals Funds

Precious metals funds invest directly in precious metals or in the stocks of companies that mine precious metals. Most of these funds limit their investments to gold and gold bullion or to shares in gold-mining companies. The returns from precious metals funds come primarily from long-term capital appreciation.

Asset Allocation Funds

Asset allocation funds are those that give the manager great flexibility in deciding how to invest fund assets. The fund manager can typically invest in all the major investment classes, including stocks, bonds, and money market securities. The weightings of each class may vary dramatically and will reflect the market outlook and expectations of the fund manager.

Sector Funds

Sector funds invest in specific industries or sectors of the economy, such as communications, aerospace and defense, or health care. While they may be diversified within a particular sector, they lack broad diversification. This increases their investment risk. These funds typically seek long-term capital appreciation.

Socially Conscious Funds

Socially conscious funds invest exclusively in the securities of socially conscious companies. For example, this type of fund may not invest in companies that cause environmental pollution or that have interests in countries with repressive governments. The value of mutual fund shares fluctuates with market conditions and, when sold, shares may be worth more or less than their original costs. Bond funds are subject to the inflation, interest rate, and credit risks associated with the underlying bonds in the fund.

Why choose Mutual Funds?

Investing in Mutual Funds offers several benefits: Professional expertise: Fund managers are professionals who track the market on an on-going basis. With their mix of professional qualification and market knowledge, they are better placed than the average investor to understand the markets. Diversification: Since a Mutual Fund scheme invests in number of stocks and/or debentures, the associated risks are greatly reduced. Relatively less expensive: When compared to direct investments in the capital market, Mutual Funds cost less. This is due to savings in brokerage

Liquidity: Investments in Mutual Funds are completely liquid and can be redeemed at their Net Assets Value-related price on any working day. Transparency: You will always have access to up-to-date information on the value of your investment in addition to the complete portfolio of investments, the proportion allocated to different assets and the fund managers investment strategy Flexibility: Through features such as Systematic Investment Plans, Systematic Withdrawal Plans and Dividend Investment Plans, you can systematically invest or withdraw funds according to your needs and convenience.

SEBI regulated market: All Mutual Funds are registered with SEBI and function within the provisions and regulations that protect the interests of investors. AMFI is the supervisory body of the Mutual Funds industry.

Mutual Fund Type Money Market



Investment Portfolio Treasury Bills, Certificate of Deposits, Commercial Papers, Call Money Call Money, Commercial Papers, Treasury Bills, CDs, Shortterm Government securities. Predominantly Debentures, Government securities, Corporate Bonds

Who should invest

Investme nt horizon 2 days 3 weeks

Liquidity + Moderate Income + Reservation of Capital

Negligibl e

Those who park their funds in current accounts or short-term bank deposits Those with surplus short-term funds

Short-term Funds (Floating short-term)

Liquidity + Moderate Income

Little Interest Rate

3 weeks 3 months

Bond Funds (Floating Long-term)

Regular Income

Credit Risk & Interest Rate Risk

Salaried & conservative investors

More than 9 12 months

Gilt Funds

Security & Income

Interest Rate Risk


Government securities

Salaried & conservative investors


12 months & more

3 years


Long-term Capital

Index Funds To generate NAV varies returns that with index are performance commensurat e with returns of respective indices
Growth & Regular Income Capital Market Risk and Interest Risk

Portfolio indices like BSE, NIFTY etc

Aggressive investors.

3 years plus

Balanced Funds

Balanced Moderate & ratio of equity Aggressive and debt funds to ensure higher returns at lower risk

2 years plus

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a simple method of investing, used across the world as a means to accumulate wealth. It works the same way as a recurring deposit account. SIP involves investing a fixed sum of money in a specific investment scheme, on a regular basis, for a pre-determined number of period.

SIP is a disciplined approach to investing, and :

Helps us to invest disposable funds each month. Gives us the benefits of rupee-cost averaging Relieves us of trying to time the market Helps us to reach your financial goals

Growth Analysis
Growth in Asset under management


The primary objective of the research is to study the growth of Mutual Funds in India, their types, and advantages & disadvantages from the point of view of the investors. The secondary objective of the study is to analyze the Investor perception about the Equity Linked Scheme. To analyze the performance of top players in the Mutual Fund Industry and find out the future of Mutual Funds in India. The study also try to find the new segments of customers for Bajaj Capital Ltd.

The first stage included gathering information about the Mutual Fund Industry in India and getting acquainted with the working of the various Mutual Fund Schemes. The next stage involved determining the objective of the study, knowing the target audience and drafting a questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed keeping in mind the target audience and objectives of the study. It was non-disguised in nature and will include a few open-ended questions.

The research was exploratory in nature and the goal was to gather preliminary data to shed light on the real nature of problems and to suggest possible solutions or new ideas. It involved getting a feel of the situation and lays emphasis on the discovery of ideas and possible insights.


Primary data was collected from the specially targeted persons like salaried persons, business men and house wife.The primary information was collected through Questionnaire and interviews presented to the investors. Secondary Data was collected from: 1.Print articles on Mutual Funds. 2.Annual audit report of the Mutual Fund Companies. 3.Product and Service Brochures of the Mutual Funds.

The sampling unit comprised of the people present in the various offices of Mutual Fund Companies. The sample size taken for the study was two hundred fifty. The samples were chosen on the basis of random sampling and these respondents belonged to middle and upper class salaried and selfemployed people, students, professionals and housewives who have invested in Mutual Funds. The research was carried out in South Delhi only. DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE

Simple averages Tabulation


The survey was conducted in selective areas because of constraints of time and resources. Therefore, the findings cannot be generalized or claimed until further research has been carried out. The sample size taken was 250, which may not reflect a true picture of the consumers mind. Because of these constraints, the analysis may not be accurate and may vary, when tested in different places and time.

NUMBER OF RESPONDENTS: 250 Ge nder: Male 200 Fe male 20% Fe male 50

M ale 80%

Findings: Out of total respondents a huge percentage is of male respondents, which mainly reflects the dominance of male decision makers.


18-25 (Years) 53

25-40 (Years) 150

40-55 (Year s) 17% 55 & ab ove 2%

40-55 (Years) 42

Above (Years) 5
18-25 (Year s) 21%


25-40 (Year s) 60%

Educational Background:
Graduate 58 PostGraduate 28 Professional 158
Gr aduate 23%

Others 6

Others 2%

Pr ofe ssional 64% Pos t-Grad uate 11%

Finding: Large portion of investors were highly educated with Post Graduates and Professionally qualified respondents at equal percentage of 23% and 2% respondents were

Occ upatio:n Salaried Class 188 Self Employed 12

Bus ine ss Class 20%

Business Class 50

Other -

Pr ofe ssionals 5%

Salaried Class 75%

Findings: 75% a very large number of respondents were from the service/salaried class while 20% were from the business and the rest

What is your income (month wise in R s.)?

0-10000 48
ABOV E 25 000 31 %

10000-15000 96

15000-25000 29

ABOVE 25000 77

0-10 000 19 %

15 000 -2 5000 12 %

10 000 -1 5000 38 %

Finding: 19% respondents have monthly income below 10000, 38% respondents had income between 10000-15000, 12% respondents had income between 15000-25000 and 31% respondents had income above 25000.

What is percentage of your income yo

0-15% 135 15-30% 110
30 -4 0% 2%

30-40% 5
ABOV E 40% 0%

ABOVE 40% -

15 -3 0% 44 %

0-15 % 54 %

Finding: 54% respondents saved less than 15% of their saving,

saved of 30-40% of their saving.

44% respondents saved 15-30% of their savings and 2% respond

Purpose of your investment?



SAV ING S 51 %

Finding: For 51% respondents the purpose was saving and for 49% the purpose was wealth creation and investment.

If you prefer investment, then in which of the follow




GOLD 11 %




Finding: 24% respondents preferred Mutual funds and investors equally

preferred other investments. With increasing gold prices and

How would you like to do trading in share market? THROUGH PERSONAL ADVICE ONLINE
102 148


Finding: share

41% respondents preferred online trading in

market while 59% preferred share trading through

Is fluctuation in share market effect your invest






Finding: According to the responses only 6% were worried about fluctuation in share market and that affected their investment plan. 36 % respondents were not at all worried

Mutual Funds:
Do you have proper knowledge about the concept of mutual fund?

YES 76

NO 35


YES 30 %


NO 14 %

Finding: 30% respondents had proper knowledge about the Mut and 14% did not have knowledge about the Mutual Funds. 56% respondents wanted to know about the Mutual Funds as they had knowledge about the Mutual Funds.

If you prefer mutual funds as your way of investmen in which kind of Mutual fund you would prefer?



DE BT 16%

Finding: 48% respondents prefer Equity funds, 16% respondents prefer Debt Funds and 36% preferred Balanced funds.

How much of your total portfolio is in Equity? 0-25% 25-50% 50-75% 75-100%
80 140
50 -7 5% 10 %

75 -1 00% 2% 0-25 % 32 %

25 -5 0% 56 %

Finding: 32% respondents had invested less than 25% in equity fun
and 2% respondents have invested 75-100% in equity funds.

56% have invested in 25-50% equity, 10% had invested 50-75% in e

Rank these consultancy firms, as per your preference of (1-4 in descending order) INDIABULLS BAJAJ CAPITAL KARVY OTHERS
3 2 1 4

Finding: Karvy Consultant was ranked as the most pref followed by India bulls than Bajaj Capital.

Do you have any knowledge about financial planni

YES 92 NO 80

Partial, I would like to know more


Finding: 37% respondents have knowledge about financia planning, 32% respondents had very little knowledge about financial planning While 31% respondents had partial knowledge about financial planning and Did your consultancy firm provide you financial planning servic were eager to value added services? know more about financial planning.
YES 64 NO 186

Finding: 26% respondents said that their consultancy firm provided financial planning services / other value added services while 74% their consultancy firm did not provide any such information.

The Future plan:

In a study conducted by the Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) and the Association of Mutual Fund Industry of India (AMFI), it has been revealed that by 2014, the size of the Indian mutual fund industry is estimated to go up to over Rs 1,65,000 crore.
The focus of Industry players is shifting from sector based fund to more diversified fund as they carry less risk.Moreover the focus of industry is shifting from Debt based funds to Equity based funds which performance better


Some of the industry biggies are exploring the opportunities in pension reform by positioning themselves as the front-runners in the Pension Fund arena.
Companies are now focusing on distribution channels of Financial Planners and E-commerce, as they will stand to benefit enormously if these trends gain significance.

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