Enterprise Resource Planning
Enterprise Resource Planning
What is ERP?
Evolution of ERP
1960s - Systems Just for Inventory Control 1970s - MRP Material Requirement Planning (Inventory with material planning & procurement) 1980s - MRP II Manufacturing Resources Planning (Extended MRP to shop floor & distribution Management.) Mid 1990s - ERP Enterprise Resource Planning (Covering all the activities of an Enterprise) 2000 onwards ERP II Collaborative Commerce (Extending ERP to external business entities)
Objectives of ERP
Speed Scope Resources Risk Complexity Benefits
Complete integration of systems across the departments in a company as well as across the enterprise as a whole. Only solution for better project management. Better customer service. Automatic introduction of latest technologies. Expertise database.
Check whether all functional aspects of business are duly covered. Check whether all the business functions and processes are fully integrated. Check whether all the latest IT trends have been covered. Check whether the vendor has customizing and implementing capabilities. Check your purse and calculate ROI.
Commitment from management. Form a task force with personnel from all functional areas. Take care of hardware requirements. Step-by-Step rather than big bang introduction. Be patient . ERP implementation takes time.
Project development takes time. Documentation is difficult. Maintenance depends on individual. EDI implementation modification to be taken care of.
Benefits of ERP
Integration Efficiency Cost reduction Accuracy Less personnel
Reduced overheads and inventory. Timely responsiveness. Market share and image enhancement. Keep up with technology changes. Only way for integrated systems for client with multiple locations.
Case Study
Previous manufacturing software did not provide engineers with an efficient method to create BOMs. Inventory inaccuracy let to material shortages.
The Challenges
Finished goods were not coming off the production line on time. Result financial statements did not accurately reflect a true picture of the company.
TrailTechs Results
Reduction in the manufacturing cycle. Improvements on shop floor flow. Eliminating of the production bottlenecks. Delivery dates are shorter and more reliable.
TrailTechs Results
Reduction in customer complaints Inventory accuracy Improve employees moral.
Increase the customer satisfaction. Increase profitability and productivity. More flexible production processes. Reduced errors due to better coordination
The systems can be very expensive to install and maintain. Some systems can be difficult to use. A problem in one department or at one of the partners will affect all the other participants.