Proactive monitoring solutions
that meet your needs

Digital Monitoring Solutions for Schools & Education

Securus 360 FMS
Full Monitoring Service
Safeguarding Software - Securus Fms

We monitor all pupil digital activity for you!

Let our expert safeguarding team monitor & analyse activity and alert you to potential instances of concern with immediate response for high severity captureswe do it all for you!
Securus 360
Self Managed Service
Safeguarding Software - Securus 360

Self-monitor pupil digital activity in your own time!

The powerful Securus monitoring software allows you to monitor ALL digital activity at both device level and network level – in line with school policies & statutory guidance – and on any device!

Monitor any Device on the School Network

Complete Coverage for any internet capable device

OCR technology captures typed & non-typed incidents – Online & Offline

Sophisticated Library Monitoring 25 Topics of concern

Detailed screenshot evidence highlighting capture words & phrases in real time

Monitor all popular applications and platforms

Dashboard & Reporting Platform

Self Manage or Full Monitoring Service Options

Integrations with CPOMS, MyConcern & teamSOS

How Does Securus Digital Monitoring Work?

Securus actively monitors and promotes safe online behaviours for topics of concern taking place, such as:
  • cyber bullying
  • suicide and self harm
  • mental health issues
  • racism and discrimination
  • hacking
  • gang culture
  • substance abuse
  • sexual abuse and grooming

When an incident is detected a screenshot ‘capture’ with detailed evidence is stored on our highly secure cloud-based console for review by an authorised member of school staff.

Alternatively, when using our Full Monitoring Service (Securus FMS), our safeguarding team monitors all captures on your behalf, immediately alerting school staff to high severity incidents.

Key Components of Securus Digital Monitoring

The Securus

Our intuitive, secure, access anywhere, cloud based console captures and stores all incidents triggered by words and phrases detected from our library containing 24+ categories of concern.

When an incident is detected a screenshot ‘capture’ with detailed evidence automatically updates the Securus Console, enabling safeguarding staff to easily review and manage potential risks.

The console also features a management dashboard and reporting suite.

The Monitoring

With online & offline monitoring at both the device and network level, our Securus 360 software monitors all school managed devices & also personal devices connected to the school network. Incidents triggered generate a screenshot ‘capture’ with full details which instantly updates the Securus Console.

We not only capture keyboard generated incidents. With our unique OCR scanning technology our device level software also captures ANY application generated incidents including leading applications such as Office 365, Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace

How Securus Works Jewel

Fully Managed Service
or Self Managed

With Securus 360, schools have the option to monitor captures themselves using the Securus Console. If time constraints and staff resource are stretched, you may wish to leave the monitoring to us.

With Securus FMS, our fully managed service, our highly trained safeguarding team will monitor activity on behalf of the school and alert school DSLs, safeguarding and senior leadership staff to incidents of concern.

Support & Portal

As a customer, you will have full access to our dedicated support team and knowledge base portal. Key support features include all software updates plus library updates to reflect both current threats, trends and jargon and our work with industry bodies such as the IWF & CTIRU.

We also provide unlimited online training sessions alongside telephone and email support.

Why Do Schools Need Securus?

Securus software has been rigorously designed to meet the DfE statutory safeguarding and legislative requirements & adheres to the Education Inspection Framework for Ofsted & the ISI.

Ofsted Logo Transparent

In April 2022 Ofsted unveiled its new five-year strategy with Keeping Children Safe, one of eight Strategic priorities stating that they “… will promote children’s safety and welfare in everything we do and highlight systemic safeguarding issues wherever we find them, so that schools and other education providers or other appropriate agencies can take preventative action”.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 builds on existing guidance enhancing and incorporating policies on domestic abuse, sexual violence, and sexual harassment. There is also an increased emphasis on governing bodies and proprietors to ensure they facilitate a whole school approach to safeguarding, including appropriate monitoring systems.

Also worth noting is that the term peer-on-peer abuse has been replaced with child-on-child abuse to reflect the fact that abuse often takes place between children and young people of different ages.

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As part of the guidance contained in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, The Prevent duty is intended to help schools and childcare providers think about what they can do to protect children from the risk of radicalisation and being drawn into terrorism.

The Independent Schools Inspectorate is appointed by the DfE to inspect all aspects of school life in association independent schools in England.

In line with statutory guidance inspectors assess whether schools “have in place arrangements that reflect the importance of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children” Safeguarding is embedded throughout the regulatory requirements that ISI inspects against and evaluated on every inspection.

Isi Logo Transparent
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Securus Full Monitoring Service (FMS) Briefing

Advanced student monitoring across ALL devices & applications – supporting DSLs and safeguarding leads in education – we do the monitoring for you!