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Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

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Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby william-james88 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 10:43 pm

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Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

This list will be very light on words since all these toys are on this list for very similar reasons. They all distinguish themselves in either their accuracy, engineering or design. And most of all, these jets look amazing in robot mode and have a very tight alt mode, which is crucial in a jet transformer (all these are based on real jets too). No crazy undercarriage here. Also, I am using the word "Jet" to encompass sleek modern aircraft which use jet engines. So no cargo planes or Concords.

5. Transformers Hunt For The Decepticons Terradive who transforms into a forward-swept wing fighter jet based on the Sukhoi Su-47.

This one is here for design. It's pretty cool that this was a new jet design made for the toy and not basing itself on the film aside from a general aesthetic that is combined with a more traditional Transformer look. I really love the originality of having his wings on his legs. It clears his back to give a far sleeker appearance which is perfect for the alt mode.




4. Transformers Prime: First Edition Starscream who transforms into a jet resembling a General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon.

I love this design. It is impressive how the toy designers found a way to convey the very thin character design and yet still have him transform perfectly.




3. Transformers Classics Seeker mold which transform into an F-15 Eagle jet.

This mold is legendary and for good reason. Everything about it is spot on to the G1 show form head to feet. I especially like the coneheads since they end up with no jet kibble behind their heads.




2. Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Mindwipe who transforms into a stealth bomber jet similar to a F-117 Nighthawk.

Now THAT is some toy! He (and his buddy Skystalker) are the reasons why I cannot say nothing good came from the ROTF movie. That toy line was insane. We had Voyager Bludgeon, the legendary Optimus Leader figure (which keeps getting reissued one way or another) and Mindwipe. The alt mode is dead on and translates really well into a robot modernizing the G1 Bat Transformer. There is no excess alt mode kibble in robot mode, no shell, and there are smooth panels. If it weren't for the slight chicken legs, you wouldn't think this has anything to do with the film. So much so that this mold was used for "Classics" Strafe.




1. Transformers Hunt For The Decepticons Leader Starscream who transforms into an officially licensed Lockheed-Martin F-22 Raptor fighter jet.

While movie toys are not my favourite, I can't ignore the good ones. There are quite a few and they are so good that they made three of the five entries on this list, including number 1. Leader Starscream made me a believer. I didn't like the wider look Starscream got in the films and I didn't like any of the toys. His hands were either non existent or seen easily in both modes. But this toy converted me. Firstly, the engineers found the perfect way to hide away and integrate his robot legs and arms within the alt mode. Hiding the hands is especially well done. You also get a near perfect jet (which is a very important part of this list) that is almost on the same level as the Masterpiece 03 alt mode (and in Japan, this mold did get a Masterpiece treatment). Unlike the Masterpiece though, the robot mode doesn't seem at odds with the more realistic jet. It is a perfect representation of the movie look come to life and it makes me appreciate it far more by seeing the intricacies of the model and how a robot could indeed be formed from a real life jet.




Honourable Mentions: Of course I won't ignore the Masterpiece Seeker mold. I do prefer how all these toys mentioned accomplish so much with so much less (especially their handling of jet kibble) and at an initially cheaper price point (especially #1, that value was incredible) but I won't deny how beautiful the jet mode is on the masterpiece figures. These toys are also a great example to show the challenge of jet Transformers. If you want a truly perfect alt mode, the robot mode will suffer, as the first batch of Masterpiece seekers revealed. The second had more obvious robot kibble (especially when viewed on the sides) but a much more show accurate robot mode.


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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby No One » Sat Nov 04, 2017 11:29 pm

I agree with one of your choices only. That is Terradive. The leg wings are great. I like even more that the chest is made of the nosecone pointing upward with the wing-lets. I disagree on your #1 choice because no part of the underside of that craft resembles an F-22. The MP Seeker mold is far superior to this. I wish that ROTF Thrust was on your list because of the sleek underside, built in weapons, and the unique head area. This would have been a far more imposing on screen Starscream. Where is G1 Jetfire? ... st/1885/1/
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby Burn » Sat Nov 04, 2017 11:45 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings to randomly click things in the Admin Panel to see what it breaks."
I've never understood the obsession some people have with Movie Starscream, sure, the jet mode is nice, but the robot mode is an ugly piece of ****.

MR Optimus Prime wrote:Where is G1 Jetfire?

G1 figures rarely appear in these lists. You'll learn to ignore the anti-G1 rhetoric in time.
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby SpikeyTigertron » Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:29 am

I agree with some of the above comments regarding Breakaway (Thrust) from Hunt for the Decepticons (I think?). He's still one of my favorite jet-formers of late, from the uniqueness of the way the wings fold up and around, and built in weapon.

You may make me get my leader RotF starscream out of storage. I remember thinking he was cool because he was large... but I hated him as "starscream".

It'd be reaching, but what about old G2 cyberjets/skyburners(?) with hooligan and all them. They were simple, but fun.
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby Carnivius_Prime » Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:53 am

Motto: "A cunning smile is more devastating than the fiercest weapon."
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Yes, hell yes Leader Starscream at number 1 :) Gorgeous in jet and robot modes (sorry guys I far prefer movie Starscream's look over his G1 form which I was never a fan of though did enjoy Classics Starscream for what it was). I also love the Deluxe DotM figure because despite the much smaller size it does a far better job than any of the Voyagers (in fact I've seen a KO of the deluxe scaled up to voyager size I must get)

And RotF Mindwipe is just pure badassery and I love the convincing fan-made bat form which technically makes him a triple changer.
pics from SMOG at TFW2005

Add his awesome lil buddy Skystalker too and he's just one of the best ever TF figures. :) I would disagree about no excess kibble cos his wings do stick out a lot on the shoulders (visible wings just sticking out always bugged me about seekers) but they do help with his general awesome look so eh I'll let it slide.

I do have a fondness for RotF Jetfire despite the rather large undercarriage just because of his immense size in jet mode and his rather unique grandad robot mode.

And G1 Jetfire just cos classic and is still the best G1 toy made.
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby SpikeyTigertron » Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:16 am

The one thing that's always bothered me about G1 Jetfire (as much as I love him) is that... it's really not fair comparing him to the rest of the G1 toys (diaclone line). Similar to how Whirl and Roadbuster are from separate lines, that got "brought into" the family.

Add to that the G1 cartoon Skyfire... was nothing like the Jetfire toy. I'm still not sure to-date we've had a representation of Skyfire in his G1 mode? (I think there was a war-within titanium?).
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby SpikeyTigertron » Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:19 am

I also have to give the Generations Windblade credit. She's may be pain to balance in robot mode, but she gets big points for a unique jet-mode. I also like how each of her iterative releases (RiD and Titan's Return) play around with that transformation in different ways.
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby Carnivius_Prime » Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:20 am

Motto: "A cunning smile is more devastating than the fiercest weapon."
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SpikeyTigertron wrote:The one thing that's always bothered me about G1 Jetfire (as much as I love him) is that... it's really not fair comparing him to the rest of the G1 toys (diaclone line). Similar to how Whirl and Roadbuster are from separate lines, that got "brought into" the family.

Add to that the G1 cartoon Skyfire... was nothing like the Jetfire toy. I'm still not sure to-date we've had a representation of Skyfire in his G1 mode? (I think there was a war-within titanium?).

Maybe Hasbro think it wouldn't sell cos it's just too darn boxy. Even back then I knew why Jetfire/Skyfire couldn't look like the toy but I still thought they could have designed something better than the overly boxy thing they came up with
I have anxiety, depression and aspergers syndrome so my behaviour can be erratic. I don't mean offense to anyone. Just very picky about my Transformers collecting. You're all cool! :)

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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby Ultra Markus » Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:52 am

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Carnivius_Prime wrote:
SpikeyTigertron wrote:The one thing that's always bothered me about G1 Jetfire (as much as I love him) is that... it's really not fair comparing him to the rest of the G1 toys (diaclone line). Similar to how Whirl and Roadbuster are from separate lines, that got "brought into" the family.

Add to that the G1 cartoon Skyfire... was nothing like the Jetfire toy. I'm still not sure to-date we've had a representation of Skyfire in his G1 mode? (I think there was a war-within titanium?).

Maybe Hasbro think it wouldn't sell cos it's just too darn boxy. Even back then I knew why Jetfire/Skyfire couldn't look like the toy but I still thought they could have designed something better than the overly boxy thing they came up with

jetfire wouldnt be on the list because hes not based on a real jet
but maybe TF prime Skyquake/Dreadwing could be since they appear to be based off real jets :-?
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby Burn » Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:50 am

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings to randomly click things in the Admin Panel to see what it breaks."
Ultra Markus wrote:jetfire wouldnt be on the list because hes not based on a real jet
but maybe TF prime Skyquake/Dreadwing could be since they appear to be based off real jets :-?

Is the list based solely on "real" jets though? It doesn't explicitly say that.

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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby WreckerJack » Sun Nov 05, 2017 4:42 am

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Hmm... I suddenly need more fliers in my collection.
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby SpikeyTigertron » Sun Nov 05, 2017 4:48 am

:shock: how could I forget about Skyquake and and Dreadwing. Those guys (even their legion commanders) were fun!
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby SpikeyTigertron » Sun Nov 05, 2017 4:50 am ... yscorchers "skyscorchers" those were the guys I was thinking of. I'm pretty sure some of them are based of "real modern jets".
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby -Kanrabat- » Sun Nov 05, 2017 5:48 am

Motto: "Love it? GET IT!
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While HFTD Leader Starscream is an incredible toy, the jet have too much of an undercarriage to be #1. I mean, it's way too thick and square under. Unfortunately, same thing for Terradive and Mindwipe. If those qualify, TLK Megatron should have been on the list. Either the voyager or the leader. As well as TLK Nitro.

The good old classic seeker mold should have been #1. Simply because the bot modes are so G1 accurate and the only true undercarriage is just the square chest.

One that should definitely have replace a movie figure on the list is Classic deluxe Cyclonus. Not only the bot mode is perfect with barely any kibbles, the jet is PERFECT with absolutely no robot parts obvious. Even from underneath.

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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby Carnivius_Prime » Sun Nov 05, 2017 7:34 am

Motto: "A cunning smile is more devastating than the fiercest weapon."
Weapon: Anti-Thermal Cannon
Cyclonus doesn't turn into a realistic jet. And that's clearly his distinctive chest and legs showing underneath. He basically just stretches out and turns his head to change into robot :P

(and it's not perfect... I hated that damn gap between the legs in alt-mode. :P)
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby Blozor » Sun Nov 05, 2017 8:44 am

Motto: ""Distrust everything — you're bound to get something right."
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TF: Prime Soundwave should have made the list. The Predator Drone alt-mode to cartoon-accurate robot mode was in league with Prime Starscream, and unlike the F-16, I don't believe a Predator Drone alt-mode had been attempted before.
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby dragons » Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:27 am

Always like classic figures seekers use megatron bomber jet I like good jet mode unless you flip it upside down bot mode was decent for deluxe figure
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby EvasionModeBumblebee » Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:38 am

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My HFTD Starscream ended up breaking at the waist, separating his legs from his torso. Funny enough, his upper torso by itself is able to form a complete (and actually better looking) jet mode.
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby shajaki » Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:49 am

Motto: "A man who wants nothing is invincible."
Oooooooookay..... I love your lists Will... but MP-3 (or MP-11) ONLY being an honorable mention? Bro, there are no other jetformers that pull off a better (or more realistic) jet mode than the MP's.

I also think the G1 should be up there too 8-}






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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby -Kanrabat- » Sun Nov 05, 2017 10:08 am

Motto: "Love it? GET IT!
It's that simple."
Weapon: Vibro-Axe
MP-03 don't count because those hips kibbles make the purists go into seizures and foam at they mouth.


Seriously, MP-03 SHOULD have been #1.
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby kurthy » Sun Nov 05, 2017 10:30 am

Motto: "Illumination through acceleration!"
Weapon: Metal Tearing Serrated Circular Blade
They all distinguish themselves in either their accuracy, engineering or design. And most of all, these jets look amazing in robot mode and have a very tight alt mode, which is crucial in a jet transformer (all these are based on real jets too). No crazy undercarriage here. Also, I am using the word "Jet" to encompass sleek modern aircraft which use jet engines. So no cargo planes or Concords.

This is an easy list to make because so few jets have ever had good alt modes. If this was expanded to a top 10 you'd be close to including g1 Fireflight. The only change I'd make is to replace the classic seeker mold with the original mp-03 mold. That classics mold is just too thick and blocky in jet mode.

I don't like movie toys in general, but they fit the list better than most. I love the prime mold and classics, but I think the classics mold shouldn't be on this highly specific list.
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby william-james88 » Sun Nov 05, 2017 11:21 am

Motto: "'till All Are One"
Burn wrote:
Ultra Markus wrote:jetfire wouldnt be on the list because hes not based on a real jet
but maybe TF prime Skyquake/Dreadwing could be since they appear to be based off real jets :-?

Is the list based solely on "real" jets though? It doesn't explicitly say that.

It doesnt?
They all distinguish themselves in either their accuracy, engineering or design. And most of all, these jets look amazing in robot mode and have a very tight alt mode, which is crucial in a jet transformer (all these are based on real jets too).

I mean, sure we can include non real jets and talk about them here, but I thought it was easy to stick to real jets in the actual list so that there was an equal playing field and to narrow things down. We can all be finicky so I thought an easy way to define a jet was that we knew it had a jet engine and real jets do so thats what I went with. Plus, it being a realistic jet makes it harder on the designer to fit stuff properly while also being convincing, so I found that scored more points.

TF prime Skyquake/Dreadwing are really cool in robot mode but have too much undercarriage in jet mode to me. I find the cyberverse versions better at that part. Awesome toy none the less and just drop dead gorgeous in robot mode.

-Kanrabat- wrote:Saj.
MP-03 don't count because those hips kibbles make the purists go into seizures and foam at they mouth.


Seriously, MP-03 SHOULD have been #1.

This is about the best TF jet transformers not just about their alt modes. if it was, sure number 1 would go to the MP, but we all know that, its not very subjective. What makes this interesting is that we look at both modes. What has a killer jet mode but is also an incredible TF in robot mode? That becomes tricker. I found these worked best for that.
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby Evil Eye » Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:36 pm

Motto: "Don't be a goddamn coward."
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Oooh, jets! Now this is a list I can wax lyrical about.

Terradive is a gorgeous looking figure, I don't own him myself but he is a lovely, lovely toy. Unique robot mode design, nice colours and a really cool jet mode based on a really cool jet.

Prime Starscream is a cool figure, but he loses a few brownie points for me because the jet mode, sleek and sexy though it is, just doesn't look right to me somehow. I'd be tempted to put Soundwave on instead with his drone mode (technically he's a Global Hawk, incidentally- the Predator and Reaper are propeller powered) and general uniqueness, but that's just me.

The Classics Seeker I have to disagree. The jet mode is delightful, yes, but the MP beats it in that area and the robot mode...I dunno, I never liked the robot mode of that mold. Too stumpy and inarticulate for my liking. That said I've never actually handled it so I can't really comment, though I ordered a Henkei Ghost Starscream from Mandarake (actually a chrimbo present for my mum as she finds the idea of Ghost Starscream hilarious) so when that arrives I can finally give a proper verdict.

Mindwipe, yes! What a figure. Amazing jet mode, and dear lord that robot mode is incredible. Now I need to find a Skystalker though...

HFTD Starscream, whilst I'm not a fan of Dorito-Scream, is a work of engineering art. Movie Screamer is a hard design to get right, and knocking it out the park like that and THEN absolutely nailing the F-22 mode (which is a feat with any Transformer as the F-22 is a very flat, slim aircraft) is impressive in the extreme.

I feel MP-03 should have been on the list rather than an honourable mention, but that's just me. I say MP-03 because he holds together better than MP-11 and has a better jet mode.

Some other honourable mentions...
>Movie Dreadwing. A very unique robot mode, and a really, really nice MiG-29 altmode.
>The Cyberjets. Old, for sure, but amazing little figures that fold up into infinitely swooshable little jets. I need to get myself some...
>Energon Terradive/Sky Shadow. A really creative transformation, a cool robot mode and transforms into a really nice A-10 Thunderbolt II.
>ROTF Highbrow/GDO Powerdive/Whatever version of that mold you have. Sure he's not actually a jet, but he is an aircraft (and I don't think there's enough other good TFs that turn into propeller-driven planes for a whole list- only other one I can think of is ROTF Ransack) and a damn fine one too. Whilst not entirely accurate to the P-38 Lightning, it's obvious that's what it's trying to be and it looks stunning.
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby Windsweeper » Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:37 pm

I would definitely have placed the G1 Seeker mold at the top of the list.

The Classics mold had a terrible jet mode. Looked and felt like a ko to me.
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Re: Top 5 Best Jet Transformers Toys

Postby -Kanrabat- » Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:00 pm

Motto: "Love it? GET IT!
It's that simple."
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william-james88 wrote:This is about the best TF jet transformers not just about their alt modes. if it was, sure number 1 would go to the MP, but we all know that, its not very subjective. What makes this interesting is that we look at both modes. What has a killer jet mode but is also an incredible TF in robot mode? That becomes tricker. I found these worked best for that.

It's a bit sad that the hips kibble is such a dealbreaker for so many. But eh, I admit they kinda defeat the purpose of being a "Masterpiece". Still, considering the TOY itself, it's the very best seeker mold. For the perfect jet AND the perfect QC. Sigh... there's still the issue that MP-03 is not the most user friendly because if one force thing the wrong way just slightly...

So, MP-03 may be not #1, but it should have replaced ROTF Midwipe IMO. Because under that jet, it's a worse mess than even Terradive.

Also, if it weren't for those stupid hands popping off the back of the jet and the robot elbows bending the wrong way, ROTF Starscream could have been #1. So close to being perfect but two pretty (late in French) design choices made it garbage. I HATE that mold with a passion so much for that reason. #-o
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #370 - Leo, Lio
Twincast / Podcast #370:
"Leo, Lio"
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Posted: Saturday, March 1st, 2025

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