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MR Optimus Prime wrote:Where is G1 Jetfire?
SpikeyTigertron wrote:The one thing that's always bothered me about G1 Jetfire (as much as I love him) is that... it's really not fair comparing him to the rest of the G1 toys (diaclone line). Similar to how Whirl and Roadbuster are from separate lines, that got "brought into" the family.
Add to that the G1 cartoon Skyfire... was nothing like the Jetfire toy. I'm still not sure to-date we've had a representation of Skyfire in his G1 mode? (I think there was a war-within titanium?).
Carnivius_Prime wrote:SpikeyTigertron wrote:The one thing that's always bothered me about G1 Jetfire (as much as I love him) is that... it's really not fair comparing him to the rest of the G1 toys (diaclone line). Similar to how Whirl and Roadbuster are from separate lines, that got "brought into" the family.
Add to that the G1 cartoon Skyfire... was nothing like the Jetfire toy. I'm still not sure to-date we've had a representation of Skyfire in his G1 mode? (I think there was a war-within titanium?).
Maybe Hasbro think it wouldn't sell cos it's just too darn boxy. Even back then I knew why Jetfire/Skyfire couldn't look like the toy but I still thought they could have designed something better than the overly boxy thing they came up with
Ultra Markus wrote:jetfire wouldnt be on the list because hes not based on a real jet
but maybe TF prime Skyquake/Dreadwing could be since they appear to be based off real jets
They all distinguish themselves in either their accuracy, engineering or design. And most of all, these jets look amazing in robot mode and have a very tight alt mode, which is crucial in a jet transformer (all these are based on real jets too). No crazy undercarriage here. Also, I am using the word "Jet" to encompass sleek modern aircraft which use jet engines. So no cargo planes or Concords.
Burn wrote:Ultra Markus wrote:jetfire wouldnt be on the list because hes not based on a real jet
but maybe TF prime Skyquake/Dreadwing could be since they appear to be based off real jets
Is the list based solely on "real" jets though? It doesn't explicitly say that.
They all distinguish themselves in either their accuracy, engineering or design. And most of all, these jets look amazing in robot mode and have a very tight alt mode, which is crucial in a jet transformer (all these are based on real jets too).
-Kanrabat- wrote:Saj.
MP-03 don't count because those hips kibbles make the purists go into seizures and foam at they mouth.
Seriously, MP-03 SHOULD have been #1.
william-james88 wrote:This is about the best TF jet transformers not just about their alt modes. if it was, sure number 1 would go to the MP, but we all know that, its not very subjective. What makes this interesting is that we look at both modes. What has a killer jet mode but is also an incredible TF in robot mode? That becomes tricker. I found these worked best for that.
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