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Here’s What It Means When You Get a Pimple in Your Ear

What your ear canals want you to know.
How to treat a pimple in your ear.
Lucy Lambriex / Getty Images 

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There’s something kind of exciting about discovering acne in a new, previously unblemished part of your face, like, say, in your ear. Acne that crops up around the opening to the ear canal or in the hollow (also known as the concha) of the ear might be a rare occurrence for most people, but once it happens to you it’s almost impossible to ignore.

Luckily, dealing with ear pimples is relatively straightforward once you know what’s causing them.

What causes a pimple in your ear?

A pimple forms when pores get clogged by some combination of oil, bacteria, and dead skin. So it makes sense that two key causes of acne are hormones, which can affect the amount of oil (sebum) your skin products, and the skin’s natural propensity to build up oil and dead skin cells, Joshua Zeichner, M.D., director of cosmetic and clinical research in the department of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital, tells SELF. As a result, areas with higher concentrations of oil glands, he explains, are more likely to develop acne: “This typically means the T-zone of the face, chest, back, and even the ears.”

When it comes to pimples inside the ear, another factor that can play a huge role is occlusion, Robert Anolik, M.D., a clinical assistant professor in the Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology at NYU Langone. Occlusion is a term used to describe any instance in which the skin is physically blocked and unable to shed dead skin normally, leading to a breakout.

For example, anyone who’s had pimples right along their eyeglasses line has experienced acne due to occlusion. In the same way that your glasses can press down on your skin and trap oil, makeup, and dirt, so too can your earbuds.

“In the case of earbuds, this contact between the plastic or rubber and the skin’s surface [is] essentially trapping the contents inside the pore and occluding it,” Dr. Anolik says. “That restrained exit of the contents [of the pore] can build up, creating papules and cysts.” He adds that having excess earwax can actually have the same occluding effect and contributing to acne as well.

For the record, you should speak with your dermatologist if you notice painful, cystic acne in your ears—or anywhere else, for that matter. This severe form of acne often warrants prescription treatments and, if left alone, can lead to scarring. In addition to cysts and hard, red papules, you can also get blackheads around the ear, particularly above the opening to the ear canal, in the concha area, Dr. Zeichner says.

If you tend to break out in your ears pretty frequently, your earbuds are the likely culprit, but it’s also possible that your skin is simply more inclined to overproduce oil in that area (Dr. Anolik says some people can wear earbuds as much as they want without seeing any pimples in their ear).

What looks like an ear pimple might not actually be acne.

Even if you’re a chronic earbud user, don’t assume that that bump in your ear is acne. Dr. Anolik says that it could very well be seborrheic dermatitis, a rash that, like acne, tends to occur wherever there’s a high concentration of oil glands.

That said, seborrheic dermatitis won’t have as many isolated bumps as acne. Instead, it’ll look like a pink or red rash with flaking scales. In some cases, it can cause itchy raised bumps, sort of like a pimple but not quite. He adds that there’s also a chance that you could mistake an itchy fungal infection or even a painful, tender staph infection for acne, which would be even worse to ignore.

If you’re not totally sure what’s going on in your ear, talk to your dermatologist before trying to treat the problem on your own.

Here’s how to treat—and prevent—ear pimples.

Once you’re sure that you’re dealing with acne, you can start to treat it—and, as both Dr. Zeichner and Dr. Anolik explain, you can approach acne in your ear the same way you’d approach facial acne.

Use classic acne treatments—especially cleansers.
The same cleansers you’d use for facial acne can get the job done for ear pimples, Dr. Anolik says. Look for an ingredient like benzoyl peroxide, which works to reduce acne-causing bacteria. If you’re dealing with blackheads in particular, Dr. Zeichner recommends using products that contain salicylic acid or an over-the-counter retinoid, like adapalene. The former helps remove dead skin and oil from the skin’s surface, while the latter reduces inflammation and prevents skin cells from sticking together to clog pores.

Dr. Anolik recommends using these products in the shower, as trying to wash your ears over the sink can get messy. Lather the product in your hands, massage it over your ear (do not work the product into your inner ear), let it sit for about 30 seconds, and rinse.

Products to try:

  • Differin Adapalene .01% Gel ($15, Amazon)
  • Murad Rapid Relief Acne Spot Treatment ($22, Dermstore)
  • CeraVe Acne Foaming Cream Cleanser ($15, Amazon)

Keep an eye on your earwax.
As mentioned earlier, regular old earwax can have an occlusive effect if it’s left to accumulate. And if you regularly use something in your ears, like earbuds, that combination can easily prove to be a double whammy for causing ear acne. If you’re prone to earwax buildup, resist the urge to blindly swab inside your ear with a Q-tip. Instead, Dr. Anolik recommends trying an inner-ear wash like Debrox ($7, Amazon).

Clean your earbuds.
This might be the easiest preventive measure you can take: Before popping in your earbuds for your morning commute, wipe them down with a tissue, a mix of soap and warm water, or towelettes specially designed to clean devices. Your earbuds don’t exactly come out of your ears sparkling clean every time, so even occasionally cleaning them will get rid of any earwax, oil, or bacteria that stuck on the last you wore them, which means less gunk will be occluded in your ear the next time you put them in. You can also try to wear them less often if they still seem to be irritating your skin, Dr. Zeichner says.

Maintain a steady acne-fighting routine.
There’s always a risk of acne recurring, Dr. Zeichner says, so it’s important to have a solid maintenance plan to keep your acne at bay—even after the breakouts have abated. That might include a cleanser designed to fight pimples, a retinoid treatment, and a spot treatment for emergencies. If you don’t have a plan like this, it might be worth talking to a board-certified dermatologist for help.

Beyond that, Dr. Anolik recommends avoiding comedogenic products on your face or around your ears, as these will clog your pores and put you at a greater risk for more acne down the line. Look for products labeled as noncomedogenic (meaning they won’t clog your pores) instead.

See your dermatologist if things don’t improve.
If the breakouts in your ear are more moderate to severe than they are mild, meaning they’re more deeply set in the skin and are painful, you ought to talk to your dermatologist, Dr. Anoilk says. They’ll be able evaluate the acne and determine whether a prescription-strength treatment, like a retinoid or antibiotic, is necessary.

For the most part, ear pimples are more annoying than they are worrisome. And, with a steady anti-acne hygiene routine, you stand a decent chance of stopping them before they have a chance to occur at all. But even if they do show up, you can treat them like any other breakout. It might mean taking a podcast break, but your skin will thank you.

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