This dumbbell strength-training workout will hit all of your major muscle groups and really make you sweat. Prepare to really feel this workout in your glutes, which get extra attention from four out of the five moves in this circuit. Check out (and pin!) the workout banner below, then read on for step-by-step instructions on how to perform each exercise.
The Workout
Here's a detailed breakdown of what you'll do.
A set of 5- to 10-pound dumbbells.
Do 10 reps of each exercise below in order. Do the entire circuit 3 times.
Fallen Triangle
x 10 reps alternating sides
- Start in downward dog.
- Shift forward to come into a high plank position.
- Now, open your torso to the left and lift left hand toward ceiling, as you kick your right leg across your body to the left.
- Return to a high plank position, then push back to downward dog.
- Repeat on the opposite side to complete 1 rep.
Dumbbell Swing
x 10 reps alternating sides
- Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, and hold dumbbell in your left hand.
- Squat, by engaging core, sending hips back, and bending both knees, and lower dumbbell between legs.
- In a fluid movement, push hips forward to straighten legs as you swing your left arm to shoulder height in front of you.
- "Catch" the dumbbell with your right hand as you allow arm to lower between legs, and squat again to complete the rep.
- Continue to repeat alternating hands on each rep.
Walking Lunge With Dumbbell Pass
x 10 reps alternating sides
- Stand with both feet together, holding one dumbbell with both hands at chest height.
- With core engaged, step your right foot forward and lower into a lunge, transferring dumbbell to your right hand.
- Pass dumbbell under right thigh to left hand.
- Stand, lifting your left knee to hip height and holding the dumbbell with both hands at chest height.
- Repeat, this time stepping forward with your left foot, and passing the dumbbell to your right hand, to complete 1 rep.
Single-Leg Deadlift to Squat
x 10 reps alternating sides
- Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height.
- Squat by engaging your core, sending hips back, and bending both knees. As you squat, press both dumbbells overhead, making sure to keep your biceps in line with your ears.
- Lower both dumbbells to your shoulders as you stand, then lift your left leg behind you as you hinge forward from the hip to come into a single-leg deadlift. Straighten your arms as you hinge forward, so arms are in line with your back.
- Return to starting position and repeat on the opposite side to complete 1 rep.
x 10 reps on each side
- Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width and with toes turned out. Hold a dumbbell in your left hand overhead.
- Hinge hips to the left, then use your right hand as a guide, sliding it down the side of your right leg until right fingertips touch the floor.
- Slowly rise to return to starting position for 1 rep. Keep your core tight throughout, using your core to control the movement as your lower and stand.
- Do all reps on one side, then repeat on opposite side.