
11 Things to Know Before Your First Vinyasa Yoga Class

Read this before unfurling your mat. 
Multiethnic group in yoga studio sitting on floor with arms above heads
10'000 Hours / Getty Images

Signing up for your first vinyasa yoga class can be exciting and also a little intimidating. Vinyasa is typically more fast-paced compared to other styles of yoga, and if you’ve never done it before you may have questions about the ideal clothing, different class types, modification options, and more. That’s where we can help. We tapped three certified yoga instructors for advice on what beginners should know before their first vinyasa class and then rounded up 11 helpful insights that will leave you feeling confident and prepared on the mat.

First, let’s go over what vinyasa yoga is and where it comes from.

“Vinyasa yoga is a yoga where the poses are linked together so that there's constant movement,” Jesal Parikh, RYT 500 certified yoga instructor, founder of Yogawalla in New York City, and co-host of the Yoga Is Dead podcast, tells SELF. In Sanskrit, vinyasa means “to place in a special way,” Parikh explains. “And the special way is through this linking.”

The constant flow of vinyasa is akin to a dance, Latisha Burgos, RYT 200 certified yoga instructor and certified personal trainer in New York City, tells SELF. With this style of yoga, “you are dancing with your breath and movement,” she says.

The difference between vinyasa and other forms of yoga that are common in the U.S. is that there is typically more variation in vinyasa, Daba Briggs, E-RYT 500 certified yoga teacher in the New York City area, tells SELF. In other styles of yoga, like Bikram and ashtanga for instance, classes tend to follow a specific format, Briggs explains. But in vinyasa, the format and flow can really vary between studios, teachers, and classes.

As for the origins of vinyasa? They’re really contested, says Parikh. Some theories say vinyasa yoga is no older than 100 to 150 years and that it started with a teacher named Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. But Krishnamacharya himself said that his teachings actually came from ancient texts and his guru, according to a 2007 profile on Krishnamacharya’s legacy in Yoga Journal. The bottom line: “We don't have a lot of evidence to say exactly where and when it started,” says Parikh.

Now that you know what vinyasa is, here are 11 insights from yoga experts that will help you get the most out of your time on the mat.

1. Yoga is about more than just physical poses.

Classical yoga—called raja yoga—includes eight limbs, or kinds of practice. Together, all eight practices comprise yoga, which means union in Sanskrit, Rina Deshpande, Ed.M., MS.T., E-RYT 500 certified yoga teacher, previously told SELF. In general, the Western practice of yoga mostly emphasizes just one of the eight connected limbs—asana, the physical limb. The other seven limbs, however, are equally essential to yoga. So as you unfurl your mat in vinyasa, know “there’s a lot more [to yoga] besides just moving your body in poses,” says Briggs. Learn more about the origins and history of yoga here.

2. Not all vinyasa classes are beginner-friendly.

There are lots of different types of vinyasa classes, including some that are better for beginners and others that are better suited to advanced practitioners. To find a class in the former category, look for the words “slow flow,” suggests Parikh. Slow flow classes are good for beginners because they are taught at a gentler pace that allows you to build body awareness and really learn poses before adding speed, explains Parikh. Some studios have a rating system—for instance, five stars is the most challenging class and one star is the easiest—that can help you find beginner-friendly classes, adds Burgos.

If it isn’t obvious (or you aren’t sure) what a class level is, call the studio and ask questions like: I’m new—is this class good for beginners? What teacher would you recommend for new students? Is it okay to ask questions during this class? Will we be walking through the poses one by one to get a handle of what they are? Does the teacher spend time in the poses themselves explaining what I should be feeling?

“Don't be afraid to ask lots of questions ahead of time,” encourages Parikh, “because, ultimately, that will give you a better experience.”

3. Finding the right fit with your instructor can enhance your experience.

When it comes to finding a good teacher, keep an eye out for certain credentials. Ask the studio if their teachers have taken extra hours (and if so, how many) of anatomy, kinesiology, or movement science classes, says Parikh. Someone who has 200 or 300 hours of training in those areas will likely be better at teaching beginners than someone without that training, says Parikh. Folks trained in yoga therapy may also be well suited for beginners, Parikh adds.

If accessibility is a concern for you, it might be worth looking for a yoga teacher who emphasizes that in their practice and has either lived experience or training around yoga for various body types and ability levels. “If the teacher is really able-bodied and has been athletic their whole life, they may have a little bit of trouble relating to a beginner”—versus somebody who has had a major injury or doesn’t come from an athletic background—says Parikh.

Lastly, Briggs suggests finding an instructor you like and relate to in some way—someone who makes class an enjoyable experience for you, whether that’s because they have the same sense of humor, energy level, or taste in music. It may take a few tries to find a teacher you click with. That’s why if you have a less-than-stellar first-time experience, Briggs suggests trying out at least one more vinyasa class before deciding whether vinyasa is right for you.

4. Classes typically range from 45 to 60 minutes.

There’s no one set time period for a vinyasa class. But in general, classes are close to an hour, says Parikh. That said, some classes may be longer (up to 90 minutes) and others may be shorter (say, 30 minutes). Most often, the class length will be obvious when you sign up; if it’s not clear, call the studio and ask.

5. You’ll flow through a variety of poses, some of which may be new to you.

Like we mentioned, there’s no standard format for a vinyasa class. But there are some common poses you can probably expect, including downward facing dog, upward facing dog, plank, chaturanga (a “yogi push-up,” says Parikh) and lunge variations. You may also encounter balance-focused poses, like tree pose and warrior three, as well as squats and twists, Parikh adds. Most classes will end with a resting pose like savasana (corpse pose), says Parikh.

6. The pace may feel more intense than other styles of yoga.

The tempo of a vinyasa class really depends on the specific instructor and the style they are teaching that day, says Briggs. That said, in a typical class, you’re moving from one pose to another “usually pretty quickly” with a pace that can be described as “one breath, one movement,” explains Parikh. That means when you inhale, you'll be in one pose, and as you exhale, you move into another pose. Because of this faster pace—which again, is not the standard in every vinyasa class—vinyasa may feel a little more intense than other styles of yoga.

7. Comfortable, breathable clothing is best.

First things first: You probably don’t need to buy a new outfit for vinyasa, says Briggs. Chances are you already have clothing in your closet that will work just fine for class. Also important: There’s not a specific uniform you need to wear to vinyasa, nor do you have to don the same exact clothing as other class goers. “You're welcome to try different things out and do what works for you,” encourages Parikh.

That said, there are a few guidelines that can help you find the best possible outfit for your body. “Make sure that you're able to move in many different shapes comfortably in the fabric,” says Parikh. You also want to pick garments that are both breathable and secure, she adds. On the breathable front, make sure the fabric itself is moisture-wicking and breathable so that you can stay as comfy as possible when you start to sweat. And make sure you can breathe well in your garments, too. A big part of vinyasa is breathing, and if you’re in clothing that is too tight or restrictive, you may not be able to inhale and exhale at full capacity, Parikh says.

In terms of support, make sure your chest feels secure, especially if you have bigger boobs. A supportive sports bra “will make you feel more comfortable when you’re in a downward dog” (or in other poses where your head goes below your chest), says Briggs. Practice a few poses at home in your outfit to confirm it offers the level of support you need. Stopping to readjust your outfit as you transition between poses can really take you out of the moment.

It’s also a good idea to test your bottoms at home by squatting in front of a mirror a few times. Make sure the fabric “isn’t too sheer for your taste” and that “you're not constantly having to pull up your pants, because that can be pretty annoying and distracting during the practice,” says Parikh.

When prepping for class, consider bringing a long-sleeve shirt in addition to whatever top you’re planning to wear. This additional layer can provide comfort during the final relaxation poses of class, says Burgos.

8. A few pieces of equipment might come into play.

You don’t necessarily need equipment or props to practice vinyasa. But having them can make the experience “a lot better” for many different body types, says Parikh.

If you’re taking vinyasa at a studio, call ahead and ask what equipment you need. They’ll likely recommend a mat and perhaps also blocks, straps, and chairs—three tools that can help make poses more accessible. Other studios may have all of these available for you to use during class (either included in the class fee or offered for a small additional fee). You may also want to bring a water bottle for hydration and a towel in case you get sweaty, says Burgos.

Not sure how to use a certain tool? Get to class early and ask the teacher or studio manager for a quick tutorial. Need a little more attention? Consider hiring a teacher for a one-on-one session to learn how to use equipment properly in a variety of poses, suggests Parikh.

9. Modifications are definitely okay.

Don’t feel like you have to do every pose in vinyasa exactly like the instructor or your classmates. A good teacher will provide options for modifying poses to different ability levels. That said, it can help to introduce yourself to the teacher before class and let them know you’re new. During that conversation, share with them any health or mobility issues that may impact your abilities on the mat—like if you have extra tight hips, for example, or chronic back pain—and ask if they can provide modifications during class where appropriate. That said, if you have a history of pain, injury, or a medical issue that impacts your ability to exercise, get cleared by a doctor before trying yoga.

10. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Many students are afraid to ask questions in vinyasa class because they don’t want to interrupt the pace, says Parikh. Guess what though? “I think that the best thing a student can do is to really claim their agency in the space and realize if they're there and they pay for the class, then they have every right to get some of that experience and ask the questions that they need to ask,” she says. So if warrior two pose just isn’t clicking for you, or you can’t understand the flow of the warm-up sequence, pipe up. Think of it this way: If you’re confused, other students might be confused, too, points out Parikh.

Of course, you still want to be respectful in class and not disruptive to other students' experiences.

So if you find yourself puzzled the majority of the time, talk with the teacher privately after class. You may want to hire the instructor for one-on-one help. It's also possible you're in a class that's a little too fast-paced or advanced, in which case you can ask about more beginner-friendly options.

11. Listen to your body.

It’s natural to want to keep pace with the rest of the class. But it's also important to pay attention to what feels good—and what doesn't. “Don’t compare yourself to the person next to you,” says Briggs. Instead, do what feels right for you and respect where you’re at in your practice today. So if the class is flowing through a sweaty sequence but your quads are telling you to drop to child’s pose, respect that.

In a similar vein, if the teacher is physically adjusting you in a way you don’t like, or something else feels off about the class, speak up. Don’t be intimidated by the environment, says Parikh. Remember, there can be a lot of variety in vinyasa yoga classes, so it may take a little trial and error to find your perfect fit.
