Substance Use Disorder
Quitting Smoking: 10 Ways To Resist Tobacco Cravings
Each time you resist a tobacco craving, you're one step closer to stopping tobacco use for good. Use these tips to fight off cravings.
By Mayo Clinic Staff
Overuse Injury: How To Prevent Training Injuries
Don't let an overuse injury sideline your health goals. Try these tips to keep your fitness routine on track and injury-free.
By Mayo Clinic Staff
Eye Health
Eye Injury: Tips To Protect Vision
An eye injury can happen in the yard, kitchen or even at the playground. Understand how to avoid injuries and when to seek medical help.
By Mayo Clinic Staff
Artificial Nails: Can They Harm Natural Nails?
A Mayo Clinic specialist explains how artificial nails can affect your natural nails.
By Mayo Clinic Staff
Foodborne Illness
Is It Safe To Store Food In Takeout Containers?
Takeout containers aren't the best for storing leftovers. Wrap or repackage food to keep it fresher and safer.
Alzheimer's And Dementia: Caregiver Depression
Learn about the risk of depression linked to dementia caregiving and strategies for self-care.
Pregnancy And Diabetes: Why Lifestyle Counts
Pregnant and have diabetes? Follow these tips to navigate the challenges ahead.
Prenatal Care: 1st Trimester Visits
Prenatal care can help ensure a healthy pregnancy. Here's an overview of first trimester visits.
Food Allergies
Food Allergies: Understanding Food Labels
Food allergies—Here's how to read food labels to avoid an allergic reaction.
Foodborne Illness
Food Poisoning: How Long Can You Safely Keep Leftovers?
Prevent food poisoning with these food safety tips for handling and reheating leftover food.
Hygiene Hypothesis: Does Early Germ Exposure Prevent Asthma?
According to the hygiene hypothesis, early childhood infections can help prevent asthma. But is that the case?
Infectious Diseases
Measles Vaccine: Can I Get The Measles If I've Already Been Vaccinated?
Is it possible to get measles from someone else if you've been vaccinated?
Cold and Flu
Hand-washing: Do's And Don'ts
Done properly, hand-washing is a simple way to prevent the spread of germs and avoid getting sick.
Foodborne Illness
Stomach Flu: How Long Am I Contagious?
Depending on which virus causes your stomach ailment, you can be contagious from a few days to two weeks or more.
By Mayo Clinic Staff
Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's Disease: Can Exercise Prevent Memory Loss?
Regular exercise may help in preventing Alzheimer's disease and improving cognitive function.
Breast Cancer
Genetic Testing For Breast Cancer: Psychological And Social Impact
Prepare for your hereditary cancer gene test by learning how genetic testing for breast cancer may affect you and your family members.
Alzheimer's Disease
Benefits Of Being Bilingual: Delay Alzheimer's?
Being bilingual may have a protective effect against the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
Ovarian Cancer
Prophylactic Oophorectomy: Preventing Cancer By Surgically Removing Your Ovaries
Find out what to consider and what to ask your doctor when deciding whether to undergo surgery to prevent ovarian and breast cancers.
Alzheimer's Disease
Home Safety Tips: Preparing For Alzheimer's Caregiving
Understand the home safety tips that can help prevent harm to a loved one with Alzheimer's disease.