Pok�mon Adventures & Special - Gold & Silver Saga

The Third Chapter: Gold Silver Crystal

Three years have passed since the Cerise Island incident in Kanto. Enter Gold from the neighbouring Johto, a happy-go-lucky boy whose mischief earns him more troubles than merits. Setting out on a journey to chase down Silver, a mysterious thief boy who stole Totodile from Prof Elm's lab, Gold got the chance to meet Gymleaders and other prominent figures in the region. However, he soon found himself intertwined in the evil schemes of the resurrected Team Rocket, now under the leadership of the ominous masked man.

Meanwhile, Crystal, a young capture specialist, was hired by Professor Oak to help complete his neglected Pokedex. After an encounter with the powerful legendary Pokemon, Suicune, the girl became determined to catch it, but little did she know that Suicune was actually in search of a trusted partner who could help it thwart an evil looming on the horizon, an evil whose work began 9 years ago, and could potentially bring havoc to both Kanto and Johto...

# Chapter Picture
091 VS. Murkrow
092 VS. Hoothoot
093 VS. Sneasel
094 VS. Elekid
095 VS. Stantler
096 VS. Donphan
097 VS. Bellsprout
098 VS. Totodile
099 VS. Sunkern
100 VS. Unown
101 VS. Teddiursa
102 VS. Ursaring
103 VS. Houndour
104 VS. Ariados
105 VS. Smeargle!
106 VS. Sudowoodo
107 VS. Gligar
108 VS. Quilava
109 VS. Ampharos
110 VS. Piloswine
111 VS. Tyranitar
112 VS. Red Gyarados
113 VS. Delibrid (Part 1)
114 VS. Delibird (Part 2)
115 VS. Forretress
116 VS. Scizor
117 VS. Slugma
118 VS. Chikorita
119 VS. Flaaffy
120 VS. Staryu
121 VS. Corsola
122 VS. Qwilfish
123 VS. Dragonair
124 VS. Skarmory
125 VS. Misdreavus
126 VS. Jumpluff
127 VS. Miltank
128 VS. Ditto
129 VS. Girafarig
130 VS. Suicune (Part 1)
131 VS. Suicune (Part 2)
132 VS. Suicune (Part 3)
133 VS. Azumarill
134 VS. Heracross
135 VS. Larvitar
136 VS. Crobat
137 VS. Raikou & Entei (Part 1)
138 VS. Raikou & Entei (Part 2)
139 VS. Raichu
140 VS. Dodrio
141 VS. Lickitung
142 VS. Remoraid
143 VS. Cleffa & Igglybuff
144 VS. Swinub
145 VS. Sandslash
146 VS. Lugia (Part 1)
147 VS. Lugia (Part 2)
148 VS. Lugia (Part 3)
149 VS. Kingdra
150 VS. Chinchou
151 VS. Lanturn
152 VS. Butterfree
153 VS. Ho-oh
154 VS. Yanma
155 VS. Kabutops
156 VS. Noctowl
157 VS. Mangemite
158 VS. Scyther
159 VS. Pupitar
160 VS. Porygon2
161 VS. Entei
162 VS. Hitmontop
163 VS. Bellossom
164 VS. Slowking
165 VS. Lugia & Ho-oh (Part 1)
166 VS. Lugia & Ho-oh (Part 2)
167 The Last Battle I
168 The Last Battle II
169 The Last Battle III
170 The Last Battle IV
171 The Last Battle V
172 The Last Battle VI
173 The Last Battle VII
174 The Last Battle VIII
175 The Last Battle IX
176 The Last Battle X
177 The Last Battle XI
178 The Last Battle XII
179 The Last Battle XIII
180 The Last Battle XIV
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