Pok�dex 3D Pro

Pok�dex 3D Pro is a paid download for the Nintendo 3DS eShop. This download follows on from the free download of Pok�dex 3D and features all of the Pok�mon to exist.

While the game features all Pok�mon, it contains data for Pok�mon Black 2 & White 2, showcasing the Pok�mon in 3D and providing moveset data for all. It also has Augmented Reality features. It also has a special Pok�mon Challenge mode as well as an album for all your screenshots in the AR Viewer

Unlike the previous game, you will receive all the Pok�mon immediately out of the box, without the need to use the system's SpotPass feature to obtain 3 each day. This includes all forms counting up to 727 different entries within the Pok�dex. This does not include Genesect or Meloetta

The Pok�mon Challenge aspect provides a variety of quizzes of varying difficulty to test Pok�mon knowledge. These range from identifying Pok�mon by appearance, by moves, by stats and even by their cry

While the game only has Bulbasaur to Keldeo within it when you begin, you have the ability to access Meloetta, and presumably Genesect at a later point, via a password added in Pok�mon Challenge