Pok�mon Scarlet & Violet

Pok�mon Scarlet & Violet are the fourth set of mainline Pok�mon games on the Nintendo Switch and the first of the Generation 9 of Pok�mon.

This game is a full seamless open world game set in a big new region. You play as a trainer starting out in the region with one of three new Starter Pok�mon; Sprigatito, Fuecoco or Quaxly. It has many New Pok�mon, and the return of Regional Variants: Paldean Forms

This game features a new mechanic known as Terastal, which can cause your Pok�mon to change type, or just boost up moves of a specific type.

The game is an open world game which you can take in any order and can play with up to 3 friends at a time with the friends and their Pok�mon showing up on the open world. You can also use the features to battle and trade with other players, including Surprise Trade as well as participate in Raid Battles
