*Major spoilers for After We Collided below!*

Josephine Langford is playing every YA lover's dream part, Tessa in the After film series. While many fans of the book have always hoped to find their own IRL Hardin Scott, Josephine gets to play his girlfriend in the hit film series, which basically makes us all question where we went wrong in not scoring the part ourselves. As the second film, After We Collided, finally premieres on Netflix, fans are now wondering what Josephine has up her sleeve as she prepares for the final two parts in the series.

Seventeen got to talk to Josephine about Tessa's growth, the series' brand new love triangle, and her hope for the going into After We Fell.

17: We get to see Tessa let loos a lot in After We Collided. How was it getting to show off a new side to her?

Josephine Langford: It's fun, especially this one. We were really told to push it and it's really great getting to play extremes. That scene where I get to go up the stairs was just super, super fun. It's silly and it's really enjoyable to get a little loose and do that stuff.

17: Hardin's past gets revealed a bit in this new film, but Tessa is still drawn to him. What do you think keeps bringing her back?

JL: I think Tessa's perspective is that there's this guy who's romantic and thoughtful, and actually really sweet and marshmallow underneath his hard exterior. Intellectually and physically, they have this connection. She sees him in a different way to how most people look at him. I also think there's another part of it that is sort of inexplicable and she's initially very confused as to why she likes him. They have opposing qualities that complement one another. It's this inexplicably magnetic connection that makes so many fans drawn to the story and just keep coming back for more.

17: Trevor is introduced in this film, which adds some trouble for the couple as this love triangle slowly forms. How was it being able to add that to the mix?

JL: It's always really fun when you get to have another character and dynamic to work with them and play off of them. It adds this obstacle to their relationship and is another catalyst for events, jealousy, difficulties. Sometimes that happens in relationships, something pops up. It brings light to issues that they were already dealing with and that's sort of Trevor's role in the story.

17: It's already been announced that you're both coming back for the final two films. How do you feel knowing that this is almost coming to an end?

JL: I would say bittersweet. It is sad, because it feels like the end of an era. All these people that you've worked with and this character that you're now so familiar with, it's coming to an end. But it has to end, because you need that ending. Otherwise, there's gonna be a lot of people feeling very unsatisfied. It's such a really nice and a privilege to be able to bring a character's arc and that story to completion, because you don't always get that opportunity.

17: What's something that you're excited for people to see that they probably haven't gotten the chance to yet?

JL: What's really nice about Tessa is she does have quite an arc. She's a very different girl at the start of the first movie to what she is at the end of the books. I'm just excited to get to show the latest and mature stages of her and where she evolves. Her personality starts to change and her personality traits start to shift a little. It's in the lightest stage of development right now and I'm interested in getting to show it.

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Tamara Fuentes
Entertainment Editor

Tamara Fuentes is the current Entertainment Editor at Cosmopolitan, where she covers TV, movies, books, celebrities, and more. She can often be found in front of a screen fangirling about something new. Before joining Cosmopolitan, she was the entertainment editor over at Seventeen. She is also a member of the Television Critics Association and the Latino Entertainment Journalists Association. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram