Our vision is to shift educational paradigm in Nepal from the linear education system, in which teacher transfers knowledge to students, to a more horizontal system, in which students learn how to discover knowledge with teacher’s coaching
Our mission is to provide a high quality, accessible and affordable education to children from all ethnic, religious and socio- economic background. We strive to consciously create an environment of excellence, respect, inclusion and tolerance. We aim to develop well-rounded and thoughtful students capable of navigating rapidly changing world by instilling in them critical thinking skills and a global perspective.

Founded in 1998 AD, Shining Star is an English Medium, co-ed higher secondary school in Nepal. The school has more than 500 students from Pre-School to Grade XII. We are located in Lakeside, the heart of Pokhara Metropolitian City and a tourist hub.
Nepal is a multicultural, multilingual and multireligious country. We take pride in our culture and diversity. Nepal is the birth place of Lord Buddha and Lord Sita (Hindu deity). Also known all over the world as the land of Mount Everest (the highest peak in the world), Nepal boasts eight of the ten tallest mountains in the world.
Despite its natural beauty and cultural affluence, Nepal is one of the poorest country in the world. There are various issues that hamper the education including poor quality and inequity in access.
We, at Shining Star, strive to upgrade the qualtiy of education in Nepal by using technology and making it accessible to everyone




HIGHER SEcondary
This program is suitable for children in the age group between 2 to 3 years. Our guiding principle for the Pre-school program is to help your child master the skills needed to succeed in school and in life. Our program introduces your children to a more structured day with stimulating activities, group interaction and numerous opportunities to be inquisitive as he/she travels along the path to discover.Children at this age are always imbibing information through all their senses. Our curriculum and monthly themes are based on real-world sensory experiences in order to cater to this need. Your child will spend a major part of his day, singing, dancing, laughing, playing and exploring both indoors and outdoor.
PRIMARY (Kindergarten - Grade VIII)
The basic school curriculum is set in a national curriculum framework. It includes standard subjects like language education (Nepali and mother tongues), English, mathematics, sciences, social sciences, physical education and some elective subjects in higher grades. Promotion is based on term-end and year-end school examinations, while grade 8 concludes with a district-wide final examination. The academic year runs from April to March/April and is structured around the Nepali New Year in April. Nepal uses a calendar based on the Bikram Sambat system that is different from the Roman calendar (the year 2018 is the year 2074 in Nepal).
The general curriculum includes compulsory subjects like Nepali, English, science, mathematics and social sciences, a vocationally oriented subject and one elective subject (local language, foreign language or another vocational subject). Admission into secondary education is based on passing the final district-level examination at the end of grade 8.
Assessment and promotion is based on examinations throughout the year and one final year-end exam. The old national School Leaving Certificate (SLC) Examination held at the end of grade 10 is now held at the regional level and has been renamed into “Secondary Education Examination” (SEE). Under the new system, a region-level SEE exams at the end of grade ten is required for promotion to grade 11.
We offer higher secondary education in the field of Hotel Management, Travel & Tourism and Computer. Higher Secondary education concludes with an external national examination conducted under the auspices of the National Examinations Board (previously the Higher Secondary Education Board). The final credential awarded upon passing of the examination that is called the National Examination Board Examination Certificate. We follow the curriculum prescribed by the Education Board of Nepal.
Grade XI | Grade XII |
English | English |
Nepali | Marketing |
Account | Account |
Business Math | Economics |
Hotel Management/Travel & Tourism/Computer |
Hotel Management/Travel & Tourism/Computer |

We are committed to a holistic approach to education. We want our children to explore their interest in various fields including arts, music and sports.
While we try our best to provide them with the best faciltiy, we can always use help. For this we are currently looking for donations in the form of classroom materials such as books, copies, pens, electronics as well as musical isntruments, sports gears and arts materials.
Additonally we accept financial donation via our listed below or direct donations using wire-transfer.

We are looking for partner organizations to collaborate with us to integrate technology and practical approach to learning with our core corriculumn.
During this COVID-19 crisis, we are desperately trying to faciliate distance learning. However, we are having a very hard time due to financial constraints and inadequate technical infrastructure and expertise.
A helping hand during this crisis would be dearly appreciated by studetns, teachers and parents.

We are always looking for enthusiastic and talented individuals to join our community.
If you are interested in getting involved, please feel free to reach out to us in the 'Contact' section or visit us at our Workaway page (link below).
We offer basic accommodation including a room and meals here in Pokhara, less than 1km from Lakeside!
The children look forward to meeting you.

29th Street, Lakeside
Pokhara, Gandaki Province, Nepal
