Now comes the really cool part
Our Sign, Snap & See™ technology lets you sign your card
With your very own handwriting in 3 quick steps:
Sign: Write your message (on unlined paper)
Snap: Take a picture of your message and send it to us (we make it easy on the next step!)
See: Get a perfect version of your message in your card
Write your very own personal message in your own handwriting...THE BEST!
‐ R.S. McDonald (40 time purchaser)
My handwritten note came across so clear on the card...Recommending to everyone I know!
‐ Sadie Domineck (9 time purchaser)
I am a bit technologically challenged...but this was SO easy.
‐ Lynda Sargent (13 time customer)
Being able to add your own handwriting is that amazing personal touch.
‐ Lisa Hopkin (3 time customer)
She didn't know my note in there wasn't actually written [by me directly into] the card till I told her. The craftsmanship was remarkable!
‐ Chris King (1st time customer)
Experts enhance the handwriting image quality...FREAKING MIND BLOWN
‐ Jennifer Wohn (13 time customer)
It turned out amazing and looks like I hand wrote it!
‐ Garrett (2 time purchaser)
Quite easy to create your message...great service!
‐ Heather M (2 time purchaser)
The handwriting looks authentic and it's SO EASY!
‐ Debby Wolf (5 time purchaser)
Amazing! Works every time! Love this service...!
‐ Melanie Dunn (80 time purchaser)
The personalized handwriting they do on the cards come out great !!! It’s so easy as well that just about anyone could do it.
‐ David Barrera (3 time purchaser)