Sri Krishna Adithya College of Arts and Science endeavours to provide the right prospects for channelizing the dynamisms of the youth and creating leaders among them. The institution has established a cluster of clubs namely  “ADITHYA’S VIGNANA” which caters to the diverse interests of our students. The need of great importance is to create paths and platforms whereby the student can focus on his / her skills and aptitudes to self-development, wherein VIGNANA acts as a catalyst in propelling our students to reach higher altitudes and engage oneself in positive and productive activities.

Objectives of VIGNANA:

  • To guide and encourage the students to convert their thoughts into innovations by creating an entrepreneurial ecosystem on campus.
  • To develop problem solving skills and critical thinking among students.
  • To stimulate them set goals for the benefit of themselves and society
  • To recognize leadership talents and provide opportunities for development.
  • To upskill students’ knowledge on current affairs to confidently face many competitive exams.
  • To motivate students to do research and publishing papers in high impact journals.

List of 36 Clubs