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Category Archives: sleep
The Best Light Therapy Lamp
Ed note: In these dark days of winter with the very short days, sleep disruption and seasonal affective disorders are fairly common. So I break out my happy light and have it on the breakfast table for 30 minutes. Placebo … Continue reading
Eliminating “Leap Forward”
5 ways life would be better if it were always daylight saving time Steve Calandrillo, University of Washington In my research on daylight saving time, I have found that Americans don’t like it when Congress messes with their clocks. In … Continue reading
Posted in Law, Safety, sleep, Traffic, Transportation, Uncategorized
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Come learn about sleep! Thursday 11AM in the MBR – Dr. Brandon Peters-Mathews
Ed Note: Dr. Peters-Mathews has been invited back by popular demand. He is an expert in all areas of sleep disorders from sleep apnea to insomnia. From the National Sleep Foundation: We tend to think of sleep as a time … Continue reading
Posted in sleep
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Getting a Good Night’s Sleep Without Drugs
Ed note: This article by Jane Brody in the NYT reminds us that sleep medications can be problematic. Almost all over the counter “sleep aids” contain diphenhydramine better known at Benadryl. This antihistamine is metabolized more slowly as we age … Continue reading
“Insomnia can kill you” – from the NYT
Ed Note: We spend a third of our lives sleeping, or at least trying to sleep. It’s mysterious just why, but dangerous if we don’t sleep well. The second part of this article will be put on the blog tomorrow. … Continue reading
Soon you may need that Happy Light for SAD
Sleep specialists recommend the use of a 10,000 lux “happy light” for 15-30 minutes each morning during the dark days in northern climates like ours. Choose one carefully because they are not FDA regulated. Here is one reviewer’s selection. The … Continue reading
Stories for Getting Back to Sleep with Diane Gillespie, author & psychologist
Skyline residents welcome Tuesday, September 25 7:30 PM, Anderson Hall Horizon House, 900 University Street Ever have trouble falling back to sleep in the middle of the night? Find yourself stuck in stories that make you anxious? Educational psychologist Diane … Continue reading