
This intent of this resident operated blog is to promote open communication and a free exchange of ideas for Skyline residents and friends, and to enhance connections in the community. If you are interested in this site please enter your email on the right panel to be notified on new postings.  Contact [email protected] if you would like to be added to the list of contributing authors. It’s easy to Unsubscribe if you no longer wish to get reminders of new posts.

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8 Responses to Welcome

  1. Gordon Gray says:

    Hi Jim –
    Saw this in the PSBJ this morning and thought your blog followers might be interested, especially the ones who’ve been around since the M Street Market occupied the spot.

  2. Wayne Horner says:

    I forgot my brief bios password

  3. Inessa Wu says:

    hi Jim,

    I heard of the Skyline Legacy Cookbook and would love to purchase a copy. Would this be possible?

  4. Olivia Kim says:


    I read about the Skyline Legacy Cookbook in the Wall Street Journal. Is it possible to purchase one outside of the Skyline community? I reside in the Bay Area.

    Thank you,
    Olivia K.

  5. Edward says:

    awsome read. Thank you

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