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salamander. toad. frog. tadpoles. eel. shark. skate. ray. horsefish. goldfish. Pectoral fin. tail. Dorsal fin. scales. gills. beetle. bee. wasp. termite. ants. cocoon. cocroach. moth. butterfly. caterpilar. grasshopper. cricket. mantis. centipede. scorpio. dragonfly.
salamander toad frog tadpoles eel shark skate ray horsefish goldfish Pectoral fin tail Dorsal fin scales gills
beetle bee wasp termite ants cocoon cocroach moth butterfly caterpilar grasshopper cricket mantis centipede scorpio dragonfly mosquito ladybird fly spider mussel snail starfish worm slug squid jellyfish lobster octopus crab
livestock piglet calf cow bull sheep pig kid foal goat horse lamb donkey chick duckling turkey hen Cockerel/rooster duck stable pen chicken coop pigsty
They are texts Do youliketexting?
1.Hola Megan. He recibido tu mensaje. ¿Qué vas a hacer mañana? • Hi Megan. I´vegotyourtext. What are youdoingtomorrow? • Nada especial. ¿por qué? • Nothingspecial. Why? • 3. Voy a ir al aquario con mis primos. ¿Te quieres venir? • I´mgoingtotheaquariumwithmycousins. Do youwantto come? • 4. ¿A qué hora vais? • What time are yougoing? • 5. Salimos de casa alas 10 • We are leaving home at 10 • 6. Fantástico. ¿vais a comer allí? • Great! Are youhaving lunch there? • 7.Sí, hay una cafetería allí • Yes, there´s a café there • 8. iVale!. Hasta mañana entonces • Ok, seeyoutomorrowthen • 9. Sí, en mi casa a las 10. ¿Vale? • Yeah, 10 o´clock at myhouse • 10. Hasta luego- Seeyoulater
Monkeys _________ roar Lions _________ howl Dogs _________ cluck Cats _________ hiss Horses _________ crow Hens _________ bray Cocks _________ squeak Pigs _________ chatter Cows _________ moo Sheep _________ croak Bees _________ buzz Elephants _________ miaow, purr Donkeys_________ grunt, squeal Frogs _________ bark, growl Snakes _________ neigh Ducks _________ quack Wolves_________ trumpet Mice _________ bleat Owls _________ hoot chatter roar bark Miaow/ purr neigh cluck crow Grunt,squeal moo bleat buzz trumpet bray croak hiss quack howl squeak hoot
Birds ______________ Fish ____________ Butterflies ____________ Kangaroos ___________ Snakes ___________ Horses _______________ Lambs _______ in the field Spiders _________ webs Cheetahs are the fastest ___________ Bees and wasps _________ Some insects _________ ... Hop runners Bite Flutter slither fly Skip sting Swim Spin trot and gallop
K-metro policedivision Segeant Lady Whose room was it? Coming down Got out Rang the bell Knocked on Came out They got in the car Hurry up Robbery Fried chicken Nice to meet you How do you do? introduce