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Query Processing. Reading: CB, Chaps 4 & 21. In this lecture you will learn. the basic concepts of Query Processing how high level SQL queries are decomposed, analysed and executed how to express basic SQL queries in Relational Algebra why Relational Algebra is useful in query processing
Query Processing Reading: CB, Chaps 4 & 21
In this lecture you will learn • the basic concepts of Query Processing • how high level SQL queries are decomposed, analysed and executed • how to express basic SQL queries in Relational Algebra • why Relational Algebra is useful in query processing • the strategies query optimisers use to generate query execution plans Dept of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
Query Processing Overview • Objective: Provide correct answer to query (almost) as efficiently as possible Server Client Interpret Query SQL Query Metadata Execute Query Results Tables Indexes Dept of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
We Are Here! Dept of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
Query Processing Operations • Query processing involves several operations: • Lexical & syntactic analysis - transform SQL into an internal form • Normalisation - collecting AND and OR predicates • Semantic analysis - i.e. does the query make sense ? • Simplification - e.g. remove common or redundant sub-expressions • Generating an execution plan - query optimisation • Executing the plan and returning results to the client • To describe most of these, we need to use Relational Algebra Dept of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
Introducing Relational Algebra • What is relational algebra (RA) and why is it useful ? • RA is a symbolic formal way of describing relational operations • RA says how, as well as what (order is important) • Can use re-write rules to simplify and optimise complex queries... • Maths example: • a + bx + cx2 + dx3; 3 adds, 3 multiplies, 2 powers; • a + x(b + x(c + xd)); 3 adds, 3 multiplies. Dept of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
Basic Relational Algebra Operators • The basic RA operators are: • Selection σ; Projection π; Rename ρ • SQL: SELECT Lname FROM Staff • RA: πLname (Staff) • SQL: SELECT Lname AS Surname FROM Staff • RA: ρSurname(Lname) πLname (Staff) • SQL: SELECT Lname AS Surname FROM Staff WHERE Salary>1000 • RA: ρSurname(Lname) πLnameσSalary>1000 (Staff) Dept of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
Further Relational Algebra Notation • L R - natural join • L P R - theta join with predicate P = L.a Θ R.b • L x R - Cartesian product • L U R - union • L ∩ R - intersection • P Q - conjunction (AND) • P Q - disjunction (OR) • ~ P - negation (NOT) Dept of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
Query Processing Example • Example: find all managers who work at a London Branch: SELECT * FROM Staff S, Branch B WHERE S.BrNo = B.BrNo AND S.Posn = 'Boss' AND B.City = 'London'; • There are at least 3 ways of writing this in RA notation: • σS.Posn=‘Boss’ B.City=‘London’ S.BrNo=B.BrNo(SxB) • σS.Posn=‘Boss’ B.City=‘London’(S B) • (σS.Posn=‘Boss’(S)) (σB.City='London'(B)) • One of these will be the most efficient - but which?? Dept of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
Lexical & Syntactical Analysis &Query Trees • Lexical & syntactical analysis involves: • identifying keywords & literals • identifying table names & aliases • mapping aliases to table names • identifying column names • checking columns exist in tables • The output of this phase is a relational algebra tree (RAT) Result σA^B^C X S B Dept of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
Semantic Analysis • Does the query make sense? • Is the query legal SQL? • Is the RAT connected? - if not, query is incomplete! • Can the query be simplified? - for example: • σA^A(R) = σA(R) (quite often with views) • σAvA(R) = σA(R) • σA^~A(R) = Empty set (no point executing) • σAv~A(R) = R (tautology: always true) Dept of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
Normalisation & Normal Forms • Normalisation re-writes the WHERE predicates as either: • disjunctive normal form: σ(A^B)vC = σDvC • conjunctive normal form: σ(A^B)vC = σ(AvC)^(BvC) = σD^E • Why is this useful ? - sometimes a query might best be split into subqueries (remember set operations?): • Disjunctions suggest union: • σAvB(R) = σA(R) U σB(R) • Conjunctions suggest intersection: • σA^B(R) = σA(R) ∩σB(R) Dept of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
Some RA Equivalences Rules(Re-Write Rules) • There are many equivalence rules (see CB p640-642). Here are a few: • σA^B(R) = σA(σB(R)) (cascade rule) • σA(σB(R)) = σB(σA(R)) (commutivity) • πAπB(R) = πA(R) (if A is a subset of B) • σP(πA(R)) = πA(σP(R)) (if P uses cols in A) • σP(R x S) = R P S (if P = L.a Θ R.b) • σP(R S) = σP(R) S (if P uses cols in R) • Usually, its ‘obvious’ which form is more efficient? Dept of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
Generating Query Plans • Most RDBMSs generate candidate query plans by using RA re-write rules to generate alternate RATs and to move operations around each tree: • For complex queries, there may be a very large number of candidate plans... Dept of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
Heuristic Query Optimisation Rules • To avoid considering all possible plans, many DBMSs use heuristic rules: • keep together selections (σ ) on the same table • perform selections as early as possible • re-write selection on a cartesian product as a join • perform “small joins” first • keep together projections (π ) on the same relation • apply projections as early as possible • if duplicates are to be eliminated, use a sort algorithm Dept of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
Cost-Based Query Optimisation • Remember, accessing disc blocks is expensive! • Ideally, the query optimiser should take into account: • the size (cardinality) of each table • which tables have indexes • the type of each index - clustered, non-clustered • which predicates can be evaluated using an index • how much memory query will need - and for how long • whether the query can be split over multiple CPUs Dept of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen