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ABSTRACT. The aims of this reaserch is to determine the concentration of heavy metals Pb, Cu and Cd in river’s water of Kali Wonokromo and to know wheather that concentration is fulfill the requirement concentration that is stated on “Peraturan Daerah Kota Surabaya No. 02
ABSTRACT The aims of this reaserch is to determine the concentration of heavy metals Pb, Cu and Cd in river’s water of Kali Wonokromo and to know wheather that concentration is fulfill the requirement concentration that is stated on “Peraturan Daerah Kota Surabaya No. 02 Tahun 2004” as a water source for drinking water. Sampel was collected from Kali Wonokromo before Dam Wonokromo every Saturday and Monday from May to June, 2007. The content of Pb, Cu and Cd were analyzed by using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry with flame (flame AAS). The result showed that average concentration of each heavy metal is fulfill the requirement and the statistical analysis showed there was a significant difference in the concentration of Pb, Cu and Cd between sampel which is collected on Saturday and Monday. Keywords: Heavy metal, Pb, Cu, Cd, river’s water, Kali Wonokromo, flame AAS.