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Chapter 39 Fish. Section 2 Jawless and Cartilaginous Fish. Fish Adaptations. Stream-lined body & muscular tail Paired-fins allow fish to manuver Secrete mucus around body to help move in water and protect against infections Store lipids (fat) to help aid in buoyancy
Chapter 39Fish Section 2 Jawless and Cartilaginous Fish
Fish Adaptations • Stream-lined body & muscular tail • Paired-fins allow fish to manuver • Secrete mucus around body to help move in water and protect against infections • Store lipids (fat) to help aid in buoyancy • Use gills for gas exchange
Homeostasis • Freshwater fish = hypertonic (higher concentration of solutes than the surrounding water- gain water) • Saltwater fish = hypotonic (contain lower concentrations of solutes than their surroundings- lose water)
Sensory Functions • Fish can sense light, chemicals, & sound • Some can sense electrical & magnetic fields • Many fish can see in color, but most cartilaginous fish can not see in color
Sensory Functions • Chemoreception- ability to detect chemicals in the environment • Sharks have great sense of smell & taste • Barbels- whisker-like organs near mouth
Sensory Functions • Lateral line- allows fish to sense vibration in the water • Cartilagenous fish (sharks & rays)- ampullae of Lorenzini- detect weak electrical fields- help locate prey
Jawless Fishes • Hagfish & lamprey • Have an eel-like body, cartilaginous skeleton, and unpaired fins • Hagfish live in oceans • Lampreys live in freshwater
Hagfishes • Bottom-dwellers in cold marine water, no jaws • Isotonic- same ion concentration as sea water • Feed on small invertebrates or dead & dying fish • Burrow in dead fish & consume internal organs
Lampreys • ½ parasites, ½ free-living • Attaches to host with disk-shaped mouth • After feeding, lampreys drop off & host may recover, bleed to death, or die from infection • Fertilization occurs outside body (external fertilization)
Cartilaginous Fish • Class Chondrichthyes • Sharks, skates, rays, & ratfish • Cartilage- flexible, lightweight material made of cells surrounded by tough fibers of protein • Skin is covered with placoid scales- feels like sandpaper
Sharks • Whale shark- largest shark (60 feet) • Feed on plankton & floating plants & animals • Filter water using gill rakers • 6 to 20 rows of teeth that point inward
Sharks • One shark uses 20,000 teeth in a lifetime • Each tooth is shaped based-on diet
Rays & Skates • Flatten-bodies with wing-like pectoral fins and whip-like tails • Rays have diamond or disk-shaped bodies • Skates have triangular bodies • Bottom-dwellers • Feed on crustaceans
Ratfishes • Deep-water • Have gill slits covered by a flap of skin • Some have a rat-like tail • Feed on crustaceans or mollusks
Adaptions • Gas exchange in gills • Some sharks need to constantly move in order for gas exchange to occur • Rays usually take in water from ventral side, but when on bottom, they use spiracles located behind eye to draw in water
Adaptations • Sharks have an oil in their liver called squalene oil that contributes to their buoyancy • Convert ammonia to urea which is a less toxic waste
Reproduction • Internal fertilization- male transfers sperm to female’s body • No cartilaginous fish provides parental care once young are born
REVIEW!!! • Identify three characteristics of fish that makes them well suited to aquatic life. • Contrast the feeding behavior of hagfish to the feeding behavior of lampreys. • Identify the advantages of internal fertilization vs. external fertilization.