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ME 3507: Theory of Machines Degrees of freedom. Dr. Faraz Junejo. Degree-of-freedom (DoF). Degree of freedom (also called the mobility M ) of a system can be defined as: the number of inputs which need to be provided in order to create a predictable output ; also:
ME 3507: Theory of Machines Degrees of freedom Dr. Faraz Junejo
Degree-of-freedom (DoF) • Degree of freedom (also called the mobility M) of a system can be defined as: • the number of inputs which need to be provided in order to create a predictable output; also: • the number of independent coordinates required to define its position.
Input = Source of motion The device that introduces/produces motion for a mechanism • Rotary Input – Usually provided by a motor • Linear Input – Usually provided by a linear actuator – Simply a piston in a cylinder moved by pneumatic or hydraulic pressure
Open & Closed Mechanisms • Kinematic chains or mechanisms may be either open or closed.
Open & Closed Mechanisms (contd.) • A closed mechanism will have no open attachment points or nodes and may have one or more degrees of freedom. • An open mechanism of more than one link will always have more than one degree of freedom, thus requiring as many actuators (motors) as it has DOF. Ex- Industrial robot
Determining Degrees of Freedom For simple mechanisms calculating DOF is simple Closed Mechanism DOF=1 Open Mechanism DOF=3
Four bar Mechanism • It may be observed that to form a simple closed chain we need at least three links with three kinematic pairs. • If any one of these three links is fixed (ground), there cannot be relative movement and, therefore, it does not form a mechanism but it becomes a structure which is completely rigid.
Four bar Mechanism (contd.) • Thus, a simplest mechanism consists of four links, each connected by a kinematic lower pair (revolute etc.), and it is known as four bar mechanism. • For example, reciprocating engine mechanism is a planner mechanism in which link 1 is fixed, link 2 rotates and link 4 reciprocates.
Reciprocating engine mechanism • The expansion of burning fuel in the cylinders periodically pushes the piston down, which, through the connecting rod, turns the crankshaft. • The continuing rotation of the crankshaft drives the piston back up, ready for the next cycle. • The piston moves in a reciprocating motion, which is converted into circular motion of the crankshaft, which ultimately propels the vehicle.
Degree of Freedom in Planar Mechanisms • Any link in a plane has 3 DOF. Therefore, a system of L unconnected links in the same plane will have 3L DOF, as shown in Figure, where the two unconnected links have a total of six DOF.
Degree of Freedom in Planar Mechanisms (contd.) • When these links are connected by a full joint in as in Figure, ΔY1 and ΔY2 are combined as ΔY, and Δx1 and Δx2 are combined as Δx. This removes two DOF, leaving four DOF.
Degree of Freedom in Planar Mechanisms Two unconnected links: 6 DOF (each link has 3 DOF) When connected by a full joint: 4 DOF (each full joint eliminates 2 DOF)
Degree of Freedom in Planar Mechanisms (contd.) • In Figure the half joint removes only one DOF from the system (because a half joint has two DOF), leaving the system of two links connected by a half joint with a total of five DOF.
Another example • Consider a four bar chain, as shown in figure. A little consideration will show that only one variable such as Ө is needed to define the relative positions of all the links. • In other words, we say that the number of degrees of freedom of a four bar chain is one.
Another example (contd.) • Consider two links AB and CD in a plane motion as shown in Figure. • The link ABwith coordinate system OXY is taken as the reference link (or fixed link). • The position of point P on the moving link CD can be completely specified by the three variables. i.e. the coordinates of P denoted by x and y, and inclination θof link CD w.r.t. x-axis or link AB.
Another example (contd.) • In other words, we can say that each link of a mechanism has three degrees of freedom before it is connected to any other link. • But when the link CD is connected to the link A B by a turning pair at A, the position of link CD is now determined by a single variable θ and thus has one degree of freedom. • We have seen that when a link is connected to a fixed link by a turning pair (i.e. lower pair), two degrees of freedom are destroyed.
Another example (contd.) • We have seen that when a link is connected to a fixed link by a turning pair (i.e. lower pair), two degrees of freedom are destroyed. • This may be clearly understood from Figure given below, in which the resulting four bar mechanism has one degree of freedom.
Determining DoF’s • Now let us consider a plane mechanism with I number of links. • Since in a mechanism, one of the links is to be fixed, therefore the number of movable links will be (I - 1) and thus the total number of degrees of freedom will be 3 (I - 1) before they are connected to any other link.
Determining DoF’s • In general, a mechanism with l number of links connected by j number of binary joints or lower pairs (i.e. single degree of freedom pairs) and h number of higher pairs (i.e. two degree of freedom pairs), then the number of degrees of freedom of a mechanism is given by M = 3 (I - 1) - 2j – h • This equation is called Gruebler’s criterion for the movability of a mechanism having plane motion. • If there are no two degree of freedom pairs (i.e. higher pairs), then h = 0. Substituting h = 0 in equation, we have M = 3 (I - 1) - 2j
Gruebler’s equation for planar mechanisms M = 3 (I - 1) - 2j Note that the value of jmust reflect the value of all joints in the mechanism; i.e. half joints count as 0.5 b/c they only remove 1 DOF. A modified form of Gruebler’s equation for clarity is known as Kutzbach’s modification, which take into account full and half joints separately; M = 3 (L – 1) - 2J1- J2 • Where • J1= Number of 1 DOF (full) joints • J2= Number of 2 DOF (half) joints
Important Note !! It should be noted that Gruebler’s/Kutzbach’s equation has no information in it about link sizes or shapes, only their quantity.
Mechanisms and Structures • If DoF > 0, it’s a mechanism • If DoF = 0, it’s a structure • If DoF < 0. it’s a preloaded structure (will have built in stresses with manufacturing error) Delta Triplet (Truss)
Preloaded Structure • Preloaded Structure – DOF<0, may require force to assemble • In order to insert the two pins without straining the links, the center distances of the holes in both links must be exactly the same, which is practically impossible, therefore require force to assemble causing stress in links
Calculate mobility of various configurations of connected links Kutzbach’s criterion of mobility M = 3 (L – 1) - 2J1- J2 L = 3, J1= 3, j2=0 M= 0; implying that this system of links is not a mechanism, but a structure. L = 4, J1= 4, j2=0 M= 1; implying system of interconnected links in has mobility 1, which means that any link can be used as input link (driver) in this mechanism.
Calculate mobility of various configurations of connected links L = 4, J1= 4, j2=0 M= 1; implying system of interconnected links in has mobility 1, which means that any link can be used as input link (driver) in this mechanism. L = 5, J1= 5, j2=0 M= 2; implying system of interconnected links in has mobility 2, which means that any two links can be used as input links (drivers) in this mechanism.
Example: 1 • Determine the degrees of freedom or movability of mechanisms having no higher pair (i.e. h = 0)
Mechanisms with higher pair (contd.) • Here it has been assumed that the slipping is possible between the links (i.e. between the wheel and the fixed link). • However if the friction at the contact is high enough to prevent slipping, the joint will be counted as one degree of freedom pair, because only one relative motion will be possible between the links. • Ex- driving car on dry & Icy road.
Example: 2 L= number of links = 8; J= number f full joints = 10 DOF = 1 Note: Multiple joints count as one less than the number of links joined at that joint and add to the "full" (J1) category
Example: 3 L= number of links = 6 J= number f full joints = 7.5 DOF = 0
Exercise: 1 • Determine the degrees of freedom of a six bar linkage.
Exercise: 1 (contd.) • There are four binary links and two ternary links (i.e. link 1 & 3). The number of joints are (you can count them directly or use the following formula) • According to Gruebler/Kutzbach equation M = 3 (6 – 1) – 2 x 7 = 1
Exercise: 2 • Determine the degrees of freedom of a eight bar linkage.
Exercise: 2 (contd.) • There are five binary links (n2 = 5), two ternary links (n3 = 2) and one quaternary link (n4 = 1). Thus, number of joints are • According to Gruebler/Kutzbach equation M = 3 (8 – 1) – 2 x 10 = 1 • Thus, this linkage has also one degree of freedom.
Exercise: 3 • Determine the d.o.f or mobility of the planar mechanism illustrated below
The link numbers and the joint types for the mechanism are illustrated above. The number of links is n = 5, the number of lower pairs is j1 = 5, and the number of higher pairs is h or j2 = 1. Substituting these values into the Kutzbach criterion, the mobility of the mechanism is M = 3 (5 – 1) – 2 x 5 – 1 = 1 that is, a single input motion is required to gives unique output motion.
Exercise: 4 • Determine the d.o.f or mobility of the planar mechanism illustrated below
Exercise: 4 (contd.) • The number of links is n = 5, the number of lower pairs is j1 = 5, and the number of higher pairs is h or j2 = 1. Substituting these values into the Kutzbach criterion, the mobility of the mechanism is M = 3 (5 – 1) – 2 x 5 – 1 = 1
Grubler's criterion for plane mechanisms • A little consideration will show that a plane mechanism with a movability of 1 and only single degree of freedom joints i.e. full joints can not have odd number of links. Substituting n = 1 and h = 0 in Kutzbach’s equation, we have 1 = 3 (l— 1) — 2 j or 3l— 2j— 4 = 0 • This equation is known as the Grubler's criterion for plane mechanisms with constrained motion. • The simplest possible mechanisms of this type are a four bar mechanism and a slider-crank mechanism in which 1= 4 and j= 4.
Degree of Freedom Paradoxes • Gruebler’s equation does not account for link geometry, in rare instance it can lead to misleading result
Degree of Freedom Paradoxes (contd.) The “E-quintet” is an example in which If three binary links happen to have equal length, the joints of a middle link do not constrain the mechanism any more than the outer links. The equation predicts DOF = 0, but the mechanism has DOF = 1.
Link Classification • Ground or fixed Link: fixed w.r.t. reference frame • Input [Driving] Link : Link where by motion and force are imparted to a mechanism • Output [Driven] Link : Link from which required motion and forces are obtained
Link Classification (contd.) • Crank Link: pivoted to ground, makes complete revolutions; i.e. Link that rotates completely about a fixed axis • Rocker Link: pivoted to ground, has oscillatory (back & forth) motion • Coupler Link: aka connecting rod, is not directly connected to the fixed link or frame, it in effect connects inputs & outputs
Four Bar Mechanism • Four bar mechanism consists of four rigid links connected in a loop by four one degree of freedom joints. • A joint may be either a revolute, that is a hinged joint, denoted by R, or a prismatic, as sliding joint, denoted by P.
Four Bar Mechanism (contd.) A link that makes complete revolution is called crank (r2), the link opposite to the fixed link is the coupler (r3) and forth link (r4) is a rocker if oscillates or another crank if rotates.
Four Bar Mechanism (contd.) Brake of a Wheelchair Folding sofa
Four Bar Mechanism (contd.) Backhoe Excavator
Mechanism Classification • Crank-rocker mechanism: In a four bar linkage, if the shorter side link revolves and the other one rocks (i.e., oscillates), it is called a crank-rocker mechanism. • Double-crank mechanism: In a four bar linkage, if both of the side links revolve, it is called a double-crank mechanism. • Double-rocker mechanism: In a four bar linkage, if both of the side links rock, it is called a double-rocker mechanism.