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Standards Understanding and Unpacking

Desired Outcomes (Target-Method-Match). Participants extract the Big Idea" from a standard/benchmark.Participants determine the knowledge and skills for a particular standard/benchmark.Participants determine appropriate assessments to measure student proficiency of the standard/benchmark.. Big I

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Standards Understanding and Unpacking

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    1. Standards Understanding and Unpacking Fall SY2011 District Training

    2. Desired Outcomes (Target-Method-Match) Participants extract the �Big Idea� from a standard/benchmark. Participants determine the knowledge and skills for a particular standard/benchmark. Participants determine appropriate assessments to measure student proficiency of the standard/benchmark.

    3. Big Ideas Knowledge Skills What�s In a Standard/Benchmark?

    4. Target

    5. What makes a �Big Idea� Big? Big Ideas

    6. Like a �linchpin��big ideas are essential for understanding. Used to hold together related content knowledge so we are not left with bits and pieces of inert facts that do not take us anywhere. Ideas that serve as umbrella concepts. �Core� or �essence� of the subject. Big Ideas

    7. Big Ideas Core Concepts Focusing Themes Important Ideas

    8. Big Ideas Big Ideas are embedded in the standards and benchmarks.

    9. PCO-2.0 (Public and Human Services Core) Assess effective communication skills needed to be successful in the public and human service industry. Big Ideas

    10. Check for Understanding Quadratic Equation

    11. Verb Tense Agreement Check for Understanding

    12. Patterns Check for Understanding

    13. Big Ideas

    14. HCO 1.0 Analyze the interdependence of the major body systems as they relate to health and wellness. Check for Understanding

    15. What students need in order to: Construct meaning Organize information Store information Knowledge

    16. Skills What students need in order to: Do something Solve a problem Communicate Work with others

    17. Knowledge & Skills = Benchmarks Knowledge and Skills

    18. HCO 1.0 Analyze the interdependence of the major body systems as they relate to health and wellness. HCO 1.1 Compare and contrast the major body systems, functions, components, and their common diseases and disorders. Unpacking

    19. HCO 1.0 Analyze the interdependence of the major body systems as they relate to health and wellness. HCO 1.1 Compare and contrast the major body systems, functions, components, and their common diseases and disorders. Unpacking

    20. Unpacking HCO 1.0 Interdependence (Big Idea) HCO 1.1 Compare and contrast the major body systems, functions, components, and their common diseases and disorders. Skills Sort and categorize Research (Text, Periodicals) Web-Search Diagram Model Construction Data Collection Recording Observations

    21. Would this activity meet the standard/benchmark HCO 1.0 and 1.1? Check for Understanding

    22. HCO-3.0 Use medical terminology and mathematical skills in effective communication in the delivery of quality health care. HCO-3.1 Read and interpret health-related information in order to interpret, transcribe and communicate information, data and observations precisely. Check for Understanding

    23. Check for Understanding HCO-3.0 Communication (Big Idea) HCO-3.1 Read and interpret health-related information in order to interpret, transcribe and communicate information, data and observations precisely.

    24. Target

    25. Work in Your Pathway Groups Select a Standard and Benchmark to Deconstruct Identify the �Big Ideas� Identify the �knowledge� and �skills� What insights were made that will impact classroom instruction? Share thoughts in the large group. Check for Understanding

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