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History In and Of the Bible. Part 1: The History in the Bible. Some Bible Stats. Chapters There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament and 260 chapters in the New Testament. This gives a total of 1,189 chapters (on average, 18 per book).
History In and Of the Bible Part 1: The History in the Bible
Some Bible Stats • Chapters • There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament and 260 chapters in the New Testament. This gives a total of 1,189 chapters (on average, 18 per book). • Psalm 117 is the middle chapter of the Bible, being the 595th Chapter. • Psalm 117 is also the shortest chapter of the Bible. • Psalm 119 is the longest chapter of the Bible.
Some Bible Stats • Verses • There are 23,145 verses in the Old Testament and 7,957 verses in the New Testament. This gives a total of 31,102 verses, which is an average of a little more than 26 verses per chapter.
Some OT Stats Number of books: 39 Chapters: 929 Verses: 23,145 Middle book: Proverbs Middle chapter: Job 20 Middle verses: 2 Chronicles 20:17,18 Smallest book: Obadiah Shortest verse: 1 Chronicles 1:25 Longest verse: Esther 8:9 Longest chapter: Psalms 119 Largest book: Psalms
Some NT Stats Number of books: 27 Chapters: 260 Verses: 7,957 Middle book: 2 Thessalonians Middle chapters: Romans 8, 9 Middle verse: Acts 27:17 Smallest book: 3 John Shortest verse: John 11:35 Longest verse: Revelation 20:4 Longest chapter: Luke 1 Largest book: Luke
Why are we here this morning? Where did the Bible come from? (Sunday School answer: God!) Why did the Bible come to us? When did the Bible come to us? It is difficult to fully-appreciate the pages of Scripture without first understanding the history during which God gave it.
Where did the Bible come from? 2 Peter 1:21 (NIV, 1984) For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
Where did the Bible come from? “Verbal Inspiration” Since every word of Scripture was inspired, we also call this process verbal inspiration, or word-for-word inspiration. This is not to be equated with mechanical dictation, since the Holy Spirit guided the writers as they used their individual vocabularies and writing styles. Question: In how many languages was the Bible FIRST written? Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek
Where did the Bible come from? The Scripture is a unified whole, true and without error in everything it says, for the Savior said, John 10:35 "The Scripture cannot be broken." Therefore it is the infallible authority and guide for everything we believe and do.
Why did the Bible come to us? The Bible is fully sufficient, clearly teaching people all they need to know to get to heaven. It makes us… 2 Timothy 3:15 "wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus“ and it equips us for… 2 Timothy 3:17 "every good work.”
Why did the Bible come to us? Since God's plan of salvation has been fully revealed in the canonical books of the Bible, we need and expect no other revelations Hebrews 1:1, 2. In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.
Why did the Bible come to us? The church is built on the teachings of the apostles and prophets Ephesians 2:20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.
Why did the Bible come to us? In summary! John 20:31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
The History In the Bible History = “His story” Daniel 2:20b-21 “Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. 21 He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.”
The History In the Bible • Old Testament (OT) covers approximately 4000 years of earth’s history in general and of God’s people specifically • 4000-400 BC (give or take) • Remember: Time before Christ (BC) counts backward! • It didn’t take all these millennia to write the OT. That was done over a period of about 1000 years • New Testament covers about one century • 1-100 AD • It was written over a period of about 50 years
1500 BC 1000 BC 930 BC Jesus’ return 4 BC 586 BC 722 BC Israel United Kingdom 120 yrs silence Patriarchs 3500 yrs Exodus - Judges 400 yrs Judah divided kingdom New Testament Christians us 2000 AD Abraham ~2000 BC period of Patriarchs period of Conquest Jesus period of Wanderings The History In the Bible
Lesson Three: Old Testament History The Savior forAll Nationalities Luke 24:27 The History In the Bible God picked a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. God Made A Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16:1-131 Chronicles 17:10-14Luke 1:26-33 1000 BC God Relocates His Nation MOSESGod gave him the rules for living. Exodus 2:1-10Exodus 19:3-6Deut. 18:16-19 1500 BC Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah,Daniel, Ezekiel God Selects a Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAMFounding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8Genesis 21:1-7Genesis 22:1-18 2000 BC Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson,Samuel, Ruth Period of the Founding Fathers of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah
The History In the Bible: Abraham and the Patriarchs God picked a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. The Savior forAll Nationalities Luke 24:27 God Makes a Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16:1-131 Chronicles 17:10-14Luke 1:26-33 1000 BC God Relocates His Nation MOSESGod gave him the rules for living Exodus 2:1-10Exodus 19:3-6Deut. 18:16-19 1500 BC Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah,Daniel, Ezekiel God Selects a Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAMFounding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8Genesis 21:1-7Genesis 22:1-18 2000 BC Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson,Samuel, Ruth Period of the Founding Fathers of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah
The History In the Bible: Abraham and the Patriarchs Anything you notice about lifespans before and after the flood? They were longer What do most of these people have in common? In the line of the Savior
The History In the Bible: Abraham and the Patriarchs
The History In the Bible: Abraham and the Patriarchs Birth of Abraham: 2166 BC Jacob’s migration to Egypt: 1876 BC Here’s a date to hang your hat on! Abraham – 2000 BC Can you name any famous events from Abraham’s life? Rescuing Lot, prayer for Sodom and Gomorrah, sacrificing Isaac
The History In the Bible: Abraham and the Patriarchs God picked a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. The Savior forAll Nationalities Luke 24:27 God Makes A Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16:1-131 Chronicles 17:10-14Luke 1:26-33 1000 BC God Relocates His Nation MOSESGod gave him the rules for living Exodus 2:1-10Exodus 19:3-6Deut. 18:16-19 1500 BC Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah,Daniel, Ezekiel God Selects A Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAMFounding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8Genesis 21:1-7Genesis 22:1-18 2000 BC Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson,Samuel, Ruth Period of the Founding Fathers of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah
The History In the Bible: Abraham and the Patriarchs
The History In the Bible: Moses, the Exodus, and the Journey God picked a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. The Savior forAll Nationality Luke 24:27 God Makes a Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16:1-131 Chronicles 17:10-14Luke 1:26-33 1000 BC God Relocates His Nation MOSESGod gave him His rules for living Exodus 2:1-10Exodus 19:3-6Deut. 18:16-19 1500 BC Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah,Daniel, Ezekiel God Selects a Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAMFounding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8Genesis 21:1-7Genesis 22:1-18 2000 BC Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson,Samuel, Ruth Period of the Founding Fathers of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah
The History In the Bible: Moses, the Exodus, and the Journey Significant Dates • Birth of Moses: 1527 BC • The Exodus: 1446 BC • Three months to Sinai • A year at Sinai • First foray into Canaan…back into the wilderness • Conquest of Jericho: 1406 BC
The History In the Bible: Moses, the Exodus, and the Journey Here’s another date to hang your hat on! Moses – 1500 BC How long did Moses and the Israelites wander in the wilderness between Egypt and the promised land Canaan? Why? What special thing occurred at Mt. Sinai?
The History In the Bible: Moses, the Exodus, and the Journey How long did Moses and the Israelites wander in the wilderness between Egypt and the promised land Canaan? 40 years Why? They disobeyed God! (they didn’t go and conquer Canaan when God wanted them too and tried to after God told them not too.) What special thing occurred at Mt. Sinai? Giving of the Ten Commandments
The History In the Bible: Moses, the Exodus, and the Journey
The History In the Bible: The Era of the Judges God picked a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. The Savior forAll Nationalities Luke 24:27 God Makes A Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16:1-131 Chronicles 17:10-14Luke 1:26-33 1000 BC God Relocates His Nation MOSESGod gave him the rules for living Exodus 2:1-10Exodus 19:3-6Deut. 18:16-19 1500 BC God Selects A Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAMFounding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8Genesis 21:1-7Genesis 22:1-18 2000 BC Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah,Daniel, Ezekiel Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson,Samuel, Ruth Period of the Founding Fathers of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah
The History In the Bible: The Era of the Judges Period of the Judges: 1389–1050 BC This era is best summarized in Judges 21:25 “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.” A period of frequent unfaithfulness to the LORD Who were the more significant Judges? Ehud, Gideon, Samson, Samuel
The History In the Bible: The Age of the Kings God picked a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. The Savior forAll Nationalities Luke 24:27 God Makes A Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16:1-131 Chronicles 17:10-14Luke 1:26-33 1000 BC God Relocates His Nation MOSESGod gave him the rules for living Exodus 2:1-10Exodus 19:3-6Deut. 18:16-19 1500 BC Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah,Daniel, Ezekiel God Selects A Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAMFounding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8Genesis 21:1-7Genesis 22:1-18 2000 BC Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson,Samuel, Ruth Period of the Founding Fathers of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah
The History In the Bible: The Age of the Kings United Monarchy – One Nation Saul 1050–1010 BC David 1010–970 BC Solomon 970–931 BC Temple begun ca. 966 BC
The History In the Bible: The Age of the Kings
The History In the Bible: The Age of the Kings Yet another hook to hang your memory hat on! David – 1000BC What are some significant events from David’s life? Saul, Goliath, Bathsheba, Absalom Why would God be so transparent with the openness of problems that people like David had? It shows they are sinful too and need a Savior
The History In the Bible: The Age of the Kings Kings of Judah, the southern kingdom, loyal to the house of David Rehoboam 931–913 Abijam 913–910 Asa 910–869 Jehoshaphat 872–848 Jehoram 848–841 Ahaziah 841 Athaliah 841–835 Joash 835-796 Amaziah 796–767 Uzziah 790–739 Jotham 751–736 Ahaz 742–728 Hezekiah 728–697 Manasseh 697–642 Amon 642–640 Josiah 640–609 Jehoahaz 609–608 Jehoiakim 608–597 Jehoiachin 597 Zedekiah 597–587
The History In the Bible: The Age of the Kings Hat hook! Fall of Jerusalem – 586 BC Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon 70 year captivity By the way. What ever happened to the northern kingdom which abandoned the royal house of David? Taken in to exile by Assyrian Empire in 722 BC, “10 lost tribes of Israel”
The History In the Bible: The Period of the Prophets God picked a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. The Savior forAll Nationalities Luke 24:27 God Made A Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16:1-131 Chronicles 17:10-14Luke 1:26-33 1000 BC God Relocates His Nation MOSESGod gave him the rules for living Exodus 2:1-10Exodus 19:3-6Deut. 18:16-19 1500 BC God Selected A Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAMFounding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8Genesis 21:1-7Genesis 22:1-18 2000 BC Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah,Daniel, Ezekiel Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson,Samuel, Ruth Period of the Founding Fathers of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah
The History In the Bible: The Period of the Prophets
Inter-Testamental Period 400 year period between the last of the Old Testament Prophets, Malachi and the birth of Christ Silent because there was no divinely-inspired prophecy Loud because of what was going on in world history!
Inter-Testamental Period • Under Alexander the Great 333-323 BC • Spread of Greek language and culture • Unifying of great portions of Europe and Asia • Under the Ptolemies - Egypt 319-198 BC • Writing of the “Septuagint” – the Greek translation of the OT • Formation of the Sanhedrin – Jewish Supreme Court • Under the Seleucids 198-167 BC • Restructuring of the Holy Land into “Counties” • Galilee, Samaria, Judea, Perea, Trachonitis • Maccabean revolts (Matthaias and Judas “The Hammer”)
Alexander’s Empire (Hellenistic Empire)
Writing of Septuagint • Greek translation of Hebrew Old Testament • The Legend (via Letter of Aristeas – 2nd cent BC) • Commissioned by King Ptolemy II Philadelphus (3rd cent BC) • High priest in Jerusalem picked 6 men from each of the 12 tribes • 72 translators translated first five books of Moses separately • Each finished in 72 days • Each translation was identical
Writing of Septuagint • Greek translation of Hebrew Old Testament • The Facts • Translated between 3rd to 1st Cent BC • There is not one Septuagint text • All books of Hebrew OT are in there • Order is the same as our English Bibles • Includes some books from Apocrypha (1+2 Maccabees, Tobit) • Includes some books in no other collection (3+4 Maccabees, Psalm 151)
Inter-Testamental Period • An Independent Jewish State 167-63 BC • Hannukah “dedicate” (December 164 B.C.) • Struggle between Maccabeans, Hasidim and Hellenists • Division of Jewish denominations (Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots) • Under the Romans 63 BC - 70 AD • The rise of the Herods (half-blood Jews) • Construction of empire-wide highway system • Ending of rampant piracy on the Mediterranean Sea
Roman Empire Before and After Christ (Roman Empire)
Inter-Testamental Period Put it all together! Jews were migrating all over the Empire Unified language… “Quick” and safe travel routes… Hometown taxation of the empire… What do you have?? God arranging world history for salvation history
When the time had fully come… God chose a nation to keep alive the promise and family line that would one day produce Jesus. The Savior forAll Nationalities Luke 24:27 God Made A Jewish King Jesus’ Ancestor DAVID All-Too-Human King 1 Samuel 16:1-131 Chronicles 17:10-14Luke 1:26-33 1000 BC God Relocates His Nation MOSESGod gave him the rules for living Exodus 2:1-10Exodus 19:3-6Deut. 18:16-19 1500 BC God Selects A Nationality for Jesus ABRAHAMFounding Father of the Jews Genesis 12:1-8Genesis 21:1-7Genesis 22:1-18 2000 BC Period of the Prophets Messengers from God Isaiah, Jeremiah,Daniel, Ezekiel Period of the Judges National Heroes Joshua, Samson,Samuel, Ruth Period of the Founding Father of the Jews Isaac, Jacob Joseph, Judah