This document discusses how to build a self-organizing team. It recommends giving the team the environment and support to get work done independently while still providing guidance. An exercise is described where participants self-organized into groups in different ways to understand the difference between command-and-control and self-organization. For effective self-organization, a team needs a shared goal, knowledge sharing, some delegated authority, team decision making, and proper metrics. Guidance is provided on establishing these elements step-by-step to transition a team to self-organization.
32. I want to learn new
Experiment with new
I want to try to be a
Mentor junior people.
Facilitate meetings.
I want more money.
That’s it!
Increase ROI to product.
I want to stay with my
family during evenings.
Getting things done, no
I want to apply my
engineering skills.
Take difficult
engineering tasks.
44. Set the common goal.
ProductVision, Backlog,
Sprint Goal
Give authority. Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum
Enable knowledge-
Daily Scrum, Information
Radiators, Wiki, Feedback
Let team decide.
Retrospective Meetings,
Set good metrics.
BusinessValue, ROI,
Customer Feedback
45. Let’s try a new challenge!
Build the tallest freestanding structure
The entire marshmallow must be on top
Use as much or as little of the kit
You are free to break up the spaghetti,
string or tape
The challenge lasts 18 minutes
46. Debrief
What was your process?
How did you invent it?
Were there any leaders?
How successful was the group?
What would you do next time to be
more successful?
47. Stop working for boss!
Work to get things done!
Iteration 1: The manager is superskilled, practically omniscient; he can solve any problem himself and just command the workers to obey his wishes. The workers await commands and don't dare speak up, else the manager might lose face. The manager's assignment is to arrange the workers into a line based on some criterion that he doesn't have enough information about, like «how long have they worked for their company," without any input from the workers. Give the manager one minute. Start the timer, and let him go.Iteration 2: Let the workers arrange themselves horizontally across the room from left to right alphabetically by middle name.Iteration 3: Let the workers arrange themselves horizontally across the room from left to right by tenure at their job how long is their experience in Agile.
Mechanical:People do small pieces of work. Work order is well-known and planned. No need to think, need to do stuff. Brain has knowledge, hands do stuff.Knowledge:Need to think, to be able to make decisions. Need to have full information. All have knowledge.If people have lack of information, they will design something wrong.
Мозг менеджера – субъективен, мозг коллектива – объективен. Менеджер вообще далеко не всегда умнее своих подчиненных.
There are a lot of situation, when self-organizing
Scenario 1: The Scrum team isn't ready to take ownership.Management gives responsibility and ownership to a Scrum team and trusts it to deliver projects. However, the Scrum team is not ready to take on that ownership.Possible causes for this behavior include:The team is used to command and control, and it has a hard time making decisions that normally were taken by the manager.The team consists of new members and is still in a formative stage, struggling to make collective team decisions.Heroism is prevalent, which makes it difficult for the team to make consensus-based decisions rather than specialists-driven decisions.Each team member relies on the others to do the work, due to competency problems or complacency (someone else will take care of it).Everyone is too comfortable doing their individual pieces of the overall work.Experienced Agile coaches or ScrumMasters embedded in the team can help with the initial transition to self-organization and help the team members cultivate Agile values and principles. Focusing on the positives of the team's dynamics, and making small improvements to the team's work, does encourage the team to make collective decisions and learn which activities provide the foundation for self-organization. Team members also should trust each other and express feelings openly.
The leadership role should be given to those who have the best skills and knowledge to decide about the particular issue.
Anyhow, in a group of individuals with different ideas, there will be different opinions. A one person is needed to have authority to stop the conversation and vote for the best opinion, to facilitate people to make decisions, to resolve conflicts between people.Scenario 2: Management isn't ready to give ownership to the team.When management isn't willing to give control to the Scrum team (even if it claims that it's doing so), we have to look at possible reasons why:Management is not aware of Agile principles and the importance of teamwork, and it sees no value in giving control to the team.Management fears the loss of the status quo, feeling themselves to be less empowered if decision making is left up to the team.A culture of micromanagement is deeply rooted within the organization.Changes in HR policies that include clearly describing the role of managers can be an important step in such cases, so that managers don't feel insecure about their futures in an Agile organization.
Please share with us...what, in your experience, is a shared vision?what is it like to be on a team with a shared vision?what does it take to get to a shared vision?
Team members should help each other - concentrating on delivering value, not only on performing their dutiesCross-functionality avoids bottlenecks and enables possibility to shift workloads and mutual assistance
Think about team orientation.Team orientation tells how well the goals of a team and theindividuals meet [9]. Many researchers suggest that individualsshould emphasize the team goals over their own [4], [20],[21]. On one hand, losing individual autonomy is harmful forthe individual’s motivation [22]. On the other hand, too muchindividual autonomy is a threat for team work [16].
Feedback is a great mechanism to understand where you are. You did something – you got reaction.Feedback from who? From team members, leader, company, stakeholders.How? Encourage trust to each other inside a team. Hold sessions with stakeholders. Get info from company and management. metric – Used as a signal to help the team identify roughly where things are at and more importantly, as a guide to help the team inspect and adapt its processes to improve over time.Evil metric – Used as an inflexible indicator for micro-managing an individual’s performance over time and more importantly, for ‘beating’ people up and killing morale.