Dave Vanhuffelen has been employed by Telenet BVBA since January 6, 2008 according to a declaration of employment signed by Karianne Aerts of Telenet BVBA's human resources department on January 18, 2017. The declaration confirms Dave Vanhuffelen's employment and residence in Mecheten, Belgium.
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declaration of employment
1. Declaration of employment
Telenet BVBA, represented by Karianne Aerts confirms that:
Dave Vanhuffelen
Residing at 2890 Sint-Amands, Zegbroek 32
is employed within our company since 0110612008.
Mecheten, 18 januari 2017
Telenet BVBA, Liersesteenweg 4, 2800 Mecheten
Karianne Aerts
Human Resources
i-iersesteenweg 4 - PB48
2800 Mechelen
Tel':015/333 000
Fax: 015/333 701
BTW-nr': 0473'416'418
TELENET /P Z / 5 07 .2 / O I .OO