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Persuasive Poems
Kayla Trahan Mrs. Kristy Hebert English IV – 1st 26 January 2017 Persuasive Poems Some may dispute that the Cavalier poems "To His Coy
Mistress" by Andrew Marvell was more persuasive than the poem "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" by Robert Herrick. The authors were
writing to sometimes different women that they wanted to woo over in order so they can sleep with them. I believe that the poem "To the Coy
Mistress" by Andrew Marvell was more persuasive than the poem "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" by Robert Herrick. The Cavalier poem
I found to be more persuasive was "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell. Marvell wrote, "Had we but world enough, and time,/ This coyness
lady, were no crime./We would sit down, and think more content...
Herrick states, "Then be not coy, but use your time,/ And, while ye may, go marry;/ For, having lost but once your prime,"(Herrick, ln. 13,14).
Herrick basically told the women to stop being shy and to not waste their youth. He told the women that he talked about to not waste away and
enjoy your youth while you have it. But, still, Herrick was overall more demanding than Marvell's. Even though both of the Cavalier poems were
about having sex, Marvell's poem was more of a romance poem than Herrick's poem. Marvell wrote, "Thy beauty shall no more be found, / Nor , in
thy marble vault, shall sound/ My echoing says" (Marvell, ln. 25–27). Marvell was saying that beauty will no longer be there one day. Herrick said,
"For having lost but once your prime,/ You may forever tarry" (Herrick, ln. 15–16). Herrick was saying that your youth will not always be there so best
use it to their advantage. The Cavalier poem "To His Coy Mistress" by Marvell was more persuading than the poem "To the Virgins, to Make Much
of Time" by Herrick. Although they were both mainly focused on the topic of sex Marvell was more of a romantic/persuasive than Herrick
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World Cup Persuasive Essay
"It didn't end when the men lost in Brazil last year." That was the message that Fox Sports used to open one of their promotional ads for the upcoming
2015 Women's World Cup in Canada. The beginning of the commercial shows the disappointment of U.S. Men's national soccer team and their
supporters after losing their knockout round game to Belgium in extra–time during last years World Cup. The overall message of the ad is that the final
chapter was not written in after the U.S.M.N.T. was eliminated last year in Brazil. It will be written when the women's team takes the field in this
years World Cup. The commercial was done very well and did it's job to pique interest in the tournament as the group stage ratings have proven. It was more content...
and the Men's and Women's College World Series. Why is there appeal for women's sports lower than the men's which appear to be rising as the season
go by? Sports has always been seen as a male–dominated activity in America and even with the increase of female participation and mainstream interest
there is still a perception that sports is man's world. There is also another assumption by people in our society that men are naturally better than women
in sports. Speaking from a general standpoint that is not true. If a woman has the right skill and receives the proper coaching with good consistent
practice she can beat a man in any sport. Mo'ne Davis proved it last year in the Little League World Series when she became the first woman earn a
with and a shutout as a pitcher. In 2012 when Tim Keown from E.S.P.N. wrote an article about the future of M.M.A. it featured a seven year old girl,
named Regina Awana also known as "The Black Widow." Regina proved the society's assumption of her as a girl wrong in this YouTube video from Rick Paulas from Vice Sports points out another misconception about men and women in sports in his
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Persuasive Speech : Effective Communication
In writing it's important to have an understanding of what you're trying to convey for your audience in addition to how you you will present your ideas.
Effective communication extends beyond having well organized writing expressed in complete and coherent sentences. The style, tone and clarity of
writing must also be considered, as they are constantly changing relative to the audience. Again, analyzing one's audience and purpose is essential to
successful writing. Appropriately, when choosing the most effective language, it is important to consider the document objective as well as the reader.
In essence, this idea of effective use of language has been the overarching theme of this online English course. Each writing more
Thus, the style of language used within the text was often industry specific and possessed a more academic feeling. For example, in the text I often
used abbreviations and slang acceptable within the discourse such as, SCM Supply chain management, KPI Key performance indicator, and RDT
Resource dependence. The word choice in this assignment is indicative of that fact that language is chosen in a manner that is appropriate for both the
audience and the purpose of the writing.
Furthermore, perhaps the greatest contrast and the most evident of how language works differently in various types of writing is the discussion blog
post. The blog post allowed the class to engage in different types of formality of language. The formality of the language one uses should match
the formality of the situation and the relationship between the writer and reader. Therefore, as the public audience was a class of online students
taking a required writing course in the summer, the formality of my writing has often been very informal. For example, in my blog post addressing
my concern over the unworthy power of BeyoncГ© I wrote, "It was the year 2008 when the world was blessed with the images of BeyoncГ©
(unapologetically) dancing around in a leotard. Not only is BeyoncГ©'s single lady video one of her most notable hits it begins her what is now a
decade long relationship ending spree" (Marquis, 2016 ). The formality
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Persuasive Essay On English 2010
English 2010 follows the 1010 course teaching students to think critically by connecting the ideas of a varied group of authors. Because of its many
benefits, many students go on to take 2010 following the introductory course; it seems like the obvious next step in a student's academic career, but, in a
high school setting, it's not for everyone. Taking English 2010 while still in highschool can be beneficial for many.College can pose as a financial
burden, even hindering those from pursuing a degree, but, by taking this college course in highschool, students can save money to fund further
academic pursuits. The average cost of one credit hour in college is well into the hundreds; however, one credit hour in this concurrent enrollment class
only costs twenty–five dollars. By taking 2010 as a highschooler, the financial requirement is only seventy–five dollars as opposed to what could be one
thousand five hundred dollars at some universities. This price reduction makes a significant impact considering it eliminates the massive price tag that
would come if the course was taken more content...
Although 2010 is a college course and should be taken seriously as one, taking it in a highschool environment can reduce the anxiety that may come for
those who take it in college. This course is designed to be taken by college freshmen; this first year can be a nerve racking one as a student makes the
transition from highschool student to college student. Taking this course in high school may ease the nerves that come with a college atmosphere. It
comforters the students and allows them to make mistakes, but more importantly learn from them. This improvement, coming from a comfortable
environment allows for improvement, sets up a student for success once they do attend
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Persuasive Speech : Free Tampons?
Nevada Gardner
Mrs. Remmers
College English
Persuasive Essay
11 November 2017
Free Tampons?
Let's begin with the obvious, all women have had their period. This process is as natural as eating, peeing, drinking and sleeping. Now have any of
you ever walked into a bathroom and had to pay for the toilet paper? No, you haven't. I'm sure that it also never occurred to anyone to carry around
toilet paper in case they had to do their business away from home. For sanitary reasons we want people to wipe their behinds. For sexist reasons, we
don't offer the same concern for women who don't want to bleed on furniture or their clothes. After years of women being shamed into not talking
about periods more and more are speaking up.
Periods have been linked to a part of the reason girls have missed school. Condoms are free so why aren't tampons and pads? Most women in third
world countries cannot afford the pricey cost of tampons and pads. Even in first world countries women cannot afford to by the proper sanitary
products. Are they just a luxury for women? Women also do not sign up to have their periods we can't control them. In public, we talk about periods
as much as we do diarrhea. Never. We have to shove tampons up our sleeves so no one knows that it is our time of the month. We stick wads of toilet
paper in our underwear when we are out of supplies. Has anyone ever seen the commercials with the pads when they are pouring the light blue liquids
out of cups onto pads; meanwhile
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Persuasive Essay On Cyber Security
Increased Acts of Cyber Terrorism Call into Question its Prevention
With the widespread use of technology becoming more prominent, acts of cyber terrorism pose an increased threat to safety. Cyber terrorists exploit the
internet and its users to commit acts that can be increasingly detrimental to their targets. Some of the terrorist activities include large scale corruption
of computer networks by using tools like computer viruses. Certain individuals even have the ability of creating severe damage to government systems,
national security systems and even hospital servers. Most of the technology made today only has intentions of making life easier for people. However,
skilled users can manipulate the cyber world for negative intentions. Staying informed when it comes to cyber terrorism and cybercrime is important to
do because of the increased reliance on technology in society. Steps to improve cyber security before an attack ensures the safety of sensitive
information. The topic of cyber security and cyber warfare are interesting topics to keep up to date with. Understanding these topics can be beneficial
to my dream of being in the FBI, ensuring the safety of others by working to prevent acts of cyberterrorism.
1. Cybercrime
2. Cyberwarfare
3. Cyberterrorism
4. Cyber Security
While doing some of my research, I chose to use Computer Source as my database. The main subject of the database was trends in technology. It
allowed me to search trends from any time which was particularly helpful for my topic. The type of search that can be completed using this database
is Boolean searching. This type of searching style came in handy because the information I was searching for involved the cyber world, so it made it
easier to differentiate which aspect of the cyber world I was researching. For example, differentiating between Cyber Terrorism and Terrorism or Cyber
Warfare. Computer Source lets its users search by publication date rather than by scholarship level. Computer Source also showed similarities with
Academic Search Complete in that they shared similar fields. But after conducting similar searches, Computer Source provided me with more relevant
information. Overall, my search results were more refined and
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Persuasive Essay On Ap English
Are you ready for Advanced Placement? Have you demonstrated you're ready to expand your learning and have you maintained a 3.5 GPA, then we
encourage you to take AP classes, AP U.S. History or AP English Language Composition, next year.
In AP, you'll get the opportunity to take a college–level course and potentially earn college credit. AP not only helps you be better prepared for college,
it also introduces you to concepts and skills that will stick with you the rest of your life.
AP may challenge you, but we believe you're more than capable of rising to that challenge. And We'll be here every step of the way to support you.
The highlight of AP class is that unlike tradition classes they are scored on a 5.0 grading scale and not the standard
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Persuasive Essay On Happiness
There is a common misconception on happiness, people have twisted the definition of true happiness into a material–based feeling. People now find
happiness in worldly values such as wealth, recognition, and success. A person learns to rely on money and success as their source of happiness rather
than looking within for a more permanent solution to their sadness. The answer to a sad life is not money, recognition or success, when in reality, the
answer is to and content with life. Trusting happiness is present removes any ideas believing "happiness" brought on from economic and personal
success. A person should not have to develop greedy values in order to achieve a strong sense of happiness. Happiness is freely given, but people are
searching for it in the wrong places; happiness is not a result of financial wellness or success, it is the result of a satisfying view on existence.
For generations, wealth has signified power and happiness. If a person is wealthy, he or she has power and therefore as everything; if a person has
everything, he or she is ultimately "happy." Increased wealth supposedly prompts a surge in happiness. Power and financial prosperity blur worry,
caused by troubles, that a person faces by making the troubles seem minute and less daunting. The troubles are no longer troubling once money and
success cover them up. New purchases and awards help cover up these worries, allowing the person to feel free and "happy" to enjoy life. Worries,
however, do not stay
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Global Warming Persuasive Papers
Jeremy Bonnett
Professor Maldonado
English 1301
12th November, 2015
The Earth is an Oven
Our world is changing. Not for the good, it's getting worse. Within the last two hundred years our climate has been changing. Ever since the discovery
of how useful nonrenewable resources are our climate has been gradually getting warmer. Climate change is threat with many consequences from the
ecosystems that people live in all the way down to the evolution of species in the wild. There are many clear and present dangers in the world today,
but climate change is of the most importance causing species to go explode in numbers, average temperatures to increase, uncontrollable forest fires,
and the quality of air depleting.
Climate change is affecting more content...
Take the Mediterranean region for example. Known to scientists, this is a hot spot for climate change. The study done showed that these hotter climates
allowed the region's trees and vegetation to become drier and thus providing a great fuel source for fires to burn. Not only is the region experiencing
hotter temperatures, but it is expected to get worse. "Future projections indicate a sustained increase in temperature, particularly in summer, at a rate
that continues the historic value. Wildfires are already common in the forests and grasslands of the western United States. As theEarth gets warmer and
droughts increase, wildfires are expected to occur more often and be more destructive. Wildfires do occur naturally, but the extremely dry
conditions resulting from droughts allow fires to start more easily, spread faster, and burn longer. In fact, if the Earth gets just 3.6В°F warmer, we
can expect wildfires in the western United States to burn four times more land than they do now. Fires don't just change the landscape; they also
threaten people's homes and lives" (Turco 127). This supports the claim that climate change is affecting the way our environment interacts with
natural disasters. Climate change can also affect the land that humans use for crops. Climate change is also likely to cause stronger storms and more
floods, which can damage crops. Increasing temperatures and evolving rainfall patterns could help some kinds of weeds and pesticides to spread to
vast areas. If the global temperature rises an additional 3.6В°F, U.S. corn production is expected to decrease by ten to thirty percent. .Climate change
is not only destroying our world, it's burning it away and making it unusable for crops and other growable
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Persuasive Essay Topics
101 Persuasive Essay Topics By: Mr. Morton Whether you are a student in need of a persuasive essay topic, or a teacher looking to assign a persuasive
essay, this list of 101 persuasive essay topics should be a great resource. I taxed my brain to create this huge list of persuasive essay topics relevant to
today's society, but I believe I am happy with the results. I appreciate any and all comments or feedback. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Should students be
allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high schools? Should students have to wear uniforms? Should college athletes be more
Should people be allowed to curse on daytime television? Should owners be legally accountable for clearing snow from sidewalks on their
property? Should sexual education be taught in public schools? Should students be able to get free condoms at school? Should students who
commit cyberbullying be suspended from school? Should corporations be allowed to advertise in schools? Should students be allowed to eat during
class? Should more be done to protect and preserve endangered animals? Is it appropriate for students and teachers to be friends on Facebook?
Should students have open campus lunch periods? Should abortions be legal? Should abortions be legal in cases of rape and incest? Should the death
penalty be used to punish violent criminals? Should students learn about world religions in public schools? Should schools start later in the morning?
Should the USA end overseas military operations? Should politicians be allowed to accept campaign contributions from corporate lobbyists? Should
people with terminal illnesses have the right to doctor assisted suicides? Should Puerto Rico become a state? Should stem cell researchers be able to
use the stem cells from aborted babies to cure diseases? 71. Should school athletes have to take drug tests? 72. Should professional athletes have to take
drug tests? 73. Should America convert to the metric system? 74. Should high school students have to complete community service hours to graduate?
75. Should teens over 13
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Persuasive Essay On English Volleyball
The Stanford WomenЕ› Volleyball Team is the best sports team ever. First, they have many top players on the team from all around the world. Second,
their statistics are terrific. If you are looking at colleges I would totally consider Stanford. In addition, they have a great coach and an unstoppable team.
To begin, the Stanford VolleyballTeam has brought top players from all around the world to come play on their team. First, eighty percent of their
players are six feet tall or even taller. That is an advantage because the taller you are the more strong and harder the players hit the ball which sums up
to a point for them. Another advantage is a new freshman makes the team every year and one of them ends up being the freshman of the year. In
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Persuasive Speech Topics Study Guide
3.2.Good Topics for Persuasive Speeches
A good persuasive speech topic should contain not only a good quality content but also have enough information that it delivers the purpose well, i.e.
clearly supporting your stance while convincing the listeners to agree to your point of view. Given below is a list of good persuasive topics to develop
and deliver great speeches:
1.Should there be a limit to freedom of press?
2.Working women should be offered special privileges.
3.Financial education needs to be an essential part of every curriculum.
4.Risks of using steroids.
5.Do using surveillance cameras over public places violate privacy rights?
6.Spending more time on social networks have made the youth isolated.
7.Do newspapers form more content...
Ethical implications of arms trading and control.
25.Is government morally right for spying under the label of providing public safety?
3.4.College Persuasive Speech Topics
College students get assignment to deliver persuasive speeches as a part of their degree programs. Every student wants to prepare and make speech on
a unique and different topic that would be appreciated by every listener including their instructors. Before choosing any topic, you must keep in mind
that the subject area of the topic should be the one you are well–informed about and can research it more to cover every dimension of it. You can also
use light stories, illustrations, related examples and quotes as tools to make your speech more effective. A few of the topics that you can select for
making persuasive speeches in college may include:
1.Is online education equally beneficial like traditional classroom mode of learning?
2.The use of advanced technological devices has made education easier.
3.Replacing text books with online educational tools and resources.
4.Using filters in college networks to prevent students from accessing inappropriate material.
5.Colleges should introduce their own social networks to enhance learning experience of
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Persuasive Essay For English Class
Hey Mrs. Dillard its Shereen Toolabi! I hope you are doing well. I wanted to update you on my first week of college! I finally settled in Maine and I
love it! It's such a different atmosphere here and I've met so many new friends! I plan on rushing for a sorority next week so I'm looking forward to
that! All my classes are very easy so far, especially English. In my English class we wrote an essay about the bombing of Hiroshima and determining if
it was a terrorist act or not. I received a B on my rough draft and I'm turning in my final draft next Monday. My professor was very impressed with my
knowledge of writing and I have no one else to thank but you! My school is very focused on the understanding of writing the perfect college paper so
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Persuasive Essay About English Bulldogs
During the decade that I bred, raised, and placed English Bulldogs into their new forever homes, I ran into many issues both with the dogs and the
people I encountered along the way. Although I researched the breed thoroughly prior to the purchase of my own English Bulldogs, I still managed
encounter health and temperament issues of the dogs, as well as the common greedily natured people wanting to breed them to make a quick buck.
There are, however many wonderful owners of English Bulldogs that love their dogs immensely; often treating them as they would a child and
spoiling them rotten. These types of people were the very reason I began to raise English Bulldogs. Since I too had experienced the great love of this
breed, I decided more content...
It is also believed by breeders that a dog passes certain champion qualities down to their offspring by way of lineage.
Inbreeding in the dog's lineage is one key point of the Pedigree that no one really talks about to the non–showing potential owners; it is indicated by
one dog being used to sire multiple lines of the family tree. The AKC does not discourage this and often it is difficult to recognize for a non–showing
owner. Many show breeders will not allow their puppies to be purchased by non–show homes in an attempt to preserve their lines. According to "A
genetic assessment of the English bulldog", written by N. Pedersen, A. Pooch, and H. Liu, "there is very little knowledge about the actual genetic
status of the breed and whether enough genetic and phenotypic diversity still exists to significantly improve health without further reducing existing
genetic diversity or relying on outcrossing"(4) (breed two dogs from different lineage to add fresh blood to the family tree). However, many show
breeders believe that they must utilize a sire across more than one line within their pedigree to preserve the specific traits of the breed that make their
bloodlines of champion quality. One could argue that in doing so, they are reintroducing certain predispositions back into their own bloodlines
two–fold; reinforcing what may be a defect of sorts in their own lines.
I had to learn very quickly what predisposition meant in regards to breeding. Many English Bulldog
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English Persuasive Speech
Aoi Hyoudou: For real? This story is still alive? Well, for now it is since I want to focus a bit more on Aura Guardian of Beacon: Resurgence, but
yeah most of you are requesting for an update so I'm updating it. Ask and you shall receive! The current plan is to split updates between the two
stories throughout the remaining time of my summer before August 22nd. As of now, Tales of Berseria is no longer a world Ash will be visiting since
the game isn't coming until mid–August in Japan so the idea for Ash to meet Velvet is scrapped unless I changed my mind. Disney Castle/Timeless
River could be the last world I'm adding since I feel like the story is being dragged on way too long with so many worlds in the mix. However, Ash will
still make more content...
Ash, Esdeath, and the Jaegers arrives at the throne room where Ash and Pete meets again, leading to a brief confrontation. Ash battles Assault
Riders while battling his inner darkness. Night Raid arrives and gets into a brief confrontation with Esdeath and the Jaegers. Ash defeats the
Heartless, but struggles to keep his darkness in check. Heartless Ash briefly takes over Ash's body and attempts to attack Honest, the Emperor, and
Pete, but fails after Ash regains control. Ash releases the darkness in his heart with Aqua's help. Heartless Ash manifests and claims that his name
is Hsä. Hsä attempts to kill Ash, but Xhäs intervenes, leading to the final confrontation between Ash and Xhäs against Hsä! A/N:
And....there you have it! Everything you need to know about Part II! Sorry if it was a summary and not an actual chapter. I decided to do Disney
Castle next so expect Part III to be like this one. Yeah, I'm lazy so please forgive me! I'm trying to make up for the lost time for this story, but it's
kinda hard to do so. Anyway, beyond Disney Castle....I will write actual and long chapters just so you know! And who knows? I might actual add a
few special things in the story without you knowing about
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Persuasive Speech On English Language
Ever since the dawn of mankind, some form of communication has been used amongst humans. Language and the ability to speak to one another to get
things done is what I believe makes humankind the most sophisticated species on the planet. However, over the last few hundred years, one language
in particular has become one of the most universally taught subjects: English. With several hundred, or maybe even thousands of languages being
spoken by nearly seven billion people today, English has become the method of communication across nearly every country and culture on the planet. If
English wasn't adopted as a globally respected language, then it would make communicating with other cultures very difficult. Don't get me wrong, I'm
not advocating for everyone in the world to adopt English and forget about their native tongues. I just feel that there's so much that could be done if
there was a language that everyone knew to speak. Living in the twenty–first century is one of the most exciting and amazing time frames to live in.
We've not only mapped out and cultivated every land mass on Earth, but we also are able to communicate and connect with so many people of vast
cultures. If you told Christopher Columbus that in the future, he could've taken a plane from Spain to India in less than a day, he would've been
blown away. With the advancements in technology that have been made, we're able to communicate with nearly anybody in the world, and yet it's
still quite difficult to do so, all because of a language barrier. And that's just on a global level: sometimes language barriers make it tough to converse
with employers, classmates, and maybe even neighbors. We've come to point in society where language barriers have become a serious issue.
Although it may sound like I'm criticizing the entire world and I want to just throw away all languages, I'm not. I just want to be able to talk to a
Japanese business owner without miscommunicating my main points, or be able to read my medical bills without having to look up what a
"sternutate" or "synchronous diaphragmatic flutter" is, which in case you didn't know are sneezes and hiccups, respectively. Whether we are trying to
communicate across several countries or
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Persuasive Essay On Online Classes
Most people think highly of online classes; get to work from home, get to work on a flexible schedule, and anyone can do it. Though no one has
heard the cons of taking one. I personally took three semesters of online classes in high school and had a horrible experience. Because of loose
scheduling, poor communication, and the focus needed, online classes are not suitable for procrastinators. To give a better understanding, I will
summarize my experience with the class. Me, being a procrastinator, thought to myself: I'll just work on the weekends and if I don't finish the class by
the end of the school year, I can finish within the first few weeks of summer. This was a god awful plan. Unsurprisingly, close to nothing was
accomplished on the weekends. Friends would ask me to hang out every weekend, and I did every time. Why would I want to work on my class on the
weekend when I could be having fun? I would later regret this decision. On the days I stayed home and could have worked on the class, I completed
nothing. On these days, I would tell myself: I'll just complete what I didn't do this weekend next weekend. This rarely happened. Thus, the cycle of
getting nothing accomplished started. I disregarded my class for most of the first semester of junior year. With only nine assignments out of eighty
finished after the first semester of the school year, I was immensely behind. I told myself to get my act together during second semester and grind out
these two semesters
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Persuasive Speech On English Language
Ever since the dawn of mankind, some form of language has been used to communicate with one another. Language and the ability to speak to one
another to get things done is what I believe makes humankind the most sophisticated species on the planet. However, over the last few hundred years,
one language in particular has become one of the most universally taught subjects: English. With several hundred, or maybe even thousands of
languages being spoken by nearly seven billion people today, English has become the method of communication across several different countries and
cultures. If, for example, English wasn't adopted as a globally respected language, then it would make communicating with other cultures very difficult.
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Whether we are trying to communicate across several countries or simplifying documents and dialects locally, there needs to be some form of
legislation when it comes to language, and I believe instilling a global language can help us achieve all of the above. Both my mother's and my
father's side of the family migrated from Cuba to Miami in the late 50's, early 60's. When I was born my parents had to work during the day, so my
grandmother, Aba, used to always take care of me, and since she migrated from Cuba, she mainly spoke Spanish with knowledge in only a few
English words. When Aba passed away in 2001, I went to a family friend who also prominently spoke Spanish. Today, at the age of 18, I can proudly
say that those five first years of life did not prepare me enough for Spanish, since I am mostly an English–bred Hispanic. Sure, I can start a simple
conversation and maybe talk Spanish for a little, but overall, I am known as the family "gringo," which is a harsh way of saying I can't speak
Spanish. This hasn't just happened to me. Phillip M. Carter, a professor of linguistics at the FIU Department of English, has found that Miami is
undergoing what is known as a "language shift." The shift means that Miami is becoming less in touch with its Spanish–speaking roots and is turning
to more English–based communication. Carter's own research indicates that "Miami–born Latinos even
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Language Persuasive Essay
Mother always said, "Sharing is caring." The best way to care for every race, creed, and color is to share our native languages. In America, the
shortage of native–born bilingual people is a concern. The goal is to target American high school students wanting to learn foreign language and
immigrants from the community, who speak their native language, wanting to learn English. An advisor then pairs students and immigrants together to
learn in an immersion–like atmosphere. The United Language Initiative promotes utilizing immigrants to learn multiple languages: benefiting both
Americans and immigrants by increasing mental health, making us a well–rounded community, and boosting American employability. Firstly, mental
health improves dramatically for bilingual people. Studies show people with knowledge of two or more languages are smarter. Students who
completed at least four years of foreign language study scored more than 100 points higher on each section of the SAT than students who took a half
year or less (College Board 2004). Multitasking is another mental benefit gained from knowing a second language. According to a study from Penn
State, the act of fluently alternating between languages is instrumental in increased multitasking abilities ("Juggling Languages"). Many people love to
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Persuasive Poems

  • 1. Persuasive Poems Kayla Trahan Mrs. Kristy Hebert English IV – 1st 26 January 2017 Persuasive Poems Some may dispute that the Cavalier poems "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell was more persuasive than the poem "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" by Robert Herrick. The authors were writing to sometimes different women that they wanted to woo over in order so they can sleep with them. I believe that the poem "To the Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell was more persuasive than the poem "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" by Robert Herrick. The Cavalier poem I found to be more persuasive was "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell. Marvell wrote, "Had we but world enough, and time,/ This coyness lady, were no crime./We would sit down, and think more content... Herrick states, "Then be not coy, but use your time,/ And, while ye may, go marry;/ For, having lost but once your prime,"(Herrick, ln. 13,14). Herrick basically told the women to stop being shy and to not waste their youth. He told the women that he talked about to not waste away and enjoy your youth while you have it. But, still, Herrick was overall more demanding than Marvell's. Even though both of the Cavalier poems were about having sex, Marvell's poem was more of a romance poem than Herrick's poem. Marvell wrote, "Thy beauty shall no more be found, / Nor , in thy marble vault, shall sound/ My echoing says" (Marvell, ln. 25–27). Marvell was saying that beauty will no longer be there one day. Herrick said, "For having lost but once your prime,/ You may forever tarry" (Herrick, ln. 15–16). Herrick was saying that your youth will not always be there so best use it to their advantage. The Cavalier poem "To His Coy Mistress" by Marvell was more persuading than the poem "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" by Herrick. Although they were both mainly focused on the topic of sex Marvell was more of a romantic/persuasive than Herrick Get more content on
  • 2. World Cup Persuasive Essay "It didn't end when the men lost in Brazil last year." That was the message that Fox Sports used to open one of their promotional ads for the upcoming 2015 Women's World Cup in Canada. The beginning of the commercial shows the disappointment of U.S. Men's national soccer team and their supporters after losing their knockout round game to Belgium in extra–time during last years World Cup. The overall message of the ad is that the final chapter was not written in after the U.S.M.N.T. was eliminated last year in Brazil. It will be written when the women's team takes the field in this years World Cup. The commercial was done very well and did it's job to pique interest in the tournament as the group stage ratings have proven. It was more content... and the Men's and Women's College World Series. Why is there appeal for women's sports lower than the men's which appear to be rising as the season go by? Sports has always been seen as a male–dominated activity in America and even with the increase of female participation and mainstream interest there is still a perception that sports is man's world. There is also another assumption by people in our society that men are naturally better than women in sports. Speaking from a general standpoint that is not true. If a woman has the right skill and receives the proper coaching with good consistent practice she can beat a man in any sport. Mo'ne Davis proved it last year in the Little League World Series when she became the first woman earn a with and a shutout as a pitcher. In 2012 when Tim Keown from E.S.P.N. wrote an article about the future of M.M.A. it featured a seven year old girl, named Regina Awana also known as "The Black Widow." Regina proved the society's assumption of her as a girl wrong in this YouTube video from Rick Paulas from Vice Sports points out another misconception about men and women in sports in his Get more content on
  • 3. Persuasive Speech : Effective Communication In writing it's important to have an understanding of what you're trying to convey for your audience in addition to how you you will present your ideas. Effective communication extends beyond having well organized writing expressed in complete and coherent sentences. The style, tone and clarity of writing must also be considered, as they are constantly changing relative to the audience. Again, analyzing one's audience and purpose is essential to successful writing. Appropriately, when choosing the most effective language, it is important to consider the document objective as well as the reader. In essence, this idea of effective use of language has been the overarching theme of this online English course. Each writing more content... Thus, the style of language used within the text was often industry specific and possessed a more academic feeling. For example, in the text I often used abbreviations and slang acceptable within the discourse such as, SCM Supply chain management, KPI Key performance indicator, and RDT Resource dependence. The word choice in this assignment is indicative of that fact that language is chosen in a manner that is appropriate for both the audience and the purpose of the writing. Furthermore, perhaps the greatest contrast and the most evident of how language works differently in various types of writing is the discussion blog post. The blog post allowed the class to engage in different types of formality of language. The formality of the language one uses should match the formality of the situation and the relationship between the writer and reader. Therefore, as the public audience was a class of online students taking a required writing course in the summer, the formality of my writing has often been very informal. For example, in my blog post addressing my concern over the unworthy power of BeyoncГ© I wrote, "It was the year 2008 when the world was blessed with the images of BeyoncГ© (unapologetically) dancing around in a leotard. Not only is BeyoncГ©'s single lady video one of her most notable hits it begins her what is now a decade long relationship ending spree" (Marquis, 2016 ). The formality Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On English 2010 English 2010 follows the 1010 course teaching students to think critically by connecting the ideas of a varied group of authors. Because of its many benefits, many students go on to take 2010 following the introductory course; it seems like the obvious next step in a student's academic career, but, in a high school setting, it's not for everyone. Taking English 2010 while still in highschool can be beneficial for many.College can pose as a financial burden, even hindering those from pursuing a degree, but, by taking this college course in highschool, students can save money to fund further academic pursuits. The average cost of one credit hour in college is well into the hundreds; however, one credit hour in this concurrent enrollment class only costs twenty–five dollars. By taking 2010 as a highschooler, the financial requirement is only seventy–five dollars as opposed to what could be one thousand five hundred dollars at some universities. This price reduction makes a significant impact considering it eliminates the massive price tag that would come if the course was taken more content... Although 2010 is a college course and should be taken seriously as one, taking it in a highschool environment can reduce the anxiety that may come for those who take it in college. This course is designed to be taken by college freshmen; this first year can be a nerve racking one as a student makes the transition from highschool student to college student. Taking this course in high school may ease the nerves that come with a college atmosphere. It comforters the students and allows them to make mistakes, but more importantly learn from them. This improvement, coming from a comfortable environment allows for improvement, sets up a student for success once they do attend Get more content on
  • 5. Persuasive Speech : Free Tampons? Nevada Gardner Mrs. Remmers College English Persuasive Essay 11 November 2017 Free Tampons? Let's begin with the obvious, all women have had their period. This process is as natural as eating, peeing, drinking and sleeping. Now have any of you ever walked into a bathroom and had to pay for the toilet paper? No, you haven't. I'm sure that it also never occurred to anyone to carry around toilet paper in case they had to do their business away from home. For sanitary reasons we want people to wipe their behinds. For sexist reasons, we don't offer the same concern for women who don't want to bleed on furniture or their clothes. After years of women being shamed into not talking about periods more and more are speaking up. Periods have been linked to a part of the reason girls have missed school. Condoms are free so why aren't tampons and pads? Most women in third world countries cannot afford the pricey cost of tampons and pads. Even in first world countries women cannot afford to by the proper sanitary products. Are they just a luxury for women? Women also do not sign up to have their periods we can't control them. In public, we talk about periods as much as we do diarrhea. Never. We have to shove tampons up our sleeves so no one knows that it is our time of the month. We stick wads of toilet paper in our underwear when we are out of supplies. Has anyone ever seen the commercials with the pads when they are pouring the light blue liquids out of cups onto pads; meanwhile Get more content on
  • 6. Persuasive Essay On Cyber Security Increased Acts of Cyber Terrorism Call into Question its Prevention With the widespread use of technology becoming more prominent, acts of cyber terrorism pose an increased threat to safety. Cyber terrorists exploit the internet and its users to commit acts that can be increasingly detrimental to their targets. Some of the terrorist activities include large scale corruption of computer networks by using tools like computer viruses. Certain individuals even have the ability of creating severe damage to government systems, national security systems and even hospital servers. Most of the technology made today only has intentions of making life easier for people. However, skilled users can manipulate the cyber world for negative intentions. Staying informed when it comes to cyber terrorism and cybercrime is important to do because of the increased reliance on technology in society. Steps to improve cyber security before an attack ensures the safety of sensitive information. The topic of cyber security and cyber warfare are interesting topics to keep up to date with. Understanding these topics can be beneficial to my dream of being in the FBI, ensuring the safety of others by working to prevent acts of cyberterrorism. 1. Cybercrime 2. Cyberwarfare 3. Cyberterrorism 4. Cyber Security While doing some of my research, I chose to use Computer Source as my database. The main subject of the database was trends in technology. It allowed me to search trends from any time which was particularly helpful for my topic. The type of search that can be completed using this database is Boolean searching. This type of searching style came in handy because the information I was searching for involved the cyber world, so it made it easier to differentiate which aspect of the cyber world I was researching. For example, differentiating between Cyber Terrorism and Terrorism or Cyber Warfare. Computer Source lets its users search by publication date rather than by scholarship level. Computer Source also showed similarities with Academic Search Complete in that they shared similar fields. But after conducting similar searches, Computer Source provided me with more relevant information. Overall, my search results were more refined and Get more content on
  • 7. Persuasive Essay On Ap English Are you ready for Advanced Placement? Have you demonstrated you're ready to expand your learning and have you maintained a 3.5 GPA, then we encourage you to take AP classes, AP U.S. History or AP English Language Composition, next year. In AP, you'll get the opportunity to take a college–level course and potentially earn college credit. AP not only helps you be better prepared for college, it also introduces you to concepts and skills that will stick with you the rest of your life. AP may challenge you, but we believe you're more than capable of rising to that challenge. And We'll be here every step of the way to support you. The highlight of AP class is that unlike tradition classes they are scored on a 5.0 grading scale and not the standard Get more content on
  • 8. Persuasive Essay On Happiness There is a common misconception on happiness, people have twisted the definition of true happiness into a material–based feeling. People now find happiness in worldly values such as wealth, recognition, and success. A person learns to rely on money and success as their source of happiness rather than looking within for a more permanent solution to their sadness. The answer to a sad life is not money, recognition or success, when in reality, the answer is to and content with life. Trusting happiness is present removes any ideas believing "happiness" brought on from economic and personal success. A person should not have to develop greedy values in order to achieve a strong sense of happiness. Happiness is freely given, but people are searching for it in the wrong places; happiness is not a result of financial wellness or success, it is the result of a satisfying view on existence. For generations, wealth has signified power and happiness. If a person is wealthy, he or she has power and therefore as everything; if a person has everything, he or she is ultimately "happy." Increased wealth supposedly prompts a surge in happiness. Power and financial prosperity blur worry, caused by troubles, that a person faces by making the troubles seem minute and less daunting. The troubles are no longer troubling once money and success cover them up. New purchases and awards help cover up these worries, allowing the person to feel free and "happy" to enjoy life. Worries, however, do not stay Get more content on
  • 9. Global Warming Persuasive Papers Jeremy Bonnett Professor Maldonado English 1301 12th November, 2015 The Earth is an Oven Our world is changing. Not for the good, it's getting worse. Within the last two hundred years our climate has been changing. Ever since the discovery of how useful nonrenewable resources are our climate has been gradually getting warmer. Climate change is threat with many consequences from the ecosystems that people live in all the way down to the evolution of species in the wild. There are many clear and present dangers in the world today, but climate change is of the most importance causing species to go explode in numbers, average temperatures to increase, uncontrollable forest fires, and the quality of air depleting. Climate change is affecting more content... Take the Mediterranean region for example. Known to scientists, this is a hot spot for climate change. The study done showed that these hotter climates allowed the region's trees and vegetation to become drier and thus providing a great fuel source for fires to burn. Not only is the region experiencing hotter temperatures, but it is expected to get worse. "Future projections indicate a sustained increase in temperature, particularly in summer, at a rate that continues the historic value. Wildfires are already common in the forests and grasslands of the western United States. As theEarth gets warmer and droughts increase, wildfires are expected to occur more often and be more destructive. Wildfires do occur naturally, but the extremely dry conditions resulting from droughts allow fires to start more easily, spread faster, and burn longer. In fact, if the Earth gets just 3.6В°F warmer, we can expect wildfires in the western United States to burn four times more land than they do now. Fires don't just change the landscape; they also threaten people's homes and lives" (Turco 127). This supports the claim that climate change is affecting the way our environment interacts with natural disasters. Climate change can also affect the land that humans use for crops. Climate change is also likely to cause stronger storms and more floods, which can damage crops. Increasing temperatures and evolving rainfall patterns could help some kinds of weeds and pesticides to spread to vast areas. If the global temperature rises an additional 3.6В°F, U.S. corn production is expected to decrease by ten to thirty percent. .Climate change is not only destroying our world, it's burning it away and making it unusable for crops and other growable
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  • 11. Persuasive Essay Topics 101 Persuasive Essay Topics By: Mr. Morton Whether you are a student in need of a persuasive essay topic, or a teacher looking to assign a persuasive essay, this list of 101 persuasive essay topics should be a great resource. I taxed my brain to create this huge list of persuasive essay topics relevant to today's society, but I believe I am happy with the results. I appreciate any and all comments or feedback. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high schools? Should students have to wear uniforms? Should college athletes be more content... Should people be allowed to curse on daytime television? Should owners be legally accountable for clearing snow from sidewalks on their property? Should sexual education be taught in public schools? Should students be able to get free condoms at school? Should students who commit cyberbullying be suspended from school? Should corporations be allowed to advertise in schools? Should students be allowed to eat during class? Should more be done to protect and preserve endangered animals? Is it appropriate for students and teachers to be friends on Facebook? Should students have open campus lunch periods? Should abortions be legal? Should abortions be legal in cases of rape and incest? Should the death penalty be used to punish violent criminals? Should students learn about world religions in public schools? Should schools start later in the morning? Should the USA end overseas military operations? Should politicians be allowed to accept campaign contributions from corporate lobbyists? Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to doctor assisted suicides? Should Puerto Rico become a state? Should stem cell researchers be able to use the stem cells from aborted babies to cure diseases? 71. Should school athletes have to take drug tests? 72. Should professional athletes have to take drug tests? 73. Should America convert to the metric system? 74. Should high school students have to complete community service hours to graduate? 75. Should teens over 13 Get more content on
  • 12. Persuasive Essay On English Volleyball The Stanford WomenЕ› Volleyball Team is the best sports team ever. First, they have many top players on the team from all around the world. Second, their statistics are terrific. If you are looking at colleges I would totally consider Stanford. In addition, they have a great coach and an unstoppable team. To begin, the Stanford VolleyballTeam has brought top players from all around the world to come play on their team. First, eighty percent of their players are six feet tall or even taller. That is an advantage because the taller you are the more strong and harder the players hit the ball which sums up to a point for them. Another advantage is a new freshman makes the team every year and one of them ends up being the freshman of the year. In Get more content on
  • 13. Persuasive Speech Topics Study Guide 3.2.Good Topics for Persuasive Speeches A good persuasive speech topic should contain not only a good quality content but also have enough information that it delivers the purpose well, i.e. clearly supporting your stance while convincing the listeners to agree to your point of view. Given below is a list of good persuasive topics to develop and deliver great speeches: 1.Should there be a limit to freedom of press? 2.Working women should be offered special privileges. 3.Financial education needs to be an essential part of every curriculum. 4.Risks of using steroids. 5.Do using surveillance cameras over public places violate privacy rights? 6.Spending more time on social networks have made the youth isolated. 7.Do newspapers form more content... Ethical implications of arms trading and control. 25.Is government morally right for spying under the label of providing public safety? 3.4.College Persuasive Speech Topics College students get assignment to deliver persuasive speeches as a part of their degree programs. Every student wants to prepare and make speech on a unique and different topic that would be appreciated by every listener including their instructors. Before choosing any topic, you must keep in mind that the subject area of the topic should be the one you are well–informed about and can research it more to cover every dimension of it. You can also use light stories, illustrations, related examples and quotes as tools to make your speech more effective. A few of the topics that you can select for making persuasive speeches in college may include: 1.Is online education equally beneficial like traditional classroom mode of learning? 2.The use of advanced technological devices has made education easier. 3.Replacing text books with online educational tools and resources. 4.Using filters in college networks to prevent students from accessing inappropriate material. 5.Colleges should introduce their own social networks to enhance learning experience of
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  • 15. Persuasive Essay For English Class Hey Mrs. Dillard its Shereen Toolabi! I hope you are doing well. I wanted to update you on my first week of college! I finally settled in Maine and I love it! It's such a different atmosphere here and I've met so many new friends! I plan on rushing for a sorority next week so I'm looking forward to that! All my classes are very easy so far, especially English. In my English class we wrote an essay about the bombing of Hiroshima and determining if it was a terrorist act or not. I received a B on my rough draft and I'm turning in my final draft next Monday. My professor was very impressed with my knowledge of writing and I have no one else to thank but you! My school is very focused on the understanding of writing the perfect college paper so Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay About English Bulldogs During the decade that I bred, raised, and placed English Bulldogs into their new forever homes, I ran into many issues both with the dogs and the people I encountered along the way. Although I researched the breed thoroughly prior to the purchase of my own English Bulldogs, I still managed encounter health and temperament issues of the dogs, as well as the common greedily natured people wanting to breed them to make a quick buck. There are, however many wonderful owners of English Bulldogs that love their dogs immensely; often treating them as they would a child and spoiling them rotten. These types of people were the very reason I began to raise English Bulldogs. Since I too had experienced the great love of this breed, I decided more content... It is also believed by breeders that a dog passes certain champion qualities down to their offspring by way of lineage. Inbreeding in the dog's lineage is one key point of the Pedigree that no one really talks about to the non–showing potential owners; it is indicated by one dog being used to sire multiple lines of the family tree. The AKC does not discourage this and often it is difficult to recognize for a non–showing owner. Many show breeders will not allow their puppies to be purchased by non–show homes in an attempt to preserve their lines. According to "A genetic assessment of the English bulldog", written by N. Pedersen, A. Pooch, and H. Liu, "there is very little knowledge about the actual genetic status of the breed and whether enough genetic and phenotypic diversity still exists to significantly improve health without further reducing existing genetic diversity or relying on outcrossing"(4) (breed two dogs from different lineage to add fresh blood to the family tree). However, many show breeders believe that they must utilize a sire across more than one line within their pedigree to preserve the specific traits of the breed that make their bloodlines of champion quality. One could argue that in doing so, they are reintroducing certain predispositions back into their own bloodlines two–fold; reinforcing what may be a defect of sorts in their own lines. I had to learn very quickly what predisposition meant in regards to breeding. Many English Bulldog Get more content on
  • 17. English Persuasive Speech Aoi Hyoudou: For real? This story is still alive? Well, for now it is since I want to focus a bit more on Aura Guardian of Beacon: Resurgence, but yeah most of you are requesting for an update so I'm updating it. Ask and you shall receive! The current plan is to split updates between the two stories throughout the remaining time of my summer before August 22nd. As of now, Tales of Berseria is no longer a world Ash will be visiting since the game isn't coming until mid–August in Japan so the idea for Ash to meet Velvet is scrapped unless I changed my mind. Disney Castle/Timeless River could be the last world I'm adding since I feel like the story is being dragged on way too long with so many worlds in the mix. However, Ash will still make more content... Ash, Esdeath, and the Jaegers arrives at the throne room where Ash and Pete meets again, leading to a brief confrontation. Ash battles Assault Riders while battling his inner darkness. Night Raid arrives and gets into a brief confrontation with Esdeath and the Jaegers. Ash defeats the Heartless, but struggles to keep his darkness in check. Heartless Ash briefly takes over Ash's body and attempts to attack Honest, the Emperor, and Pete, but fails after Ash regains control. Ash releases the darkness in his heart with Aqua's help. Heartless Ash manifests and claims that his name is HsГ¤. HsГ¤ attempts to kill Ash, but XhГ¤s intervenes, leading to the final confrontation between Ash and XhГ¤s against HsГ¤! A/N: And....there you have it! Everything you need to know about Part II! Sorry if it was a summary and not an actual chapter. I decided to do Disney Castle next so expect Part III to be like this one. Yeah, I'm lazy so please forgive me! I'm trying to make up for the lost time for this story, but it's kinda hard to do so. Anyway, beyond Disney Castle....I will write actual and long chapters just so you know! And who knows? I might actual add a few special things in the story without you knowing about Get more content on
  • 18. Persuasive Speech On English Language Ever since the dawn of mankind, some form of communication has been used amongst humans. Language and the ability to speak to one another to get things done is what I believe makes humankind the most sophisticated species on the planet. However, over the last few hundred years, one language in particular has become one of the most universally taught subjects: English. With several hundred, or maybe even thousands of languages being spoken by nearly seven billion people today, English has become the method of communication across nearly every country and culture on the planet. If English wasn't adopted as a globally respected language, then it would make communicating with other cultures very difficult. Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for everyone in the world to adopt English and forget about their native tongues. I just feel that there's so much that could be done if there was a language that everyone knew to speak. Living in the twenty–first century is one of the most exciting and amazing time frames to live in. We've not only mapped out and cultivated every land mass on Earth, but we also are able to communicate and connect with so many people of vast cultures. If you told Christopher Columbus that in the future, he could've taken a plane from Spain to India in less than a day, he would've been blown away. With the advancements in technology that have been made, we're able to communicate with nearly anybody in the world, and yet it's still quite difficult to do so, all because of a language barrier. And that's just on a global level: sometimes language barriers make it tough to converse with employers, classmates, and maybe even neighbors. We've come to point in society where language barriers have become a serious issue. Although it may sound like I'm criticizing the entire world and I want to just throw away all languages, I'm not. I just want to be able to talk to a Japanese business owner without miscommunicating my main points, or be able to read my medical bills without having to look up what a "sternutate" or "synchronous diaphragmatic flutter" is, which in case you didn't know are sneezes and hiccups, respectively. Whether we are trying to communicate across several countries or Get more content on
  • 19. Persuasive Essay On Online Classes Most people think highly of online classes; get to work from home, get to work on a flexible schedule, and anyone can do it. Though no one has heard the cons of taking one. I personally took three semesters of online classes in high school and had a horrible experience. Because of loose scheduling, poor communication, and the focus needed, online classes are not suitable for procrastinators. To give a better understanding, I will summarize my experience with the class. Me, being a procrastinator, thought to myself: I'll just work on the weekends and if I don't finish the class by the end of the school year, I can finish within the first few weeks of summer. This was a god awful plan. Unsurprisingly, close to nothing was accomplished on the weekends. Friends would ask me to hang out every weekend, and I did every time. Why would I want to work on my class on the weekend when I could be having fun? I would later regret this decision. On the days I stayed home and could have worked on the class, I completed nothing. On these days, I would tell myself: I'll just complete what I didn't do this weekend next weekend. This rarely happened. Thus, the cycle of getting nothing accomplished started. I disregarded my class for most of the first semester of junior year. With only nine assignments out of eighty finished after the first semester of the school year, I was immensely behind. I told myself to get my act together during second semester and grind out these two semesters Get more content on
  • 20. Persuasive Speech On English Language Ever since the dawn of mankind, some form of language has been used to communicate with one another. Language and the ability to speak to one another to get things done is what I believe makes humankind the most sophisticated species on the planet. However, over the last few hundred years, one language in particular has become one of the most universally taught subjects: English. With several hundred, or maybe even thousands of languages being spoken by nearly seven billion people today, English has become the method of communication across several different countries and cultures. If, for example, English wasn't adopted as a globally respected language, then it would make communicating with other cultures very difficult. Don't get more content... Whether we are trying to communicate across several countries or simplifying documents and dialects locally, there needs to be some form of legislation when it comes to language, and I believe instilling a global language can help us achieve all of the above. Both my mother's and my father's side of the family migrated from Cuba to Miami in the late 50's, early 60's. When I was born my parents had to work during the day, so my grandmother, Aba, used to always take care of me, and since she migrated from Cuba, she mainly spoke Spanish with knowledge in only a few English words. When Aba passed away in 2001, I went to a family friend who also prominently spoke Spanish. Today, at the age of 18, I can proudly say that those five first years of life did not prepare me enough for Spanish, since I am mostly an English–bred Hispanic. Sure, I can start a simple conversation and maybe talk Spanish for a little, but overall, I am known as the family "gringo," which is a harsh way of saying I can't speak Spanish. This hasn't just happened to me. Phillip M. Carter, a professor of linguistics at the FIU Department of English, has found that Miami is undergoing what is known as a "language shift." The shift means that Miami is becoming less in touch with its Spanish–speaking roots and is turning to more English–based communication. Carter's own research indicates that "Miami–born Latinos even Get more content on
  • 21. Language Persuasive Essay Mother always said, "Sharing is caring." The best way to care for every race, creed, and color is to share our native languages. In America, the shortage of native–born bilingual people is a concern. The goal is to target American high school students wanting to learn foreign language and immigrants from the community, who speak their native language, wanting to learn English. An advisor then pairs students and immigrants together to learn in an immersion–like atmosphere. The United Language Initiative promotes utilizing immigrants to learn multiple languages: benefiting both Americans and immigrants by increasing mental health, making us a well–rounded community, and boosting American employability. Firstly, mental health improves dramatically for bilingual people. Studies show people with knowledge of two or more languages are smarter. Students who completed at least four years of foreign language study scored more than 100 points higher on each section of the SAT than students who took a half year or less (College Board 2004). Multitasking is another mental benefit gained from knowing a second language. According to a study from Penn State, the act of fluently alternating between languages is instrumental in increased multitasking abilities ("Juggling Languages"). Many people love to Get more content on