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Ice Detectors
0871ND Series
With over 50 years of ice
detection experience and
innovation, UTC Aerospace
Systems continues to be at the
forefront of icing technology.
Flexible, robust designs
detect ice in a wide range of
icing environments and have
demonstrated their success
around the world on both
aircraft and ground-based
UTC Aerospace Systems ice detectors do more than
just detect the presence of ice—they can be used to
calculate ice accretion rate and liquid water content
Operational Considerations
UTC Aerospace Systems ice
detectors are designed to meet
the demanding aerospace
requirements of RTCA DO-160
for environmental conditions.
These factors, as well as
droplet impingement and
unit orientation, should be
considered with each installation.
Software meets DO-178B,
Level A. Hardware development
follows DO-254, Level A
standards. The unit complies
with SAE AS5498.
7.8 in.
(19.8 cm)
3.3 in. dia.
(8.4 cm)
General Specifications
Connector		 D38999 / 24FD97PN
Power Consumption
Sensing Mode		 5 Watts max. at 28 VDC
De-icing Mode		 330 Watts max. at 28 VDC
Discrete Outputs: Customer-selectable output configuration
Ice			 Open / Ground
Status			 Open / Ground
Weight			 1.0 lbs. max. (0.46 kg)
Serial Ports		 RS-485 (RS-232 available with line level
Ice Detectors
0871ND Series
For additional information:
UTC Aerospace Systems
Sensors & Integrated Systems
14300 Judicial Road
Burnsville, MN 55306
Tel: +1 952 892 4000
Fax: +1 952 892 4800
4243A LIT 2/13
© Rosemount Aerospace Inc., 2013
Printed in the U.S.A.
The UTC Aerospace Systems name, logotype and
symbol are trademarks of UTC Technologies.
Benefits & Features
Frequency data allows multiple
calculations to be performed
Heated strut and probe provide
robust de-icing capability
The small size offers greater
flexibility for mounting and
Built-in test capability verifies
internal electronics are properly
Diagnostic information available
to aid failure troubleshooting via
serial communications
Compatible with aluminum or
composite skin
configuration of ice outputs
Ice Detection Sensitivity
Sensitive to less than 0.001
inches of ice
Customer-selectable ice signal
threshold (typically 0.020 inches)
Theory of Operation
UTC Aerospace Systems ice
detectors use a magnetostrictive
technology to drive the sensing
probe to resonate at its natural
frequency. As ice accretes on
the probe, a shift in resonance
frequency occurs. When the
resonance frequency reaches
the setpoint, an ice signal is
activated and the strut and
probe de-ice. The heaters
remain on for a predetermined
time once ice has debonded
from the probe to ensure the ice
is removed.
Icing Measurements
The rate of ice accretion on
ice detectors and monitored
surfaces—for example, wing,
tail, engine nacelle, etc.—
depends on a complex heat
transfer balance dependent on
many atmospheric and aircraft
parameters. By understanding
these relationships, ice detector
output can be used to activate
ice protection and stall
protection. It can also be used
to calculate ice accretion rate
and liquid water content (LWC).

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UTAS Model 0871ND Ice Detector

  • 1. Ice Detectors 0871ND Series With over 50 years of ice detection experience and innovation, UTC Aerospace Systems continues to be at the forefront of icing technology. Flexible, robust designs detect ice in a wide range of icing environments and have demonstrated their success around the world on both aircraft and ground-based applications. UTC Aerospace Systems ice detectors do more than just detect the presence of ice—they can be used to calculate ice accretion rate and liquid water content (LWC). Operational Considerations UTC Aerospace Systems ice detectors are designed to meet the demanding aerospace requirements of RTCA DO-160 for environmental conditions. These factors, as well as droplet impingement and unit orientation, should be considered with each installation. Software meets DO-178B, Level A. Hardware development follows DO-254, Level A standards. The unit complies with SAE AS5498. 7.8 in. (19.8 cm) 3.3 in. dia. (8.4 cm) PhotocourtesyEmbraer
  • 2. General Specifications Connector D38999 / 24FD97PN Power Consumption Sensing Mode 5 Watts max. at 28 VDC De-icing Mode 330 Watts max. at 28 VDC Discrete Outputs: Customer-selectable output configuration Ice Open / Ground Status Open / Ground Size Weight 1.0 lbs. max. (0.46 kg) Serial Ports RS-485 (RS-232 available with line level converter) Ice Detectors 0871ND Series For additional information: UTC Aerospace Systems Sensors & Integrated Systems 14300 Judicial Road Burnsville, MN 55306 U.S.A. Tel: +1 952 892 4000 Fax: +1 952 892 4800 4243A LIT 2/13 © Rosemount Aerospace Inc., 2013 Printed in the U.S.A. The UTC Aerospace Systems name, logotype and symbol are trademarks of UTC Technologies. Benefits & Features Frequency data allows multiple calculations to be performed Heated strut and probe provide robust de-icing capability The small size offers greater flexibility for mounting and installation Built-in test capability verifies internal electronics are properly functioning Diagnostic information available to aid failure troubleshooting via serial communications Compatible with aluminum or composite skin Customer-selectable configuration of ice outputs Ice Detection Sensitivity Sensitive to less than 0.001 inches of ice Customer-selectable ice signal threshold (typically 0.020 inches) Theory of Operation UTC Aerospace Systems ice detectors use a magnetostrictive technology to drive the sensing probe to resonate at its natural frequency. As ice accretes on the probe, a shift in resonance frequency occurs. When the resonance frequency reaches the setpoint, an ice signal is activated and the strut and probe de-ice. The heaters remain on for a predetermined time once ice has debonded from the probe to ensure the ice is removed. Icing Measurements The rate of ice accretion on ice detectors and monitored surfaces—for example, wing, tail, engine nacelle, etc.— depends on a complex heat transfer balance dependent on many atmospheric and aircraft parameters. By understanding these relationships, ice detector output can be used to activate ice protection and stall protection. It can also be used to calculate ice accretion rate and liquid water content (LWC).