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Unit III: Adding Styles
and Interactivity Using
  CSS and Javascript
•   The acronym CSS stands for?
•   What is the main purpose of the CSS?
•   CSS allows you to?
•   What is the basic syntax of the CSS?
•   What are the three styles of CSS?
•   Which style is known as the attribute style?
•   Which style is specified within the head tag?
•   It is a text file with .css extension.

CSS Properties
• To be able to design a Web page
  with CSS , one must know the
  different properties that can be
  applied via CSS. Most of the
  properties are very similar to
  HTML. All of the properties can
  be applied on all CSS style.
CSS Color and Background
Property         Description               Example
                   Sets the foreground
     color         color of an element   body{color: #FCC9814;}
                   Sets the background body{background-color:
 background-color color of an element            green;}
                   Inserts a background body{background-image:
background-image           image           url (“earth.gif”);}
                       Specifies how
                  background image will
                    repeat itself. It may
                    repeat horizontally
                    (repeat-x) vertically
                  (repeat-y) or (repeat)
                       or may not be
                  repeated (no-repeat) body{background-repeat:
background-repeat                               repeat-x;}
<body style= "background: green; color: white;">
Then type the text
<p style= "background: blue; color: white;">
Then type the text
<p style= "background: red; color: yellow;">
Then type the text
 <style type= "text/css">
 body{background: red url("deped.jpg") repeat-y
 center scroll;}
 h1{background:yellow url("deped.jpg");}
Property               Description                     Example
              Sets whether a background image is body{background
Background-   locked (fixed) or scrolls (scroll) along -attachment:
attachment                 with the page                    fixed;}
                Changes the default position (top,
                 left, corner) of the background
              image to any specified location. The
                   screen coordinates may be
                    indicated in percentages,
               centimeters or using the terms top, Body{background
Background-      bottom, center, left or right (eg.    -position: right
  position     25% 50% 5 cm 10 cm, right center).          center;}
                                                            : green
                Sets all background properties in       repeat-x fixed
background                one declaration.              right center;}
1. When setting background properties in one
  declaration, semi-colon (;) is only inserted at
  the end, before the closing curly bracket.
Ex. body{background: red url(“logo.jpg”)
  repeat-y fixed center;}
2. Do not use the color properties, when you
  used image as a background.
3. You can not use background-image properties
  when using inline style of css.
1. Write the full CSS code to set the body
   foreground to yellow and background to red.
2. Write the full CSS code to set the image
   wallpaper_1.jpg as background.
3. Write the full CSS code to repeat the background
4. Write the full CSS code to set the image position
   to the left.
5. Set the CSS Background Properties from no. 2-4
   in one declaration.
• Write the full CSS code to set the body
  background to green, foreground to
  white using inline style.
• Write the full CSS code to use
  “image_7.png as background and set the
  ff. values fixed, repeat-y, top right in one
  declaration using internal style.
1. body{ color: yellow; background-color: red; }
2. body{ background-image: url
3. body{ background-repeat: repeat-y ;}
4. body{ background-position: left ;}
5. Body{background: url (“wallpaper_1.jpg”)
   repeat-y left;}

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Css color and background properties

  • 1. Unit III: Adding Styles and Interactivity Using CSS and Javascript
  • 2. REVIEW • The acronym CSS stands for? • What is the main purpose of the CSS? • CSS allows you to? • What is the basic syntax of the CSS? • What are the three styles of CSS? • Which style is known as the attribute style? • Which style is specified within the head tag? • It is a text file with .css extension.
  • 5. CSS Properties • To be able to design a Web page with CSS , one must know the different properties that can be applied via CSS. Most of the properties are very similar to HTML. All of the properties can be applied on all CSS style.
  • 6. CSS Color and Background Properties
  • 7. Property Description Example Sets the foreground color color of an element body{color: #FCC9814;} Sets the background body{background-color: background-color color of an element green;} Inserts a background body{background-image: background-image image url (“earth.gif”);} Specifies how background image will repeat itself. It may repeat horizontally (repeat-x) vertically (repeat-y) or (repeat) or may not be repeated (no-repeat) body{background-repeat: background-repeat repeat-x;}
  • 8. BASIC SYNTAX OF AN CSS INLINE STYLE <html> <body style= "background: green; color: white;"> Then type the text <p style= "background: blue; color: white;"> Then type the text <p style= "background: red; color: yellow;"> Then type the text </body> </html>
  • 9. BASIC SYNTAX OF CSS INTERNAL STYLE <html> <head><title>CSS</title> <style type= "text/css"> body{background: red url("deped.jpg") repeat-y center scroll;} h1{background:yellow url("deped.jpg");} </style> <h1>Where</h1> </body> </html>
  • 10. Property Description Example Sets whether a background image is body{background Background- locked (fixed) or scrolls (scroll) along -attachment: attachment with the page fixed;} Changes the default position (top, left, corner) of the background image to any specified location. The screen coordinates may be indicated in percentages, centimeters or using the terms top, Body{background Background- bottom, center, left or right (eg. -position: right position 25% 50% 5 cm 10 cm, right center). center;} Body{background : green url(“earth.gif”) Sets all background properties in repeat-x fixed background one declaration. right center;}
  • 11. RULES 1. When setting background properties in one declaration, semi-colon (;) is only inserted at the end, before the closing curly bracket. Ex. body{background: red url(“logo.jpg”) repeat-y fixed center;} 2. Do not use the color properties, when you used image as a background. 3. You can not use background-image properties when using inline style of css.
  • 12. COMPUQUIZ 1. Write the full CSS code to set the body foreground to yellow and background to red. 2. Write the full CSS code to set the image wallpaper_1.jpg as background. 3. Write the full CSS code to repeat the background vertically. 4. Write the full CSS code to set the image position to the left. 5. Set the CSS Background Properties from no. 2-4 in one declaration.
  • 13. PERFORMANCE TEST • Write the full CSS code to set the body background to green, foreground to white using inline style. • Write the full CSS code to use “image_7.png as background and set the ff. values fixed, repeat-y, top right in one declaration using internal style.
  • 14. ANSWER 1. body{ color: yellow; background-color: red; } 2. body{ background-image: url (“wallpaper_1.jpg”);} 3. body{ background-repeat: repeat-y ;} 4. body{ background-position: left ;} 5. Body{background: url (“wallpaper_1.jpg”) repeat-y left;}